Yair AvalosProject Management has been created, this task will be continuously updating and monitoring until the project ending
Define Products and Categories
Yair AvalosThe purpose its to define the web page functionality according with the Business Logic
Define Basic Functions and Operations to perform
Front-End Wireframes
Yair AvalosDefine main flow, main views and navigations from user point of view
Back-End Database Diagramming
Yair AvalosDefine Tables, relations and constraints for Django Modeling
Django REST Installation and Setup
Yair AvalosRequirements Installation Django REST Apps
Yair Avalos Yair AvalosThis activities are done until projects its finallized
Database Back-ups Repository Yair Avalos/api/users/purchase_orders - ok /api/users/shopping_cart - ok /api/shop/product_catalog - ok /api/shop/product_stocks - pagination Django REST Serializers
Yair AvalosDjango REST Views
Yair Avalos/api/users/purchase_orders /api/shop/product_catalog /api/shop/product_stocks → Pagination Django REST Models
(Database Migrations)
Yair AvalosApp_User_Mgmt/user profile App_User_Mgmt/user purchase App_Shop_Mgmt/product catalog App_Shop_Mgmt/product stock App_Shop_Mgmt/product logistics Django REST Authentications and Permissions
Yair Avalos Yair AvalosWe need a minimum of data in order to have back-end functionality and validation tests as well
Load Database with Business Data Yair AvalosCreate a collection into Postman with all the back-end´s end-points
Yair AvalosWhat would be the layout template that would be repeating every time
Landing Page
Yair AvalosRegister Form
Yair AvalosLogin Form
Yair AvalosCatalog Main Page
Yair AvalosCards config according to json - models User Shopping Cart
Yair AvalosQty, iva, subtotal, grand total User Purchase Order
Yair AvalosTable with Purchase Orders Yair AvalosJavascript Template for API Fetching Ajax Catalog Retrieve
(Including Stock Status)
Yair AvalosRetrieve data from Back-End Add functionality to cards Notify with a Badge Purchase Cart Ajax Login
Yair AvalosForm post to login end-point Ajax Register Form
Yair AvalosForm post to login end-point Ajax Shopping List
Yair AvalosButton “Add” to Shopping cart Post new shopping list to Back-End Ajax Purchase Order
Yair AvalosRetrieve Purchase Order Status POST to Create New Job Id or PO Ajax POST Containment Action
Yair AvalosDue to POST fectch cancellation we have to make a 2nd request in order to validate execution Do the first testings before to release it
Yair AvalosDo the full navigation test and validate the project as a whole
Release according with Git-Flow
Yair AvalosMerge Features to Dev and Dev to main