
Welcome to my microsite dedicated to Prompt Engineering for Talent Acquisition

My passion for technology has always been strong, and no field is more thrilling, challenging, and ultimately rewarding than Artificial Intelligence.
This site features tips and tricks that highlight the incredible work my team and I have accomplished at GRAIL. I'm excited to share our journey with you while ensuring that no proprietary information is disclosed. If you want to learn more about our use cases, approach and solutions please reach out to me at I’m always eager to share insights and meet people in our amazing profession.

I’ve included 4 videos below

An intro to prompt engineering + a TA example
How we implemented AI at GRAIL
vs. Enterprise ChatGPT (and why the big vendors aren’t the only game in town)
A powerful tool that will help when your prompt decides to go sideways
My CV is attached below (Yep, subtle, I know!). I’m actively seeking new opportunities and would love to connect if you're looking for someone who makes a significant impact.

Entering the AI space can be daunting

I knew nothing about AI 18 months ago. Candidly, it scared me; with countless vendors, ethical considerations regarding candidate and corporate privacy, and an ever-evolving landscape I was sorely tempted to look the other way. But I also had the sense that this technology was going to be an integral part of my career and life moving forward so I went for it and inhaled everything I could on the subject. Here are some of the sites, tools and techniques that helped my team and I along the way.

Spoiler alert: Prompt Engineering does not require a coding background. If you can think logically about a problem, and can write down the steps you took to solve that problem, congrats... you’re already one of nature’s most advanced Prompt Engineers 👍👍

Learn Prompt Engineering
This comprehensive and free guide is tailored to non-technical readers. It covers the basics of prompt engineering, practical applications, intermediate techniques, and advanced applications. The course is designed to be accessible with a rating system indicating the level of difficulty and technical knowledge required.
This article provides an easy-to-understand overview of ChatGPT and prompt engineering. It explains how to interact with ChatGPT, set up the context, and craft effective prompts. The article includes practical advice and examples to help users get started quickly.
This guide focuses on the potential of generative AI and the process of designing effective prompts. It covers specific methods and frameworks for prompt engineering, including zero-shot prompt engineering and chain-of-thought prompt engineering. The guide emphasizes practical tips and real-world examples.
This article discusses the process of crafting and refining detailed prompts to get the desired response from generative AI models. It introduces three approaches to prompt engineering: the rhetorical approach, the C.R.E.A.T.E. framework, and the structured approach. These methods are designed to help users create effective and ethical prompts.
This self-paced course covers the basics of AI and machine learning, focusing on generative AI models. It explains how to create effective prompts and includes units on AI basics, large language models, prompt engineering, and troubleshooting. The course also addresses ethical considerations and future potential of generative AI
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Example Prompts

Here are the example prompts from the videos above + a bonus prompt (Create Interview Questions). The compa ratio calculator is a great starter prompt and the ‘Create Boolean Strings’ and ‘Create Interview Questions’ prompts show you the power that proper prompt engineering techniques can put in the hands of yourself and your teams. ​Quick note: These prompts were built for a Custom GPT w/n OpenAI’s ChatGPT Enterprise Edition. But, with a little tweaking, you can use them anywhere that will accept a prompt. As with everything on this site, I’m an open book. If you have any questions or concerns or just want to chat I’m at
Compa Ratio Calculator
Compa Ratio Prompt.pdf
Create Boolean Strings
Create Boolean Searches.pdf
Create Interview Questions
Create Interview Questions.pdf
Prompt Error Fixer Tool
Prompt Fixer Bookmarklet.pdf
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Favorite AI Influencers
Youtube Channel
Extra Resources
Matt Wolfe
Matt is one of the most entertaining influencers you’ll find in this space. His videos are insightful and cover all different angles of AI. Matt also owns and operates which is constantly updated with various AI tools (free, paid and freemium) across all categories. And I highly recommend joining his free .
Matthew Berman
Matthew’s research is always timely and I really appreciate his no-nonsense style. Up to date info on ChatGPT, Claude, open source initiatives, etc.
AI Advantage
Very good beginner videos for ChatGPT
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Prompt Techniques

