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Coaches Onboarding
Onboarding Missions

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Observation Session

Observation Session (1 h 15 min, virtual meeting)

🚀 Your missions:
Observe a session with another coach
Complete the session feedback form

🤓 Session prep with coach (15 min, virtual meeting)
You will be meeting with another coach right before their session so that they can explain how they do session preparation and get set up
You will receive a calendar invite to the virtual meeting
The coaching session will start right after you’ve done the prep with the coach (you can stay on the same Zoom call)

👩‍🏫 Live Session observation (1 hour, virtual meeting)
Introduce yourself to kids and say that you’re observing for this session
Observe the session and make notes of your observations

✏️ Post-session feedback
Complete post-session
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