Does this product have product market interest? Use this to narrow down how to communicate your offerings to those interested.
Meet people where they’re at today
The Goal: Test, _____, Iterate
Step One: Understand online and offline, where the human beings you serve congregate
Be specific! Business people congregate everywhere. What kind of business people are you targeting? Where are they?
Bonus tip:
Mention: Sell it like Serhant book by Ryan Serhant (breaks down sales strategies)
Step Two: Your goal is to figure out how you can deliver presentations that show people* you in your element. *People who you want to hire you
What are you doing to make sure your speaking style/presentations match your personality
Step Three: Generate meaningful conversations
Play with an abundant mindset.
People who aren’t buyers today, can be buyers tomorrow
Banner: use it to offer your elevator pitch + social proof
Profile photo: keep the crop tight to show your face, not full torso - You can add a profile video (30 seconds)
Name pronounciation: Ravi uses it to pitch and tell people to follow
Headline: use your headline to tell people how you help people → use your headline to insert a few keywords that your customers would search for
Featured: you can use this area to pin attention grabbing graphics to link to
Activity: be conscious of what shows here as your posts and comments
About: Tell a story
Recommendations: Be conscious of what’s here.
Posting: be consistent. don’t post multiple times a week if you don’t have content for the following weeks. Once per week for 8 weeks is better than 8 times in one week
make these columns
Bucket One: Decision Makers - people who can directly book me to speak
Bucket Two: Influencers - people who know the right people to book me to speak
Bucket Three: Feedback - people who are in my industry and resemble the DNA of the people I can help
How to approach bucket one: don’t sell something you’re not. Earnestly share that you’re working on something and would like to introduce them to what it is and see if there’s a fit
“Last time we spoke, you specifically mentioned x, y, z. I’ve got this thing. It’s in beta. I’d like to set up some time to discuss with you and discuss how I can help your people.”
How to approach bucket two: (sample pitch in deck) Make it as easy as possible for them to introduce you to someone else
How to approach bucket three: ask them for their unfiltered feedback.
TASK: in the next 24 hours, reach out to everyone in your list. Keep it short, and focus on them
Add people into your pipeline
Five Stages of a Speaking Pipeline
Lead-in (when you contact them)
Contact made (when they contact you back)
Phone meeting
Contract Negotiation (Closed Won + Closed Lost)
Pipedrive — pipeline platform Ravi uses. Whatever tool works for you is the one to go. It doesn’t matter which, just have a system that you go to for all your communication stages
Watch the “Master Your Speaking Pipeline” course by Erick Rhea (in dashboard) - it’s a few hours long
Optimize your LinkedIn profile
Purchase CRM
Plug in your five prospects in the “lead-in” stage
Make initial contact (via email or LinkedIn) with each prospect before our next session (do this first to make sure you do it!)
Post to help how we communicate when reaching out →