If you’re interested in prompt engineering for TA you’ll start seeing many of the terms below. These are all meant to hone in your prompts as much as possible. I’ve tried to give some good TA examples. Hope it helps you in your journey :)
Technique description
Hypothetical Prompt Examples
Accuracy and Reliability
AI Hallucination Avoidance Prompting
AI hallucination avoidance prompting aims to minimize the risk of the AI generating false or misleading information, ensuring the response is accurate and reliable.
Please verify the accuracy of the employment history provided to avoid any discrepancies or fabricated details.
Chain-of-Verification (CoV) Prompting
CoV prompting adds layers of validation, ensuring the AI’s responses are double-checked and verified for accuracy and reliability.
Double-check the candidate's listed certifications and verify their validity through the issuing institutions.
Cross-Referencing Prompting
Cross-referencing prompting involves comparing information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and consistency.
Cross-reference the candidate's job responsibilities with their LinkedIn profile to ensure consistency.
Disinformation Detection and Removal Prompting
This prompting helps in identifying and removing false or misleading information from responses to ensure accuracy and trustworthiness.
Identify and remove any potentially misleading or false information from the candidate’s resume before proceeding.
Evidence-Based Prompting
Evidence-based prompting asks the AI to provide supporting evidence or references for its responses.
Provide evidence supporting the effectiveness of the candidate's proposed marketing strategy.
Fact-Checking Prompting
Fact-checking prompting involves instructing the AI to verify specific details or pieces of information to ensure accuracy.
Fact-check the candidate's claim about their certification and provide the source of verification.
Re-Read the Question (Re2)
Re-read the question to ensure you have captured all the details and understood the context before responding.
Before proceeding, could you re-read the job requirements section to ensure all qualifications and skills are covered?
Efficiency and Automation
Batch Processing Prompting
Batch processing prompting allows the AI to handle multiple tasks or queries in a single prompt, enhancing efficiency.
Generate a batch of personalized email templates for all shortlisted candidates.
Macros in Prompts
Using macros in prompts automates repetitive tasks and standardizes responses, improving efficiency and consistency.
Use a macro to standardize the evaluation criteria across all candidate interviews to ensure consistency.
Prompt Shields and Spotlight Prompting
This involves using protective measures or focusing techniques to prevent the AI from generating inappropriate or harmful content.
Implement prompt shields to protect against any inappropriate or sensitive information during the interview process.
Prompt-to-Code Prompting
Prompt-to-code prompting involves instructing the AI to generate programming code based on the given prompts.
Generate a script to automate the scheduling of candidate interviews based on their availability.
Template-Based Prompting
Template-based prompting uses predefined templates to streamline responses, ensuring consistency and efficiency.
Use the job description template to create a detailed and standardized job posting for this role.
Exploration and Expansion
Add-On Prompting
Add-on prompting involves using additional information or context to enhance the initial prompt and get a more detailed or accurate response.
Based on the candidate's experience, could you provide additional insights on how their skills align with our company's values?
Chain-of-Density (CoD) Prompting
CoD prompting focuses on creating detailed and high-quality summaries by incrementally refining the content through multiple steps.
Summarize the candidate’s professional achievements, emphasizing the most significant contributions in each role.
Chain-of-Reasoning (CoR) Prompting
Chain-of-Reasoning prompting guides the AI to use logical reasoning steps to arrive at a conclusion, enhancing the depth and coherence of responses.
Explain the reasoning behind why this candidate's experience makes them suitable for the role, step by step.
Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Prompting
CoT prompting involves instructing the AI to think step-by-step, breaking down the problem into smaller parts to enhance understanding and accuracy.
List the steps you would take to verify the candidate's educational qualifications in a step-by-step manner.
Chain-of-Thought Factored Decomposition Prompting
This supplements CoT by explicitly directing the AI to generate a series of sub-questions and sub-answers to delve deeper into the main topic.
Break down the key competencies required for the role and assess how well the candidate meets each one individually.
Comparative Analysis Prompting
Comparative analysis prompting involves asking the AI to compare and contrast different items, enhancing critical evaluation.
