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Search Onton

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Searching basics

Text search

Our search bar is bigger than one line because we support natural language. You can be descriptive, or feel free to keep using keywords. Our search results will return exactly what you’re looking for (if we have it).

Image search

Drop an image into the search bar or upload one by tapping the image upload icon in the search bar.
CleanShot 2024-02-02 at 23.02.10@2x.png

Filtering your results

All the filtering happens in the search bar. Are you looking for a certain brand, price, color, size, or material? Just tell it.
For example, try stuff like:
Couches under $2000
Chairs by Article under $300
Wooden Barstools
Dark blue throw pillows

Image view vs. Detail view

Want a more minimal experience? Tap the image view right underneath the search bar to clean everything up. ​

Quick view

We make searches more trustworthy by understanding products on a deeper level, but we also try to surface that information to you so you can make a decision more quickly. The quick view can save you from visiting tons of websites to make a decision. Click on a product to open the quick view and see photos, reviews, and more from around the web.


Onton tries to pull all the versions of the product together, in each search. We’re still in the early days of this, but if you see products stacked on top of each other, it’s because there are other variations you might want to consider. Size, color, material, and more.

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
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