
Interview feedback

Interview Feedback (questions)
Initial Reactions
What did you specifically like?
What did you specifically dislike?
How would you describe this to a friend?
You mentioned X process before. Could you see this tool being used to run that process?
Where would you see a product like this breaking down?
What would your main concerns be in implementing this product, internal buy-in, stakeholders, security?
How valuable would a product like this be? Very high value, High value etc.
Why did you pick this? We really see two value propositions. Integrations and tasks, which one of these is more valuable?
How much would you expect this to cost?
Misc Comments
Our comments
Misc Questions: Who in your org would actually be looking at the Kanaban View?
Misc: Did HIL resonate?
Krishna Chella
Customer Success Operations
It looks wonderful. How complete is this? Can you integrate with legacy applications? Hadn’t seen a product like this in the market
The diagram, no code IPaaS.
Sceptical that we can deliver the product. Especially at scale in an organisation like Freshworks. Breadth of integrations required.
A task automation tool.
Yes. Mentioned a process trigger when a file is uploaded into a Google Drive.
Would be challenging to get buy-in in an org like Freshworks given their size and the fact that they have engineering resources to use on stuff like this.
High value, potentially very high value over time as it spreads across an organistion
Not asked.
Is it per account pricing? Is it per seat pricing? What if it’s priced on a per solution basis? $2-3k
PJ Malokas
Head of CSG Operations
Not sophisticated enough in a lot of spaces. As an operations function we will be ready to start doing this. I could see this being hugely, hugely useful.
Integration piece he really likes. He likes the analytics idea. “How often is this used”.
Can’t think of a process off the top of his head. A ton of things that come and go. Nothing that immediately jumps out. Resource assignments. Pinging somebody over slack. Major processes are built out in Salesforce.
Medium value. If we were a little further along (not added a business process analyst yet).
Struggle to make use of this on a day to day basis.
Before we put something in Salesforce first do it in a GSheet.
Jan-Oliver Sell
Head of Operations
Played around with Ninox before. Still more code-y. This looks a lot closer than I would expect. I really like it.
Integration of a lot of tools. Ability to assign to a lot of people and leave them in their own tools. Visualisng the process in a structured way.
Not at this stage.
A visual process builder. Your message was a little bit cryptic. Didn’t understand your message.
Setting up German entity at the moment. In the middle of licensing application. As part of setting up a regulated entity there is a lot of risk controls. Monitoring risk controls is setting up calendar invites, writing into the invite. Calendar Invites.
Security for sure. It has access to so many systems. GDPR. Could actually be good for managing GDPR processes.
Tricky one. For someone in the space doing the work medium to high value. Saves time, makes processes more correct (no mistakes).
No idea.
Vincent Opitz
Revenue Operations
Looks quite interesting to me. I have set up Tubes workflows. Haven’t set up anything in Zapier directly. The workflow is the most important part. Very cool.
When you have a process and you need to work with data, finance, maybe marketing on rolling something out. If you can set up everything on this platform that would be great.
A straightforward tool to create workflow that conencts different productivity tools.
Revamping attribution model. This is something we need to work on with finance and marketing. We have created a project plan but you don’t see what it looks like on their end. Maybe this is where Yuzu could be interesting. You can see each contributor to the project, have they set up the google sheet. You can see each step of the project/process. Beyond that not sure what I would use it for at the moment. Using google sheet for lead scrubbing. Re-uploading it into Salesforce. Maybe setting up a marketing campaign, start with Marketo, need to see in Salesforce if the leads are populated correctly. Assigned to team members.
If you need to have something fairly customised. If you want to establish a lead assignment process from when the lead was received on the website to which rep handles the lead. Not sure how customisable
We are using many tools. I was shocked. At the moment there is very limited visibility into the number of tools. New CFO is looking very closely at the number of tools we bring in. If there is no the immediate need I’m not sure I would push for implementing that.
High value. To push it up you would have spotted one use case that is very relevant to me. If you addressed that use case.
Mark Najjar
Finance Operations Manager
Why is this different from Zapier?
Project management features. This is the core of the product.
In the right context it is high value.
Tommy Taylor
International Sales Operation
Looks pretty cool. Can come up with some use-cases in my head. You would run into GTM challenges. Marketing/Sales operations it’s a very noisy space. It’s more difficult to get budget for something that doesn’t drive more revenue. Any tool I want to buy (for myself) I find difficult. Processes change a lot. 1000 employee companies things are more stable. We don’t necessarily feel a paint, put Salesforce at the centre of anything.
Visiblity side. Kanban view. See where everyone is in the process. Take one look at the process, where are people getting stuck.
If you’re a company that struggles with processes and data going across different systems and you struggle to set up integrations between them. Allow you to make changes more easily.
For us lead routing isn’t important as we don’t have a huge volume. Maybe Docusign processes is the closes I can think of. Not a strong case. They have their own product and they try to bring that into Salesforce. Some companies they base on their consumption.
Security would be a big issue. If it was interacting with our own data we’d have to have a huge amount of confidence we were not creating any risk.
Medium/low value.
Cannot think of pain points that we are seeing. However I can see this being higher value to other companies. Last company marketing guys were doing a lot of Zapier connections.
Lead routing outside Salesforce. Customer Success. More in the early stages where we need the automation. Demo requirements done by Sales Engineering team. Don’t know much about that. That goes fairly well.
