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Running Product at Brex
Team weekly

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Discussion topics

Updates, questions, and topics to discuss during our meeting. Expand the bullets and start writing meeting notes.



Top company priorities
As a quick reminder, across the entire company, our top 3 priorities are:
Kicking off Q3 planning
This week, we’re kicking off Q3 planning, please coordinate with your EM and D counterparts
Rough timeline
6/12: v1 Draft OKRs
6/19: v2 Draft OKRs (should be aligned w xfn partners)
6/26: Finalize OKRs + quarterly reviews
360 Feedback
As discussed, i’ll be collecting 360 feedback for everyone in June. I’m going to be emailing 5 people. Expect feedback to be compiled and delivered in July.
Acquisitions and interviews
We are trying to dramatically increase hiring in EPD in Q2 and Q3, this means that we will be increase out outbound outreach and pursuing a few acquisitions.
Everyone should prioritize hiring and interviews. Please work with Jessica to make sure you’re available to interview.
Please submit feedback ASAP. Looking at you Adam 👀
APM program
Lydia is opening up an APM role, only available for internal transfers. We have a few applications and will hopefully make a hire in July.
Please flag projects for Lydia. She will prioritize. Goal is to pick one key project for Q3.


Topic 1
A bunch of deep thoughts

Topic 2
More deep thoughts

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