elements of computing

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Joel Monegro’s “emphasize each building block as a protocol

I think this is a cool way of framing, though it constrains the building blocks to be talking to each other via a network protocol.
There’s another way: blocks could simply be one “import” statement or library call away.
Reasons for using an import could be
(a) lower latency: a network call takes time which could hurt or kill the usability;
(b) simplicity: using a library (or even embedded code) is usually just simpler than connecting on the network, paying tokens, etc;
(c) more mature: the protocol stack is just emerging now.
We have awesome Unix libraries going back decades, even Python and JS blocks going back 15+ years.

Fred Ehrsam’s “” → an emphasis on web business models


Stephan Tual’s “

its layer of blocks serve applications (blocks for messaging, storage, consensus, governance, ..)
actually mixing three things: apps, the “what”, and the “how”.
To me, blocks should be the “what”.
So, messaging is an app (should be at the application level);
storage needs to be more fine-grained;
consensus is part of the “how” (hidden within some blocks);
and governance is also part of the “how” (therefore also hidden).
It also has [network] protocols as a separate lower-level block,
though I see those as one of the possible ways that blocks can talk to each other, alongside library calls.

Alexander Ruppert’s

to be continued...
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