Andrew Gildin
Vice President, Channel Sales and Revenue Operations at Korbyt
I’m trying to think of a problem we have that couldn’t be solved in one of these various tools. I get the NPS one. Maybe customer references? At some point did they say they would be a reference? Tracking that data somewhere. Why do I want to be in here? I would have a reference section in Salesforce.
It seems easy to use. What you’re hitting on is the decision tree. That’s a really interesting functionality. If a lead comes in give the rep the decision to make themselves. Too much of a pain to build in Salesforce. No-code decision tree.
Gareth Drabble
Director of Customer Success, Northern Europe at Contentsquare
This would be really good for approvals. Cross team collaboration. It might be a priority for me but to get it prioritised.
The challenges is - how robust is it. Once you’ve set this up is it good to go. If you’ve
Casestudies are done in Airtable, Gainsight, Field Reports. Kickoffs, QBRs, Renewal conversations. Would be great for approvals (this is senior people). First one that came to mind was approval process for new deals. new business (upsells whatever it might be). That is really important. It goes up to a certain level. We don’t use Gainsight for this. Our operations team would own it. On the back of approvals being done that should trigger emails, order forms. The case study updates is another. Handovers - client signs, all sorts of teams need to be aware of it. We don’t have a good view of that process. For each team and where things are stuck. Sales team need to handover, implementation team, CS need to prepare Kickoffs & training. It’s done through Slack. Theyve built an implementation project management tool they’ve built in house.
This would be under the COOs budget. There are a few different operations teams. The main one sits underneath them. CS operations sits under the chief customer officer. Business case would be hard. It’s a less tangible benefit. TIme saved is hard to quantify. In order to do that you have to get some ROI number. Lean on the support ticket use case. Reduce churn, NPS.
High value.
Any normal period I’d say Medium/low value. The things that holds us backs is these human touches. Currently things need to be sped up significantly.
I’d really struggle to answer that. Probably 50k-100k.
Saydie Blanchet
Customer Success Operations
‘Biz Apps is under water’. ‘Biz Apps is backed up’. Skip over Biz Apps and we don’t have to work for them. A flow I’m working with is getting a webinar scheduled for a certain customer type in Salesforce. At the same time we do have an awesome BizApps team that can do that. Another problem I can see running into is that we have really messy data. We have our own NPS tool. To your point it’s a lot of engineering and backend work.
I like the idea of case studies (doing a big project for customer journey) for teams like marketing.
I am wary of system fatigue. We now operate out of Smartsheets and ClickUp.
It’s a system that interacts with multiple systems to build out operations for multiple teams.
Support Escalation. That’s a Q2 goal is to limit escalations and see why we are getting escalations. We don’t have a great way to track those. Including a type on Gainsight. See what actions that happened beforehand. That will come to our team. Working on a support escalation to ‘close the loop’ on escalated client.
High value. But it’s a nice to have. It’s an easier worklow. Would still have to get engineers. Nice to Have.
It’s a ‘nice to have’. It sounds like it can be done in other systems. We have to scrape for money to buy additional products. I think we could do it with other systems.
There would be a setup fee and a per-user fee. Duomo is $35 per user per month. And a setup fee - 1 to 5k to setup. Also a monthly fee for the platform.
We haven’t included Zapier that much. Simple processes.
Generally seemed a bit low-energy and not super into it. Claimed it was ‘high value’ but also a nice-to-have.
Helena Aryafar
Customer Success Operations & Project Manager
It does look useful (not super impressed tone). I immediately think of contract lapses. We are supposed to lock customers out of our tool. We can’t do black and white automation like that. Having that workflow documented and systematic. I’m curious tool if that can connect into a project management tool we already use (Jira). Can we use pull from Gainsight? How are the integrations being built out on your side?
Is it set up to notify me of anything? How is the user section of that? Can I as a user interact with it? Can you track time against those cards? So we can track human time. Take that back to leadership.
It’s an operations orchestration tool. It’s a neutral operations management tool.
I guess, it’s kind of internal things that should be automated. Customer shutdown process as it relates to our platform and Salesforce. Contract lifecycle - opportunity closing and sales contracts. Salesforce is not great at everything. When a contract gets cancelled or is modified, a cross sell occurring vs a renewal. If there’s a cross-sale follow these steps.
I don’t really see where it ‘breaks down’. So many orgs structure their operations teams differently. Tellium have a rev-ops team and have many different groups. Other teams that don’t have that built out. You would have use for this tool within their functionality.
I sit across many functions (She’s Rev Ops). Need to sell across all of these different functions.
High value.
The goal for us is to move towards eliminating humans. We had two people fully staffed to do what this software would be doing. Going between our platform, Salesforce, Gainsight.
It depends. If it’s just one operations person. It would depend on how you’re selling it. How would that work? Gainsight & Salesforce Nickle and Dime you about the users. It would be something companies shell out for. Cheap of that it’s no more than the cost of 1 more full time person. Charge for a set of workflows (10 - 50 for this price).
Gainsight has the ability to create ‘playbooks’. I don’t have visiblity on what they are doing in there though. This is effectively our insight into that without having to look into CTAs. Need to make sure this isn’t stand alone. We keep our teams organised in Salesforce. It is terrible. You can’t use it for anything close to this. I would worry about setting up teams. Archive of who’s been notified and when.
