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Systems like Ujo combine many blocks together, such as IPFS or Swarm (for blobs)
+ Ethereum (for tokens and business logic)
+ IPDB & BigchainDB (for database with fast queries),
and therefore leverage the benefits of all of these systems.
I expect that this trend will accelerate as folks get a better understanding of how the building blocks relate.
It’s also more productive than framing everything into one monolith called “blockchain”.
I expect this stack to continually evolve, as the decentralization ecosystem evolves.
AWS started out as just one service: S3 for blob storage. Then it got processing: EC2. And it kept going;
AWS now has more than 50 blocks; though of course a small handful remain the most important.
I envision something similar happening in the decentralization space.
As a first cut, one could imagine a decentralized version of every single AWS block.
However, there will be differences, since each ecosystem (cloud vs mobile vs decentralized) has its own special blocks,
such as token storage for decentralization. It will be a fun ride!

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