Details on removing a mechanics lien in California

Demand for Release of Claim of Lien

DEMAND FOR RELEASE OF CLAIM OF LIEN ​(California Civil Code Section 8482)
To Lien Claimant:
Name Of Lien Claimant
Street Address Of Lien Claimant
City, State, Zip of Lien Claimant
From Owner:
Name Of Owner
Street Address Of Owner
City, State, Zip Of Owner
This notice serves as a demand that you execute and record a release of the claim of Mechanics' Lien recorded on
date Mechanics' Lien was recorded, as Instrument No.
Instrument Number (not applicable in Sacramento)and/or in Book/Reel
Book or Reel Number, Page/Image
Page or Image Number, in the official records of
County County, California. A Release of Lien form is included with this notice for your convenience.
This demand is based on the grounds that the time for foreclosure on the mechanics lien has expired and that you are therefore obligated to release the lien and clear the title to the property.
If the lien is not removed voluntarily by
date, a court petition will be filed to expunge the lien. If this becomes necessary, the prevailing party will be entitled to reasonable attorney fees under California Civil Code § 8488(c).
Project information
Location of work of improvement (description of the site sufficient for identification, including the street address of the site, if any):
Location of Work of Improvement
Relationship of owner to parties (e.g. Owner hired Direct Contractor, which hired Claimant)
Relationship of Owner to Claimant
Table 1
Column 1
Column 2
Direct Contractor
Direct Contractor Name
Direct Contractor Street Address
City, State, Zip:
Direct Contractor City, State, Zip
Lender Holding Construction Funds, If Any
Lender Name
Lender Street Address
City, State, Zip:
Lender City, State, Zip
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