Alexander Stowell
Senior Manager, Customer Success Operations
Very Interesting concept actually. The app pops up with a question on login. There’s no good solution for us pushing that to a CSM. Cannot get NPS to a CSM which is a huge problem. Zapier is very difficult to use. Doesn’t do a great job telling you what the errors are. He looked at Workato the other day - maybe bad Salesperson.
No specific dislikes that he can think up. He would need to see another examples to see. The UI is really important to consider. They have an ‘automation’ skill set internally. Maybe a lack of technical people they’re hiring.
Taking chaos and organising at streamlining to how you want data and information you want to flow.
Right now we have an internal billing system we’ve built in house. All the data is stored in our internal product. We don’t have a good way to pull that and put that into Salesforce. How does data flow into billing and out of billing? I don’t know when a customer has gone over their plan.
How do you know when something isn’t working? Gainsight rules - they send an email to him but he has to figure it out. Needs to know about it in real time and fix it in real time.
How much engineering work is required? He has to take that into engineering. Making the eng lift very, very small. Removing them from being the barrier. He wants the power and control to go in there and make edits. Every request he has to send to engineering. The other thing he would look for is how much resources do we give you. Nailing that lifecycle, resources, documentation.
Medium value. High value in the case of billing.
His team has learnt how to automate as much as they can today. He would have to invest a lot of time up front. If this tool could solve the billing issue it would be ‘very high value’.
Lists all the different options... Anywhere from 10k-20k for him team directly to work on it. If more teams it would go 20k - 100k.
Workato reminded him of a different version of Zapier. Ours reminded him of Hubspot. It looked very straightforward.
Aurélien Saint-Miche
Customer Success Manager & Operations
You succeed to answer the issue. Maybe it’s just a detail. I’d share more information about the customer. For NPS we are struggling - running from Gainsight. Very simple to send it and get the answers. How do we share, how do we follow-up, and share with the relevant departments? Your tool answers this.
To me it’s pretty straightforward. I hate complex processes. They need to be simple. To me it’s straightforward. I would add more departments (professional services).
It has the same goal as customer success. It links every tool. To me CS OPS is the link between all of the departments. You don’t want companies to get new tools, use their existing tools. That’s Amazing. They made good choices by acquiring the tool they’re using now.
Well to me it can work with any process that includes more than one team. Including customer interaction. If this NPS submission would be product implementation. You need to share the customer specification to not only the implementation team, also the sales & billing & support team. You will be sending all this information. Your tool answers the question ‘how do we share, organise and define responsibility’.
You need to make sure that your customers really want to use the tool that they bought. That is not always true. Do they truly understand the value of the tool. You’ll need a sponsor in the company - someone that will train & explain how it works. It’s another tool so even if it’s automating processes it’s also adding processes.
High value.
If everybody follows the processes it’s high value. You can give people visibility on what they need to do, but you cannot make them do it. If this process and tool is understood perfect even Very High Value but that comes down to training and adoption.
I don’t even know. I’m the only Gainsight admin but I don’t know how much it costs!
I don’t want to multiply tools - we have Gainsight, Salesforce etc. We use ServiceNow for support. If you have other questions please reach out to me. Even if it’s in 6 months we can schedule another call.
Junior, but he got it. Changing company so hard to sell. Was keen to remain engaged, potential for sale at new company?
Asna Jadeja
Manager, Customer Success Operations
Assumption operations people are more technical than they are. There are 2 Salesforce admins to go around and that’s the extent of it. It looks great. I love the portion that turns it into a Trello board. That piece is really really important. In todays world we are not even using Slack for intake. We are using email for our intake. Thinking about how much things I could solve with this.
I would have to spend more time with it. Honestly no. How do I track how I go through this? These tasks are what I need. We are used to thinking in queues.
This is the exact tool that I would position to our sales operations team. What we have done is thrown bodies at problems in this organisation for too long. As I think about how we stop deteriorating morale (people working non stop on manual tasks).
Surveys are a good one for us. We do surveys for our professional services team. Everything there is manual. This is actually tied to peoples compensation plans. We could design this behind a wall. We create better efficency that we are paying out.
Approvals. That one is a little opaque for me. I hate going through an approval like that. For a company that is getting audited. Let’s say we are using this to do discounts on deals. We need to get audited against those. I’d love to take it out of Slack. It’s not the best mechanism for that. It feels opaque.
High value.
Very selfishly. I am the human for a lot of processes I don’t want to be in any more. What we are looking for is just some oversight. Some of the things we are desigin. To push it into Very High Value I’d need a lot of people onboard.
I’d expect a license model and tiered user.
The important part in designing this is gain the quality and trust in the tool. Make sure you have the right human points in the process
Very strong call. She was positive and she actually understood it 100%. Very High Value if it expands. That resonates with Tonkean marketing.
Matther Geber
Customer Success Operations Strategist
Is there a max number of steps for a process. If someone wants to see?
There are definitely times where I feel like I need a go-between. Until I can see how it can work in reality. He really like the idea of templates.
I guess maybe visually, I don’t know if it really pops for me. I’m sure you are really focused on the output. I don’t know if the page layout or anything is that good.
I would say that it’s the Salesforce Process Builder but it works across multiple tools.
I’m guessing if there’s a tool we use you don’t integrate with. You guys look like you handle a lot of integrations. Maybe if there are some field relationships, multi-select pick list in Salesforce.
