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Importing serial numbers

Import Serial Numbers into Zea Parts.
Last edited 74 days ago by Rob Haines
Note: Zea Parts documentation is currently a work in progress and is being actively developed. Some sections may be incomplete or subject to change. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to provide the most accurate and comprehensive information.

Applicable to:
Zea Parts
Organization Owners and Admins


Serial numbers uniquely identify manufactured products. By importing a spreadsheet of serial numbers and associated serviceable parts, users can search for specific items based on their serial numbers, ensuring precise identification of parts and assemblies within the 3D parts catalog.
Before importing serial numbers, ensure you have set up your parts by importing a Master Parts List or Service Bill of Materials (SBOMs).

Download the Template File

This file shows the required format of the Serial Numbers spreadsheet. Both columns are required.
53.8 kB

Open the Zea Sync Desktop App

Launch the Zea Sync app on your desktop.
Log in if required, and select the Organization and Workspace where you want to set up your parts catalog.
Choose Serial Numbers from the options.

Select Your File

The Master Parts List Settings dialog will open the first time you enter (if it does not open click ⚙️ in the top right).
Click on the Select file button
Browse to the location of your Master Parts List file and select it.

Explore the Interface

A) Toolbar

Refresh file button: Useful if you have made changes to the spreadsheet.
Status: This shows the current processing status, including any errors.
Process button: Click this button to sync to the Zea Platform.
Settings button: Access the Serial Numbers settings.

B) Preview

This is a preview of the selected spreadsheet. Use it as a reference when mapping fields.

C) Mapping

Header Row: The row containing the header columns.
Fields: This is where you map Imported Fields to Zea Part Fields.
Warnings: Any warnings for missing field mapping are show below the fields.

Set Header Row

Adjust this number when the first row in your spreadsheet does not contain the column headings.

Map Default Fields

Select the corresponding Imported Field from your spreadsheet that maps to the Zea Parts Fields below:
Serial Number: This column should contain the unique serial numbers for each part.
Service Part Number: This column should contain the part numbers for the serviceable parts associated with each serial number.
To determine the correct Service Part Number:
Use the Service Part Number from the Master Parts List or SBOM.
If there is no Service Part Number, use the Engineering Part Number from the Master Parts List or SBOM.
Learn more

Process Your Serial Numbers

Now that you have your fields mapped, it is time to process the file and sync you Serial Numbers to Zea Parts.
Click the Process button
If everything is correct, the Status will say Last import succeeded .
If there are issues with mapping, the Status will say Last Import failed . You can see Logs to identify the problem.
If you make changes to the source spreadsheet the status will say Local file change . In this case you may re-process the Serial Numbers if the change was intentional.

View Your Serial Numbers in the Zea Platform

Go to the Zea Platform and navigate to the Workspace that you synced your parts to.
Here you can see statistics for how many Serial Numbers have been imported.
Click on Zea Parts in the Workspace Dashboard
Click on the SERIAL NUMBERS tab in the top left.

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