. The document is built on personal experience and knowledge, and feedback from the SEO community is welcomed.
Step 1: Prepare Website Information
Create a form to collect information about the website that needs a Profile Entity.
Step 2: Create and Optimize Social Profiles
Use a template to create social profile accounts for the website.
Fully update each profile with the following information:
Cover photo
Contact information
Synchronize profile information across social networks.
Step 3: Store Social Profile Information
Store the social profile information including:
Profile links
Ensure the information is stored securely and safely.
Step 4: Check, Optimize, and Stack Social Profiles
Check the created profile links.
Stack social profiles:
Interlink the social profiles.
Cross-link the profile links with each other.
Step 5: Clean Links and Force Indexing
Clean the created social profile links:
Use tools to clean the social profile links.
Copy all profile links to a separate sheet and delete all old links.
Add new links.
Force index the profile links:
Recheck the profile links and force index using Sinbyte or Blog/Web 2.0.
Implementing an effective Profile Entity SEO requires a systematic and scientific approach. I hope this slide deck will assist SEO practitioners in deploying successful strategies.
Refer to additional materials on Profile Entity SEO.
Use Social Profile Entities judiciously to avoid spam or penalties from Google.
Experiment and adjust strategies to fit your website.
This document and slide deck are shared for free for educational and reference purposes. The author is not responsible for any damages to your website resulting from the application of these techniques.