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Matthew Temple

Software résumé


I have twelve years of design and development specializing in intelligent software
My pay requirements are $150k/year or $100/hour
I live with bipolar-type schizoaffective disorder and tardive dystonia. I work from home
Hire me in conjunction with . Use my open source AI library for free and pay me by the hour to help you get started

My work

I invented AI algorithms that extend genetic algorithms using original techniques like 3d crossover
I discovered many new types of 1-dimensional cellular automata, extending the work of John von Neumann and Stephen Wolfram
I invented a cultural genetic algorithm which uses geographic environments to improve genetic algorithm performance by introducing the dynamics of natural partitioning of solutions





Invented, designed, and developed AI tools for classifying gameplay data. Utilized genetic algorithms, Bayesian methods, and exotic evolutionary techniques that I invented
Using my concepts, created an embedded system for replacing traditional interview-style assessments with action-based assessments
Invented a generalized inference system
Designed and implemented a more like this search engine
Worked with Harvard University scientists to make software that measured metacognition in RPG gamers
Put in place automated measurement of cyclomatic complexity to improve code testability and reliability
Wrote a regular expression engine extending regular expression syntax and using fewer than 1,000 lines of code


Invented, designed, and developed realtime product monitoring. Used 24/7 in the LN command center to monitor software and hardware and proactively suggest when new resources are needed before performance problems occur
Wrote parts of, a legal database
Solved performance problems by re-architecting the server model of Circumvented unavoidable memory growth problems by implementing periodic server quiesce and restart


Created the ability to have a cross-platform work area so developers could work from Sun and Windows machines in the same source tree
Created a graphical include file dependency analyzer to help developers include only the files they needed
Enhanced build system to aid developers and speed up build times for a large source tree


—search/optimization algorithm
/—the evolution of culture
—cultural genetic algorithms
—ca types I discovered
—container data structure


—containers and networking
—genetic and cellular programming
—anonymous chat server
—a small/fast genetic algorithm
server—a to a


Alife screensaver

I wanted to make the shortest possible alife screensaver for my terminal / . Note how frame by frame animation is accomplished using nothing but the standard library in much the way a film projector works

Dot oh language system

It’s a way to write, type, pronounce, display. Dot oh cares about things being simple, things making sense. You can learn dot oh in stages, use it in your programs. This is the . It defines dot oh
A key feature of dot oh is it allows informal, continually evolving natural languages and a formal, structured language to live together in the same document, interleaved arbitrarily by the reader


I've written : novels, novellas, memoirs, nonfiction, plays, screenplays, and a collection of short stories

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