Running a test suites by Tag
robot -d reports -v ENV:STG -v HEADLESS:False -i {tag} .
ENV → Environment: DEV, STG
HEADLESS → If set to True, it will run the tests w/out displaying the browser.
Else, it will display the browser when running the test.
Always make sure you are at the Master branch, do git checkout master
To ensure that your master (local) branch is updated with master (remote/GitHub) branch,
do git pull origin master
After updating your master (local) branch, create a new branch.
git checkout -b {branchName}
- To create a new branch and checks out to the newly created branch.
git status
- To check the modified files or untracked files on your local machine.
git add {file_a} {file_b} {file_c}
- To move the files into a staging area
- At this point, you are done doing the changes on the modified files or add the new files
git commit -m “{commit_message}”
- For commiting all of the files under staging area (files from git add)
git push origin {currentBranch} or git push originHEAD
HEAD → shortcut for the current branch
- If it’s the first time to push, It will create a Pull Request (PR) before it can be merged to Master (remote)
- To push all the latest commits on your local machine to remote (github)
Optional Git commands:
git log
- It displays all of the commit messages/version of your local branch.
- being used to check if a commit message after git commit command is committed.
git diff {file_1}
diff means difference, like a diff checker.
- It shows all of the difference/modified on a specified tracked file.
Want to print your doc? This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (