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In order to set up your Lily account, you'll need two key pieces of information from your Cloudflare account: the Cloudflare email associated with your account, and the Cloudflare Global API key.
Here is a step-by-step guide on where to find these details:
Cloudflare Email
The Cloudflare email is simply the email address you used to sign up for your Cloudflare account.
If you don't remember the exact email you used, you can find it in the account settings. Here's how:
Log into your Cloudflare account.
Click on the avatar icon at the top right corner.
Select 'My Profile'.
Click on the 'User Details' tab. Here you can see the email associated with your account.
Cloudflare Global API Key
The Cloudflare Global API Key is a unique identifier which allows you to interact with Cloudflare's API. Here's how to find it:
Log into your Cloudflare account.
Click on the avatar icon in the top right corner.
Select 'My Profile'.
Click on the 'API Tokens' tab.
Scroll down to the section titled 'API Keys'.
Next to 'Global API Key', click on 'View'.
For security, you'll be asked to enter your Cloudflare password again, and possibly complete a CAPTCHA challenge.
After verification, your Global API Key will be displayed.


Note: Remember to keep your Global API Key secure, it's just like a password. Anyone who has your Global API Key can make changes to your Cloudflare settings, so do not share it with untrusted sources.
Once you have these details, you can proceed to enter them into your SaaS automation tool to set up the integration with Cloudflare.

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