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Vishal's Portfolio
Projects and Case Studies

Setup Ecommerce Store for Clothing line


Rangrez is a family business national brand manufacturing designer wear for women. I took initiative of taking them online with their own e-commerce store.


I failed in expanding it, I was able to get all the e-commerce store setup and started receiving orders but Customer Acquisition and maintenance was higher than Lifetime value of customers
So in few months we decided not to continue.


This made me realise that even-though e-commerce works for someone, not to jump directly before identifying the niche and getting customers
Market study and testing the idea is more important than investing money into final idea
Had I asked few members and studied what was happening with e-commerce stores and talked to few apparel brands on Shopify, I could have made a wiser decision of how to approach the launch instead of directly investing money in setup
This changed my perception of Product-Market fit first, Scale-up second.
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