Internal buy-in. We have a pretty good operations team that works together. Lots of people might think its more trouble than its worth to un-spool some things. The training is also a big thing.
Very High Value
If it works. Very High Value. Not having to go between multiple systems.
I guess it would be really expensive. It would be comparable to something like Workato.
With Workato we were trying to add people who submitted a survey to a campaign. We couldn’t tell Salesforce to only take certain types of campaigns. He’s using process builder a ton. One thing he likes about this is that he has to create multiple processes, but ideally in this it could be in one big process.
Very in the weeds. He can’t commit time at this point. It probably fits a need not just for me but a lot of people.
Meenakshi Ganesh
Director, Customer Success
Who is your target buyer? Who is the end-user? I like the views. I’m still not 100% sure if it fully eliminates the human-in-the-loop problem. It organises things better. You may need a few more use-cases. I can’t immediately visualise who in the organisation would orchestrate this in a way. How big of a problem are you actually solving? Biz-ops in general are a very unstructured area in general. There aren’t any clea structured journies.
A lot of the CS use cases are covered off by a tool like Catalyst. Being able to trigger automated emails from various inputs. Triggering workflows etc.For a CS Ops person, for the kind of problems we are fixing. Someone like catalyst are already doing it. Whoever is reviewing the score or feedback. Catalyst is solving this issue. You might even want to integrate Catalyst in the flow somewhere.
Again if you have a lot of approvals built into this flow, you will still need someone to approve, that’s where its USP will fail.
Medium/Low value
She brings up a very valid point. Does an Ops person want to be looking at a Kanban board? Not super interested as has just bought Catalyst
We’ve got a bot that pushes this into Slack in an NPS channel. We get them boom boom boom and literally the CSM directors have to be aware, they’ve got to be aware. And they’re not getting insights in real time. There isn’t anything going to marketing. We just hired a head of customer success. I would ping her. I could see where this could be valuable for her and her team. I want to know about this as someone in Sales.
Nothing stuck me as weird. I’m not familiar with project management software. For me I’m a Sales Leader that’s operationally focused. The dashboards look good. My Sales Ops admin would geek out over it.
My high level answer is yes. The AE engages with a client. The SE is involved, we use loads of spreadsheets and docs and drafts. Reviewing order forms, approvals from security team and legal team. Right now we manage everything through Salesforce and tasks and cases. We are literally hiring a consultant who just does this - change management and process automation.
Medium/Low value
Levon Sarkissian
Vice President Of Business Development and Enterprise
There is a lot of value in this. He described that he has a corrupted lead routing issue. They have a head of integrations.
To be honest it seems too easy. If it’s that easy it causes me to be a bit sceptical.
I wrote this down when it was happening. Automated PM software.
Managing customer feedback flows. We are getting feedback from NPS. We are getting it from support.
It would be very much like the presentation. How many people am I applying to change the lightbulbs. It would be the same pitch as why you should use Roadster. If you can throw any colour around engagement. Is it going to be a kitchen appliance and end up in the pantry. The toolset you presented to me now gets me pretty excited. And then of course cost. If you can show me in a very clear way how this is going to be accretive.
High value./ Very High Value
If you can assure engagement is high and people are using it. The most important thing to me is not how this things looks, but how people are using it.
Don’t know.
He’s going to connect us to Josh Hoe. Director of Biz Opps. The other thing that came up with me is how I can track the impact of these workflows on the org. Am I in the green or in the read.
Micha Schildmann
Head of Enterprise Solutions
NPS overview really good. The task overview was a little messy. How well I could really use it I would need to play around with it myself. Conceptually it makes a lot of sense. I’m wondering if a task management tool above an integration makes a lot of sense. The use case you had there makes a lot of sense. We have so many processes not defined, the templates would be super helpful. The process by company was helpful. All of our processes are documented in a Jira page. Long story short I think it creates a lot of transparency which is really important for us. It ties the different system together nicely. People always forgetting to send this email, send this survey. Would people get lost in reminders? We are already completely overwhelmed by reminders.
The whole Sales cycles. Contractual term agreements. Customer onboarding process. Kickoff, slide decks ready. Requirement gathering. He goes into a lot of detail here it’s hard to follow. NPS, next cycle.
High value./ Very High Value
Depends on implementation and usability
He responds favourably to having people use the tool in a deliberate fashion.
Josh Kovler
Head of Business Operations
I have example processes. We have one painful process - getting approvals for when we do marketing events or email blasts. Subset of clients.
No code is hard. I would need an admin for this. I would not have all of my ops people moved into here. I would then run it through my system teams.
I would use an example. Leandata for everything else. I can get back to you.
In terms of the approval process. Do people need to jump into this tool? Processes that come to mind immediately for me - our planning process, our OKR process. Our account management priority process. All of our deal-desk processes. We’ve had to build rules into CPQ. Our legal processes. That goes from Sales to, legal, to finance. Territory routing, approvals for moving accounts between territories.
High value.
There is a lot of investment on our side. When you get everything built I can’t rip SFDC out. It is expensive to administer.
It’s up to y’all. The bigger thing is pricing strategy. You can come in with a subscription. 50k a year I wouldn’t blink. 300k a year it would be a PITA. If you told me 200k I probably wouldn’t blink. 1 FTE/2 FTEs.
We should be using Mulesoft. I don’t want to fight for the budget.
