This article shows how to modify pivots for groups from their default pivot
Last edited 417 days ago by Jacob Kresslein
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Illustrations Hub
When a group is created, a pivot point is automatically attached to the group and is used as reference when moving or rotating the group. By default, the pivot point is placed to coincide with the first object selected to be added to the group. There are cases when this is not the desired location for the pivot point. We provide two modes of editing the location of a group's pivot.
Editing Pivots via Direct Manipulation
Create a group.
Select Edit Pivot in the right Inspector Panel.
Drag the gizmo (by clicking the arrows, planes, or arcs) to the desired position.
Deactivate Edit.
Editing Pivots via Snap Action
Create a group.
Select Edit Pivot and the Snap option in the right Inspector Panel.
Click on an object in the scene to snap the pivot to another object.
Optional: Drag the gizmo (by clicking the arrows, planes, or arcs) to further modify to the desired position.