Robot Framework is a Python-based, extensible keyword-driven automation framework for acceptance testing, acceptance test driven development (ATDD), behavior-driven development (BDD) and robotic process automation (RPA)
It can be used in distributed, different environments, where automation requires using different technologies and interfaces.
Provides test-case and test-suite -level setup and teardown.
Provides tagging to categorize and select suite files to be executed.
Provides easy-to-read result reports and logs in HTML format.
Provides human readable test cases
The Codebase:
- The codebase of Robot Framework can be based either on
- We always try to make the codebase clean by doing refactoring and cleanup if needed.
- We make sure that all keywords are reusable (apply DRY method) and easy to read.
Execution schedule:
- We also run the robot scripts whenever needed most specially when the QAs conduct their smoke/regression testing activity
- We run our robot scripts on a weekly basis (every Friday) `Subject to change`
In DEV for checking developer recent changes.
In STG for checking the latest build changes.
- We relay the summary reports on a public channel (#qa-automation-log) for each respective products.
Development Schedule:
- We develop robot scripts based on the created critical user scenarios that mimics an end user activities on the site
- We also consider the stability (testability) of the feature being developed.
- The development time is different from each user scenarios due to complexity of the activity flow and the number of bugs that the feature currently has.
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