
Guide to Your SuperBee Sales and Service Agent

Learn how to unleash SuperBee Sales and Service Agent to delight your customers and sell more products.
Find out ...
how your agent can work for you,
how to capture very valuable information about your customers,
how to organise your product catalogue and information
how it's easy to operate your agent using Google Sheets and Manychat.

The SuperBee Welcome Message

This will be shown to customers who engage with our agent from live chat on SuperBee website, some ads, links in email, social media and on the web.

This flow and its contents can be found in Manychat labelled Welcome
The first time someone interacts with our agent, we determine what type of lead this is with a couple of questions ...
New lead
Returning lead
Returning customer
The lead type is stored on the agent in the custom field: lead_type
Leads are then offered a discount code before continuing, by entering their email address. Then automatically an email is sent to the email address provided with the code. This allows us to capture the email address and store on our database and email list.
This discount code values are set at:
Sheet Name: Promo Codes
Cell Row: B
The code is stored on the agent in the custom field: promo_code_1
The email and its contents can be found in flow: Welcome and on the node: Send Email
This funnel is created for the first time someone starts a conversation and interacts with your agent. Variations of this flow to capture additional data or to promote products and market to your customers/leads can be made as links from your facebook ads or from people interacting with your broadcast/sequences.

Shop SuperBee

View Products

Our audience can view this flow by tapping Shop SuperBee after they are welcomed, or when sent by a human to a prospective customer so they can navigate to products in a chat.

(This is the name of the flow inside the agent).

This is where we display all of your products in easy to navigate galleries. All of the products and their details are generated from:
Google Sheets: SuperBee Botsheet
Manychat: Products
When people go shopping SuperBee, they are entering this flow (View Product.)
A marketing sequence is activated as soon as someone goes to view your products.
Currently, this activates the Nifty 15 sequence.
This flow and its contents can be found in the SuperBee agent labelled View Products.
The first node automatically loads when Shop SuperBee has been pressed.
The first node with a gallery to load is Category.
The Category node gives you a menu of different product types to navigate to but does not give you the option to purchase or add to cart at this stage. You can link to further subcategories as well as product galleries.
You can add, subtract or edit your categories all from within your Google Sheet.
The Category node currently has 5 categories.
Products and product categories can be turned on or off by switching active to
The buttons in the Category gallery will load their named flows and galleries.
Products are grouped together in galleries by their shared name on theGoogle Sheet
Google Sheets: SuperBee Botsheet
Sheet Name: Products
Column : product_type

Product Gallery

When a product gallery loads it displays all products with the same name from the column product_type
The nodes inside View Products must share the same name as your product_type
and button link in order to load.
The product gallery displays the image, product name, short description, currency, amount and also SALE!!! The layout has been pre-defined inside the agent.
You add, subtract, disable and edit your product galleries from your Google Sheet.
With a Product Gallery, you can edit the following columns in Google Sheets.
Image : image
Product Name : title
Short description : subtitle_text
Currency : price_pretext
Price : price
SALE!!! : button2ProductLabel
For a Category and Subcategory gallery, you can edit these columns in Google Sheets
Image: image
Category Name: title
Short description: subtitle
title 45 max characters
subtitle_text 63 max characters
subtitle 63 max characters
Product galleries have two predefined buttons More Details and Add to Cart
More Details
To display More Details we make an API request to theGoogle Sheet. We use the product_id column combined with the details column from your Google Sheet and send it to a custom field for the More Details node inside the View Products flow.
details 840 max characters
When we Add to Cart, we use an API request to save various fields from within the Product Id row on the Products Sheet and save them to custom fields inside the agent.
Then with the data in our custom fields using another API command, we create and save a new row into the Carts Sheet with the product details and the User Id.
When Add to Cart is pressed, the abandoned cart sequence is triggered, this automatically stops when the cart is empty or the customer has completed their order.

View Cart

The flow View Cart is named Cart in the agent
Firstly you use an API request to make a gallery of all products listed on the Carts Sheet with a matching customer user_id.
If there are no products in the Cart then no gallery is shown and a message is sent to the customer informing them their Cart is empty.
If there are products in the cart then a gallery loads with minimal details,.Product Name, Product Image, Currency and Price.
A Remove from Cart button is on every product shown
You then use an API request with formula_product to calculate how many items are in the cart. Then you are shown a message for how many items you have in your cart and the total cost of the items.

Remove from Cart

Remove from Cart is shown as a button on the gallery images of the Cart.
When pressed it asks if you are sure you want to do this, yes or no.
If the answer is yes, then an api request is made to remove the item with the matching user_id and product_id. A confirmation message is also sent out to you.
if you have any other products in your Cart you will return to the Cart.
The carts total pricing and number of products calculated will be updated.
If no products remain in your cart you will be sent back to the Shop SuperBee start.


Checkout takes place in flow Checkout Complete
When you go to checkout for the first time, you are shown a checkout total without delivery costs or discount codes. You are then prompted to enter your delivery address to continue.
You are then sent to the next flow to establish your location and additional delivery fees.
Checkout is available to access at all times from the agent menu,

Delivery Address Full

You are first asked whether you are delivering to America, Europe, Thailand or Rest of World. This then establishes their zone and delivery costs.
The customer is then prompted to type their Country, Postcode and Address.
Upon completion the customer is shown the full delivery address and asked if this is correct, yes or no.
If the customer selects no, the Delivery Address Full flow will start again.
If the customer selects yes they will continue to Checkout.

Checkout Complete

Now that the delivery address is completed, a series of price adjustments take place.
Delivery costs are charged by weight and by destination and promo codes can be entered.
Each product in the shopping cart is given a weight
Google Sheets Formulas
As we create a new row in Google Sheets from the API, previously-stored equations will not exist unless we apply them whilst we create a new row.
We currently use three custom formulas to create the data needed to show important information. The formulas are stored on the Text Only Template sheet
formula_weight =countif($C$2:$C$5000,Crow_total_1)
This calculates the total weight of the cart products
Formula_subtext =concatenate(ANrow_total_1,FIXED(Grow_total_1))
This combines currency and price for displaying
formula_products =countif($C$2:$C$5000,Crow_total_1)
This calculates the total number of products for each customers cart.
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