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while ethereum has its own native cryptocurrency (ether) that follows almost exactly the same intuitive rules (as bitcoin),
it also enables a much more powerful function: smart contracts.
for this more complex feature, a more sophisticated analogy is required.
instead of a distributed ledger, ethereum is a distributed

the Ethereum Virtual Machine = EVM

in the Ethereum universe, there is a single, canonical computer whose state everyone on the Ethereum network agrees on.
ethereum's state is a large data structure which holds not only all accounts and balances, but a machine state,
which can change from block to block according to a pre-defined set of rules, and which can execute arbitrary machine code.
the specific rules of changing state from block to block are defined by the EVM.
code execution changes the state of the EVM.

ether (ETH)

the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum.
the purpose of ether is to allow for a market for computation.
the amount of ether paid corresponds to the time required to do the computation.
these bounties also prevent malicious participants from intentionally clogging the network
by requesting the execution of infinite computation or other resource-intensive scripts,
as these participants must pay for computation time.


real-life machines storing the EVM state.
nodes communicate with each other to propagate information about the EVM state and new state changes.


where ether is stored.
accounts and account balances are stored in a big table in the EVM

smart contracts

often also called

with smart contracts, developers can build and deploy arbitrarily complex user-facing apps and services such as:
marketplaces, financial instruments, games, etc.
in practice, participants don't write new code every time they want to request a computation on the EVM.
application developers upload programs (reusable snippets of code) into EVM state,
and users make requests to execute these code snippets with varying parameters.
programs uploaded to and executed by the network = smart contracts
a script that, when called with certain parameters, performs some actions or computation if certain conditions are satisfied.
any developer can create a smart contract and make it public to the network, using the blockchain as its data layer,
for a fee paid to the network.
any user can then call the smart contract to execute its code,
again for a fee paid to the network.

transaction request

request for code execution on the EVM


fulfilled transaction request and the associated change in the EVM state.
cryptographically signed instructions from accounts
a submitted transaction includes the following information
transaction hash
interacted with (to): contract #
txn type = tipo de transação
receiving address (if an externally-owned account, the transaction will transfer value.
if a contract account, the transaction will execute the contract code)
identifier of the sender.
this is generated when the sender's private key signs the transaction and confirms the sender has authorized this transaction
amount of ETH to transfer from sender to recipient (in WEI, a denomination of ETH)
optional field to include arbitrary data
maximum amount of gas units that can be consumed by the transaction.
units of gas represent computational steps
maximum amount of gas to be included as a tip to the miner
maximum amount of gas willing to be paid for the transaction (inclusive ofbaseFeePerGasandmaxPriorityFeePerGas)

the data field

the vast majority of transactions access a contract from an externally-owned account
most contracts are written in Solidity and interpret their data field in accordance with the
the 1st 4 bytes specify which function to call, using the hash of the function's name and arguments
the rest of the calldata is the arguments, .

types of transactions

those which result in message calls and those which result in contract creation.
contract creation results in the creation of a new contract account containing compiled smart contract bytecode.
whenever another account makes a message call to that contract, it executes its bytecode.
regular transactions: a transaction from one wallet to another.
contract deployment transactions: a transaction without a 'to' address, where the data field is used for the contract code.
execution of a contract: a transaction that interacts with a deployed smart contract.
in this case, 'to' address is the smart contract address.


transactions cost gas to execute.
simple transfer transactions require 21000 units of gas.
gas is required for any smart contract interaction too.
gas prices are denoted in gwei (giga-wei = 1,000,000,000 wei)
1 gwei = 0.000000001 ETH (10-9 ETH)
named after , creator of
it is the smallest unit of ETH
implemented on August 5th, 2021, to make transacting on Ethereum more predictable for users
by overhauling Ethereum's transaction-fee-mechanism.
high-level benefits introduced by this change
better transaction fee estimation
quicker transaction inclusion
offsetting ETH issuance by burning a % of transaction fees
EIP = Ethereum Improvement Proposals
ethereum antes do EIP-1559
taxas de transação calculadas usando mecanismo de leilão
transações priorizadas eram aquelas que tinham lances mais altos
ethereum após EIP-1559
base fee = quantidade mínima de gas necessária para adicionar transação em um bloco.
valor definido e ajustado pelo protocolo conforme demanda
só pode ser paga na cripto nativa
taxa não vai para mineradores, ela é queimada
elimina qualquer incentivo econômico para que mineradores congestionem a rede para lucrar
beneficia quem possue Ether, já que dessa maneira há uma redução na quantidade em circulação
priority fee = gorjeta
max fee = valor mais alto que usuário está disposto a pagar pela transação
Max Fee > Base Fee + Priority Fee
beneficios do EIP-1559
tamanho de bloco flexível
estimativas mais precisas de taxas

corretoras centralizadas

muito utilizadas no mundo cripto para a compra de criptomoedas a partir de moeda fiduciária (real, dólar, etc.)
também oferecem troca de tokens listados
principais corretoras brasileiras
mercado bitcoin
corretoras estrangeiras mais famosas que funcionam no Brasil
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