Aleksander Mroczek
Principal of Global Operations
My general impression - was trying to figure out where this would fit in Sendrr. As a hyper-growth company. Even though we do have a lot of software. I’m not sure this would bring us so much value because the processes are not connected. What I was thinking was a product inside Sendrr. I see it being a little bit more valuable. I do really like this. I like the holistic view of the whole company. I haven’t seen something like this before. I’m not sure if there’s anything like this in the market already. I do think that this would be something for us in the later stages. We are now in the stages of defininig what we need. We do have a department called ‘operations tooling’ that looks into this.
Nothing came to mind. It was too short to get into the critical points. What I was thinking about is that it’s more similar but advanced than Miro. That might dangerous for you guys. Their process builder is pretty advanced.
NPS would be one. I would need to have a deeper look in different teams. I know we have a problematic employee onboarding. It is extremely manual. That’s a process where we would need automation.
Medium value High value. in 1 year
Go for the process design. If you recommend which tools for what. What is the best solution on the market. How to match all those softwares. The people that look into the ops tooling department research a lot. If you include in the process builder. Very good piece of work.
Christine McHone
Customer Success Manager (Operations)
It’s a friendly interface. Having access to more and more analytics is becoming more and more important for people in my role. In particular I’m focused on how this interacts with Slack. Have you been in touch with our developer relations team? His guidance and support on development of an App. They’ll provide tools & resources. They offer that kind of supports.
I view Slack as my single pane of glass. I don’t want to leave Slack at all. We have all of these apps and integrations. My curiosity would be how you create this flow in Slack. Design the process IN Slack. Make sure this communication is being funneld into channels automatically. For approval process within Slack there’s an emoji triggered actions.
We’ve got OKRs we are responsible for. I might have to build out a customer value story. Pull metrics from X time period, get this group. There are departments I need to reach out to. I go to Salesforce, log a product gap, are product gonna select it, or see it. Little ones like that. Of course we’ve got executive business reviews. Lots of different manual steps. Launch methodology. Depeneding on where you are at, if you’re wall-to-wall.
You want to make sure that if it’s no-code make it a little less scary. Think about somebody that’s an AR rep on the ground. Interface very simplified.
Very High Value if you don’t know what Slack is doing.Medium value if you’ve got already.
Sam Schuster
Business Operations Manager
Go back over and understand this.
Manages GTM Analytics. He uses ETL tooling to dump data in redshit, then read it into a tool (or a native integration) or he gets an engineer to build something. He has been surveying Tray, Workato, (he is also piping). Yours is the first tool that incorporates a manual part.
Ravikanth Vanamala
Business Operations Manager (ex. Gainsight)
It is very user friendly. We can align all the functions. It is very user friendly. It is very useful for the operations team to align with all the function in a single page, and also it can save 20% to 30% → I’m imagining my day-to-day operations, CS, Accounts team, Sales team. While interacting with them I spend time in Emails, Slack messages, coordinating them through the different channels. Here we have a pain-point. The communication part is very important.
I’m not sure → since it’s the beginning of interactions, hard to say.
The organisation that’s having multiple teams, not the typical manufacturing company. Product, based SaaS company would use this in the initial stages.
The specific team-related reports. He can’t think of anything specific example. They built an in-house CS tool, but this is a lot better.
High value.
It’s a question of mindset. Some companies may care about operations, some may not. So it totally depends on C-level management. Based on their experience and expertise they’ll decide to invest.
This product is must needed. He doesn’t use process builder all that much. Here and Gainsight they use that a lot.
William Dorn
Vice President Strategy, Upstream Product Management
You have the foundations of an incredible tool. What you have here is a simpler to use version of Microsoft Flow. I send a teams alert. I send an alert into Microsoft Tasks. Ultimately we take it through a series of steps to notify the product manager and the CS person who came up with an idea. What I’m seeing here is a lot of the same capabilities here but easier. I had to parse some JSON out to get the response. You’ve got a huge leg up on them there. The biggest two challenges I’d see is the ability to continue to integrate with god knows how many partners are out there. And then how do you differentiate enough that the price isn’t a barrier when up against a Microsoft product. Everyone with Covid is moving to these monolithic releases. Templates are a huge differentiator to think about the art of the possible. I love it - it’s very familiar to me which is both good and bath. As a potential buyer my concerns would be
What’s good for me - I did a very similar process to what you guys showed me in Flow. Yours looks easier. Even the left right navigation where you’re populating the flow.
From my perspective I’m handling ideation in Microsoft Flow. We are also doing one for an NPS. We haven’t spent a lot of time on that because we have a lot of initiatives going on. From an operations perspective - the triage of a legal process would be the status of an NDA. Someones role in redlining. Even though we have a full blown contract lifecycle management solution people still don’t use that for the redlining in a negotiation. If you could do some predictive reminders ‘you have got some process that’s been stuck here for X days’. Perhaps when you look at a marketing group that has release cycles, press announcements that are handled in GANT charts and Marketo. A lot of the times they are highly dependent on other groups like for screenshots. The assignment of work across departments.
Data security is number one in your mid-market and large organisations. JIRA & Asana are perfect examples of that. By default our engineers don’t have API connectivity turned on. Where does this data live? It’s definitely a question that would come up. More broadly I’d say I don’t know that a lot of companies have an operations group that is that involved in functions. You’d almost have to look for people that have a change management function. They’re not a proactive group unfortunately. That would be a questions I’d have for you. A change management would be a place to look. A lot of them are comp’d on their ability to drive efficiency. If you can get the consultant to get go in their with their toolbag. Maybe selling to consultants or private equity. I see the angle very well. What I’d look to do is diversify a bit. Pendo are baking NPS into their platform.
