Details on removing a mechanics lien in California

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RELEASE OF MECHANICS’ LIEN (CA Civil Code §§ 8120-8130, 8400 et seq.)
Declaration of Exemption From Gov’t Code § 27388.1 Fee Transfer is exempt from fee per GC § 27388.1(a)(2): recorded concurrently “in connection with” transfer subject to Documentary Transfer Tax recorded concurrently “in connection with” a transfer of residential dwelling to an owner-occupier Transfer is exempt from fee per GC 27388.1(a)(1): Fee cap of $225.00 reached Not related to real property The claim of mechanics' lien asserted by ______________________________________________________ (name of claimant as printed on Contractor’s License or Secretary of State records) against _______________________________________________________________________________________ (owner(s)) affecting the real property in the city of __________________________, County of ____________________________, California, located at (address and/or sufficient description): _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ is hereby waived and released, and that certain Mechanics' Lien recorded on _________________ (date) as Instrument No. ___________________ and/or in Book/Reel _____________________, Page/Image __________________, in the official records of _____________________________ County, California, is hereby fully satisfied, released, and discharged. ___________________________ (Date) _______________________________________ (Print Name of Claimant or Authorized Agent) _________________________________________ (Signature of Claimant or Authorized Agent)
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