
Robert's Rules Scripts

Main Motion
State the Question
It is moved and seconded that (to) __________ .
Handle Debate
Put the Question
Take the Vote
Those in favor say “aye.” [pause] Those opposed say “no.” [pause]
Primary Amendment
State the Question
Handle Debate
Put the Question
Take the Vote
Those in favor say “aye.” [pause] Those opposed say “no.” [pause]
If Affirmative Majority
The ayes have it and the secondary amendment is adopted. The question is now on the primary amendment as amended.
If Negative Majority or Tie
The negatives have it and the amendment is lost. The question is now on the main motion.
Secondary Amendment
State the Question
Handle Debate
Put the Question
Take the Vote
Those in favor say “aye.” [pause] Those opposed say “no.” [pause]
If Affirmative Majority
The ayes have it and the secondary amendment is adopted. The question is now on the primary amendment as amended.
If Negative Majority or Tie
The noes have it and the secondary amendment is lost. The question is now on the primary amendment.
State the Question
Handle Debate
Put the Question
Take the Vote
Those in favor of sustaining the decision of the chair say “aye.” [pause] Those opposed to sustaining the decision of the chair say “no.” [pause]
If Affirmative Majority
If Negative Majority or Tie
State the Question
The member will state his/her point of order.
Handle Debate
Member describes point.
Announce Result
Previous Question (Call the Question)
State the Question
It is moved and seconded to order the previous question. Ordering the previous question will end debate.
Put the Question
Announce Result
If 2/3 in Affirmative
If more than 1/3 in Negative
There are less than two thirds in the affirmative and the motion for the previous question is lost. The question is now on ________.
State the Question
Announce Result
State the Question
It is moved and seconded to suspend the rules and/to __________ .
Put the Question
If 2/3 in Affirmative
If more than 1/3 in Negative
There are less than two thirds in the affirmative and the motion is lost. The question is now on ...
Amend Adopted Agenda
State the Question
Handle Debate
Put the Question
Take the Vote
Announce Result
AmendSomething Previously Adopted
State the Question
Handle Debate
Put the Question
Take the Vote
Announce Result
If Negative Majority or Tie
State the Question
Handle Debate
Put the Question
Take the Vote
Announce Result
If counted: There are __ in the affirmative and __ in the negative.
If 2/3 in Affirmative
There are less than two thirds opposed to the motion. The assembly will proceed to the orders of the day. The next item of business is _____.
If more than 1/3 in Negative
There are two thirds opposed to the motion. The assembly will not proceed to the orders of the day. The question is on _______ .
Commit or Refer
State the Question
It is moved and seconded to refer the motion to _________.
Handle Debate
Put the Question
Take the Vote
If Affirmative Majority
The ayes have it and the motion is referred to ___. The question is now on _____.
If Negative Majority or Tie
The noes have it and the motion to refer is lost. The question is now on the main motion, which is _____.
Consider by Paragraph
State the Question
Handle Debate
The motion to consider seriatim is not debatable, but it can be amended. Are there any amendments to the motion?
Put the Question
Take the Vote
If Affirmative Majority
If Negative Majority or Tie
Divide the Question
State the Question
It is moved and seconded to divide the question so as to consider separately __________.
Handle Debate
The motion to divide the question is not debatable, but it can be amended. Are there any amendments to the motion?
Put the Question
The question is on dividing the question so as to consider separately __________ .
Take the Vote
If Affirmative Majority
If Negative Majority or Tie
Lay on the Table
State the Question
Handle Debate
Member gives reason. If to kill motion: It is out of order to lay a motion on the table in order to suppress the motion without debate. If to address something else: It is moved and seconded to lay the pending question(s) on the table.
Put the Question
If Affirmative Majority
If Negative Majority or Tie
The negative has it and the motion is lost. The question is now on _____.
State the Question
Handle Debate
Put the Question
Are you ready for the question? The question is on the adoption of the motion that debate __________ .
Take the Vote
If 2/3 in Affirmative
If more than 1/3 in Negative
State the Question
Handle Debate
The motion to limit or extend limits of debate is not debatable, but it can be amended. Are there any amendments to the motion?
Put the Question
The question is on the adoption of the motion that debate __________ .
Take the Vote
If Affirmative Majority
If 2/3 in Affirmative
Postpone Definitely (to a Certain Time)
State the Question
Handle Debate
Put the Question
Take the Vote
Announce Result
Postpone Indefinitely
State the Question
Handle Debate
Put the Question
Take the Vote
If Affirmative Majority
The ayes have it. The main motion is postponed indefinitely. The next item of business is ______________ .
If Negative Majority or Tie
State the Question
The member will state his/her question.
Handle Debate
[Explains question of privilege].
Announce Result
Recess (with business pending)
State the Question
It is moved and seconded to recess for _____ minutes [or until _____].
Handle Debate
The privileged motion to recess is not debatable, but it can be amended. Are there any amendments to the motion?
Put the Question
The question is on the motion to recess for _____ minutes [or until _____].
Take the Vote
If Affirmative Majority
If Negative Majority or Tie
Recess (with no business pending)
State the Question
It is moved and seconded to recess for _____ minutes [or until _____].
Handle Debate
Put the Question
Take the Vote
If Affirmative Majority
If Negative Majority or Tie
The noes have it, and the motion is lost. The question is now on “__________________ .” The meeting will come to order. The time of recess has expired. The question is on __________ .
State the Question
Handle Debate
Put the Question
Are you ready for the question? The question is on the motion to reconsider the vote on ___ .
Take the Vote
If Affirmative Majority
The ayes have it, and the vote on _____ is reconsidered. The question is now on _____.
If Negative Majority or Tie
State the Question
Handle Debate
Put the Question
Take the Vote
Announce Result
Take from the Table
State the Question
It is moved and seconded to take from the table the motion relating to ____.
Put the Question
If Affirmative Majority
If Negative Majority or Tie

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