Medium value
It’s predicated on a couple things. Price and adoption rate. We did recently stand up a global programme management desk. What we’re finding is that they are reactive. They’re waiting to be brought in or told they need to do something versus actively seeking out and solving for it. Where I think if it could do more in the way of being proactive and suggestions and use cases or success stories that don’t just feel like marketing pitches. Help them on that journey ‘what do I do next with this thing’. That’s properly the hardest part.
Josh ??
I am incredibly impressed. You can easily see the direction they are going in but it feels very fragmented. Through this very very quick demo it is very cohesive. For me it’s always good to have roll-ups, additional context of what we’re doing and a wider goal. That gets into another are of KPIs and goal tracking. There’s a lot of micro tasks that roll up. Based on the inputs of all the teams that are involved. Highlight blockers with a given colour or something. There’s a need for a command centre. Since the platform is based around the teams becoming more efficient. If there’s a way for teams to benchmark how much improvement there is based on how things are getting completed. Based on that tap into AI and start recommending that. I’m super impressed. It is very well thought out.
The only thing that stuck out to me was a Trello integration. I would almost imagine that perhaps they would want to work out of that Trello view. Give them the option. A lot of companies the main blocker is not between the vendors and commercial platforms. That is always the last hurdle and is the last blocker. I’m relating it to the pain points are facing it right now. We’re writing back and doing a lot of syncing.
Jim Gray
VP, Global Legal Operations
Very specific feedback related to Sheets. Based on the experience of looking at Agilepoint one there’s a lot of different connectors. ?? Generally not making sense.
Handling user permissions or systems can be pretty hairy. Setting up these workflows can be very hairy if you get sucked into a tool and then stuck.
The biggest use-case is matter-triage. Take in service requests from the business and inserting them into (???). A lot of those systems have that capability anyways. Any self-serve request like NDAs. It varies across teams and regions. We are looking at using a ticketing system. Request and purchase orders - a lot of systems handle that. There’s a lot of different things you could do.
High value.
Assuming we have a plethora of connectors, drag and drop. That’s going to be what makes our system valuable. Obviously Microsoft, Salesforce. You need to have access to all of those things.
They use Microsoft Flow. They also have their own workflow in their SAP software. What we’re going after makes sense. We need to define the segmentation of customers that we are going after. Your success will come with small and medium enterprises (below 2000 employees) in the get-go. Your faced against corporate IT departments. Data protection laws as you know. Smaller companies in the US as a landing ground. Starting to roll that out would be a lot easier.
Need to look at Agilepoint. Legal looks like an interesting use-case. Confirmatory more than anything else.
Benedict Siemons
Head of Process Innovation
Gets human in the loop
Thinks it amazing, but needs to see many more use cases; like the templates; likes how clear the visualisation is; humans in the loop is strong
Kanban - grouping?
Aircall / ServiceCloud for CS.
Max Faun
This is what Okta’s target market would have been. SaaS companies. You require some aspect some kinda of a digital transformation for this to make sense. What you’ll find is one of the process link your going to work with is on-prem and won’t have APIs. Stuff like challenger banks. Gaming studios etc. It’s a very similar narrative to what I would say. Their business case would be exponentially bigger.
Don’t underestimate the consultative market. This is a very forward thinking SaaS company tool. It’s not a FTSE100 tool. What would be really cool if there’s some overt thing to display there’s a tool outside of our control. A human intervention box.
No but it’s hard to say after such a short demo.
Employee reviews. I have to go into Workday and fill in aload of shit. It sends an email to my VP in the US and he does some stugg. There are emails that are a ton of noise. They can go in and check it. At the moment you’re sending emails and it’s only two people. Also aspects of compliance. I know for a fact that when someone from KPMG comes in and audits. When did X get access to a system, why etc. That’s in Excel. Need logs etc.
Medium value High value.
This is not relevant for my job. Manual tasks are not relevant to me at all. I’m not the right person to ask. Put that to one side you have a hugely useful product. Just for you as a marketing effort.
Go and speak to newton consulting process improvement/operational consultants. Territory planning. You’ve got this whole window into the Sales world. You’ve got something cool here.
Chris Martin
You should speak to the Rev Ops team. If I didn’t have a revenue ops team I would need a tool for myself. When they’ve got that function set up. This is to get you to the point where you can’t justify setting up a rev ops team. Our Rev Ops team report into the COO not the CRO. I don’t think that’s uncommon.
Our Salesforce is a complete mess. When we need to bring. As a Sales leadership I don’t give a fuck how it’s sorted just get it done. This is what we need. That is pretty reflective of a Sales Organisation. We need to get a real understanding of our. I could definitely see use cases in an NPS. Acc. Mgmt report into the COO not the CRO. We are doing an NPS with our clients. I wouldn’t be consulted. Our SDRs report into the marketing team, but they use a lot of Sales enablement tools. Revenue ops sit across all those functions. Really you begin to have a team that have a rev. ops team. We are just hiring a Sales Enablement manager. There are way less of those people in the UK.
I was going to put you in touch with head of revenue operations. His name is Andreas Drachos.
