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Coaches Onboarding

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Session Flow

The aim of our live lessons is to build intrinsic motivation for learning (desire to attend more lessons). We expect our coaches to model respect, a delight for learning, willingness to persevere through challenge, thus setting expectations for future sessions through action.

Pre Lesson Prep (10 min)

Check in ✅ on the coaches_team Slack channel that you’re online and ready to go (15 mins prior to your session)
Log in to your to access your sessions
Open all students’ current projects and ensure you’re familiar with the content & objectives of those projects. 👾
Go through some (CCQs) for that specific session, and familiarise yourself with some .
Have a 5 min meditation break 🧘‍♀️
Choose an opening / icebreaker and brain break you want to use for your session. Here are some . 🧠
Have the Weekly ready to share (icebreaker)
Make sure all tabs, and content for the lesson are ready prior to lesson start time.
Start Zoom meeting 2 mins prior to session start time to test that everything is working.

Session (1 hour)
Session (1 hour)
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Column 3
5 mins
Icebreaker / Opening

Share the (5min) and engage on interactive discussion
While kids start their coding, update your attendance on the Mindjoy platform. All attendance should be updated within the first 10 mins of the session.
25 mins
Coding time
Hands-on coding on projects
Support kids on their individual projects by monitoring their progress on their repl, adding threads, asking coaching questions & concept checking questions (CCQs)
5 mins
Brain break
This can be anything to get the blood flowing and mind off topic for a few minutes(i.e breathing activity, ask kids to get up and get something, exercises) (5min)
20 mins
Coding time
Hands-on coding on projects
Support kids on their individual projects by monitoring their progress on their repl, adding threads, asking coaching questions & concept checking questions (CCQs)
5 mins
Reflect + Review

Mindjoy Goodbye
Ask kids what they’ve learnt today and if anyone would like to share anything they’ve worked on. (Show & Tell)
End the session with “Thanks for coding with me today!” and say goodbye.
There are no rows in this table

Things to keep in mind:
Explaining new concepts in a clear manner (using CCQs)
Facilitating peer-to-peer learning
Encouraging curiosity, experimentation & hypothesis testing (using coaching questions)
Supporting students at their level & pace (balancing support & encourage own pace)
Making sure kids are having hard fun!

Remember to:
Rename the kids to their first name only (if there are two students with the same name, just add their last name initial)
Take some screenshots or notes of fun / “aha!” moments (you can type some emojis ⭐️ in the chat of a moment in the session you’d like to remember or celebrate); share these in the coaches_inspiration_station channel on Slack
Add threads to the projects to support, and acknowledge progress :)
Ask kids to rate their session on the Mindjoy platform end of the session

Post Lesson (5 min)

Review student projects & submissions
Complete Project Progress on Mindjoy platform
Complete Session Feedback Form
After each session, you will fill out the online Session Feedback form, which serves two main purposes:
For you to reflect on your coaching experience (what you’ve done well and how you’d like to grow as a coach)
Getting feedback on your experience so that we can celebrate wins and work on challenges together (this includes any technical challenges or other things that Mindjoy can support with, or celebrate with you!)

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