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Coaches Onboarding
Onboarding Missions

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Co-Session (1 h 15 min, virtual meeting)

🚀 Your missions:
Observe a session with another coach
Complete the session feedback form

🤓 Co-Session prep with coach (15 min, virtual meeting)
You will be co-facilitating this session and will be meeting with another coach beforehand to discuss the content and facilitation details.
You will receive a calendar invite to the virtual meeting
The session will start right after you’ve done the prep with the coach (stay on the Zoom call)

👩‍🏫 Co-Session Facilitation Open Session (1 hour, virtual meeting)
The other coach will add you as a co-host of the meeting. You will be able to do breakout rooms and run polls.
Introduce yourself to kids and say that you’ll be the co-coach for this session.
You will be responsible for:
Co-facilitation throughout the session
Facilitating some of the elements (opening / icebreaker, brain break, or show & tell)
Taking screenshots

✏️ Post-session feedback
Complete post-session
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