Monika Juskaite
Global Program Manager, Customer Strategy & Operations
I think the whole UI and visual part of building this flow chart is really nice and easy to understand. Seeing some concrete examples is great. Also seeing the platforms seeing like Zoom and Teams creates trust in the software.
Nothing on top of my head. We’d have to dig deeper. If we would buy this kind of tool we’d expect a lot of education and best practices.
Process optimization software that integrates into a lot of different tools you currently use. Replaces all the tasks and follow ups.
We work a lot with partners who are handling implementation of our software with clients. They are separate companies that require a lot of coordination. Honestly every internal process I could think of. Short-term projects.
We are not really central with these things yet. I’d probably have to go to the chief customer officer who would tell me to go to the COO.
High value.
There is still a lot I don’t know about the software. It seems very flexible, it could be used all kinds of processes. Internal, external all sorts of stuff. It would be a very universal tool.
That totally makes sense and I really like that it’s part of the demo. There’s going to be exceptions so how do you handle those exceptions.
Estelle Jacquemard
Director of Operations
It’s not relevant for me, but I can see that it would be valuable. Most of the processes we have are manual. We don’t use data, or have data. The processes that we have to build a programme e.g. cooking classes, going to the broadcasting. We have too many processes that are one-off or unique.
Not relevant. All her processes are 1 off - e.g. organising cooking classes.
Stephen Noone O'Connor
VP Customer Success
He mentions pricing and discounts as possible applications. He specifically says he uses the feedback collection as a great example. It has the most tentacles throughout our organisation. It could also work for support, if someone needs to be tagged in and sync that information over. The account score is not fully customisable, it’s a hard rating system. Part of this has changed to fire this.
It’s going to depend on the maturity of the business you’re talking to. If you have a Salesforce developer at your disposable or have Gainsight. The change management is going to be tough for the big ones. Who doesn’t want to drag and drop rather than talk to a guy. It solves a problem for those folks but they’re going to be reluctant to move.
He didn’t have much time to process it.
Sharanya Rajan
Senior Manager, Strategy & Operations
At Bain I noticed the work around NPS and it was always really painful distributing that information around the business.
I like how it streamlines the whole processes. I can imagine for whoever is managing these processes would find it really useful.
A couple of months ago we thought about how we position ourselves internally. Once that was done we worked with the product team to figure out how to organise the product team. Rambling buzzword bingo.
Greg Garte
VP Finance Operations
Honestly from a UX standpoint this is very straightforward to me. You wouldn’t have had to show me this data. From a pure usability standpoint. Without security accredition it wouldn’t be possible. But once you have that let me know.
We have a handoff problem between Jira and marketing + the GTM side. Especially as we scale beyond a couple of hundreds to thousands employees. Hiring approvals takes a long time and is super manual and if one person is out the office you wait a week. Roadmap reconcilliation, how much resource do we have, optimizing the hiring plan against. FP&A wouldn’t work in a tool like this. If we were some simple SaaS the answer would be yes.
High value.
I wouldn’t be able to drive this tool alone. The way I talk about operations is the connective tissue of a company. This is a tool that extends that tool in a meaningful way.
Planful charge is $25k, Jellyfish cost $45k. It also depends on our stage as there’s discounted pricing. Fair market value is $30k to $50k.
‘Thats a really smart way to go, otherwise you’re going to be fighting an uphill battle. On the point about having people working out of our tool
Speed was the best value proposition. It can cost us a quarter million dollars to move our.
Khee Lim
Head of Operations EMEA
It looks good - thanks so much for saving. There are definitely processes in my team I could imagine using this. Celebrating, commending good riders or notifications/warning for bad riders. There’s also interesting applications in rider scheduling. Having Patrick or Yash saying he’s sick triggering us to take something. With a process flow like that it codifies. There
One thing I’m not super clear on is how complex or simple are the process you are trying to fix with this tool. I can see it being a useful tool for individual rider follow ups. There are things like ad-hoc coordinate e.g. 500 riders to get vaccinated. For now I see a lot of utility in the later.
For example when riders are quarantined due to covid or going for testing. Effectively to continue working they need to have approved they have the fit-for-work test. Human element to review that fit-for-work.
Medium value High value.
It depends on the cost. And how the cost structure is setup. Multi subscription basis. On a user basis. That impacts how I think of value. Agnostic of the cost it’s between 3 and 4. This tool allows a very clear documentation is great. When things nobody updates that process. I also do think in a world where it’s a role-based thing. All these human touch points used to be done by Yash so now it’s Patrick. Clarity on that.
All the engineers and product teams are in central, London HQ. They are mostly focused on product (the rider app and logistics algorithms). Estimations and fees estimations. To be frank there is definitely space for internal tooling on a local level. They can’t get engineers. 6 months ago I could have bought this. If we were to engage a company like this we would make a trial, build a business case, compliance, tech procurement, finance & strategy, procurement. Info protection and cost. One that contend that on Slack it is actually quite hard to follow up. Trello is your todo list.
Good interview. ‘Real world’ applicability definitely there.
Yes. There is some human elements definitely.
'I cry when I see my team doing these (manual) tasks’. ‘I don’t have access to central engineering’.
Person-by-person view of tasks (linked to in Slack).
Roie Telyas
VP of Operations
There are many processes that require multiple teams so if you can create a rule to send a slack message to a bunch of teams it would be very helpful.
It’s very simple and straightforward.
Maybe what’s missing is more of guiding the user on how to do it. It’s not self explanatory on how to do it. Maybe it would be good to have some guidelines. Does that relate to Sales? Start with Salesforce. Guiding the user on where to go would be great.
I would say it streamlines complex processes in a simple way.
A ton. I had these issues in the past - NPS is just one example but it’s not the biggest one. All the HLP processes are always hurting. Following up on a ticket in Zendesk, onboarding customers. There are many things we are dealing with every day. RMA (return merchant authorization) - if you have a product that is faulty. We need to ship them a new product, they ship us a product to investigate what goes wrong. QA team, support team. Customer followed up with the support team and there were so many hands involved in getting this answer. If you can streamline the process here that helps these different teams to work together. How I’d do it in your platform - I’d start in Zendesk. If RMA ticket is created. Then we’d ask supply chain in Netsuite. All the people needed to be involved for that one question. I think it can save a lot of time and money for the company. The main gatekeeper is who? If I answered you it’s the head of customer experience, but then it’s the supply chain team who might argue. I’d guess this is a couple of hours per lock. There are 5 to 10 a week.
High value.
With the tweaks I mentioned I’d give it a 4.
There are so many ways to assess this questions. It comes down to ROI. If this can prove to me it saves me time I’d be willing to pay a lot.
On a scale of 1-10 how painful this is? It’s very painful, she wrote a very long painful on how frustrating it is. The user is not going to be me. The vision is definitely in the right place. Just show the company how much you are saving them in labour hours or money. Then it’s a no-brainer.
‘Operators don’t have the same knowledge or access to engineering resource. If you can simplify it for them it will gain more traction.’
Krishna Prasad
Director, Product Success
So if I were to look at this, what I’m trying to understand is... Salesforce is something available, from lead until closure. There’s a little big of Slack integrations I’ve seen. From an executive ask, they would want to see. What I’m thinking here is it a pull or push model? Let’s say there’s 100 customers who’ve taken a survey. These are 10 customers who didn’t rate us well. Let’s say we
I would like to know when a customer is unhappy. When we get a bad NPS score I need that message not to go to their ops, can we write rules here assuming if the NPS is bad then it gets routed to that respective department, then goes into a Jira ticket itself. Then an automated response goes back. You could do an automation here. A lot of customer data is silo’d which means if we’re not getting positive sentiments those negative sentiments are in a manual task. The sentiment analysis is zero value. Any data that we come across should trigger an action if it’s a +ve or -ve sentiment. I’m leaning towards hiring as an example process. The biggest challenge is (irrespective of if you are using workday etc) connectivity. The recruiter has their own google sheet, HR in workday, information lost.
Emel Idriz
Senior Manager Sales Operations
You mentioned process builder in Salesforce. Sometimes it’s difficult because it does require you to be a little more analytical. However here in your demo you don’t get bothered by it, you just go through steps. We use a lot of Outlook so I could see it fitting in here. We use primarily Office 365, message in Teams. An action could trigger a notification for someone.
Another point is the user interface. It was pretty slick. Salesforce is too much sometimes. It’s a lot of options and you spend time trying to figure out what is better. I liked how simple it was here. I believe that some of those are customised. I’m all in for simplicity. You have the navigation bar that I’m in and want to specify a certain step. It was really good.
Definitely we have something we call closing check. Since we are the controllers making sure the deal can be acknowledged as closed. We check all the data inserted by sales rep is right. We got to finance and update them. We go to customer success. We have processes for collecting references for customers. It’s quite high coordination. We go and reach out to the success team. Can you suggest us candidates to talk to. That would be a good candidate. They are very repeatable. We have a workflow in Salesforce but there are manual interventions. I can see us using a tool like this in conjunction with Salesforce. I would do a certain action in Salesforce but I would need to go to Teams or Outlook.
Well literally it’s - if we found something we’d run it by our IT. We would do a quick evaluation into what it does and what it would replace. Checking the price, scalability. We would need to prove the value across teams. Make everyone see themselves using it - where would I fit, how would I use it. If they can see it could be applied across the company.
High value.
Despite the efforts to automate processes. It very much depends on the culture and mindset of the company. We tried to automate certain things in Salesforce. They wouldn’t like it.???
A little higher than a project management tool. You offer analytics and reporting.
She is up for trying out a beta. She’s super up for it (at least in the call).
Project Management is off. Push it into Jira. It’s difficult enough to keep teams on-pace within a project management tool. The context of this is cool. Just in terms of seeing this stiched together. Being able to respond in-text.
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Misc Questions
Who in your org would actually be looking at the Kanaban View?
Feature Ideas
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It would be great to just run through them one by one to get your feedback. Please be 100% honest, this is a discovery call for us so it’s only useful if you give your unfiltered honest thoughts.
What are your initial reactions?
What did you specifically like? (Anything else?)
What did you specifically dislike? (Anything else, how to improve?)
How would you describe this to a friend?
You mentioned X process before. Could you see this tool being used to run that process?
(If not asked). How are you managing that process now? What are the issues with that?
Where would you see a product like this breaking down?
What would your main concerns be in implementing this product, internal buy-in, stakeholders, security etc?
What value do you see this product providing?
How valuable would a product like this be? Very high value, High value etc.
Why did you pick this?
How much would you expect this to cost?

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