Compare the project management skills of Candidate A and Candidate B based on their past job roles.
Conversational Prompting
Conversational prompting involves engaging the AI in a dialogue, asking follow-up questions based on previous answers to build a more comprehensive response.
Can you elaborate on your project management experience, particularly your role in the last major project you handled?
Deep Dive Prompting
Deep dive prompting encourages the AI to explore a topic in depth, providing comprehensive insights.
Conduct a deep dive into the candidate's research experience and its relevance to our current projects.
End-Goal Prompting
End-goal prompting focuses on defining the ultimate objective and aligning the AI’s responses to achieve that specific outcome.
Our goal is to find a candidate who can lead the team to new heights. How does this candidate measure up in terms of leadership qualities?
Expansive Prompting
Expansive prompting involves encouraging the AI to elaborate on its responses, providing more detail and depth.
Can you expand on the candidate's experience with managing cross-functional teams?
Generating Prompts Via Generative AI
This involves using generative AI to create effective prompts, enhancing the quality and relevance of the generated prompts.
Can you generate a list of insightful interview questions for a senior data scientist position?
Hypothetical Question Prompting
Hypothetical question prompting involves posing hypothetical scenarios to explore potential outcomes or responses.
How might the candidate handle a situation where they need to mediate a conflict between team members?
Kickstart Prompting
Kickstart prompting involves an initial prompt that sets the stage for subsequent queries, helping to guide the AI in a particular direction.
To get started, could you outline the main objectives for this role within the first six months?
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Prompting
RAG prompting combines external data with the AI’s responses to enhance the relevance and accuracy of the information provided.
Use external data sources to augment the candidate's profile with additional context about their industry experience.
Scenario-Based Prompting
Scenario-based prompting presents hypothetical situations to the AI to explore different outcomes or solutions.
Given a scenario where the candidate faces a tight deadline, how might they prioritize their tasks?
Skeleton-of-Thought (SoT) Prompting
SoT prompting involves creating an outline or skeleton of thoughts before generating a detailed response.
Create an outline of the candidate’s career progression, highlighting key achievements and milestones.
Target-Your-Response (TAYOR) Prompting
TAYOR prompting involves specifying the desired style or focus of the AI’s response to align with particular needs.
Tailor your feedback to address the candidate's specific strengths and areas for improvement.
Tree-of-Thoughts (ToT) Prompting
ToT prompting involves exploring multiple lines of thought to find the best path to the desired outcome.
Explore multiple potential career paths for the candidate and determine which aligns best with the company’s goals.
Inclusivity and Fairness
Bias Detection Prompting
Bias detection prompting instructs the AI to identify and mitigate any potential biases in its responses.
Identify any potential biases in the evaluation process and suggest ways to address them.
Cultural Sensitivity Prompting
Cultural sensitivity prompting ensures that the AI’s responses are respectful and considerate of cultural differences.
Ensure the interview questions are culturally sensitive and inclusive for candidates from diverse backgrounds.
Fair-Thinking Prompting
Fair-thinking prompting aims to counteract biases and ensure a fair and balanced approach in the AI’s responses.
Ensure that the selection process is fair and unbiased, especially focusing on diverse and underrepresented candidates.
Privacy Protection Prompting
Privacy protection prompting ensures that sensitive information is handled appropriately and complies with privacy regulations.
When collecting candidate information, ensure that all data privacy regulations are strictly followed.
Problem Solving and Creativity
Beat the Reverse Curse Prompting
This technique helps the AI handle reverse logic better, ensuring it can deduce the correct answers even when the logical direction is inverted.
Identify the reasons why a candidate might *not* be a fit for this role based on the criteria provided.
Brainstorming Prompting
Brainstorming prompting encourages the AI to generate a wide range of ideas or solutions without immediate judgment or filtering.
Brainstorm potential strategies the candidate could implement to improve team productivity.
Directional Stimulus Prompting (DSP) and Hints
Directional stimulus prompting uses subtle hints to guide the AI towards more accurate and relevant responses.
When evaluating the candidate's skills, consider their experience with emerging technologies as a significant advantage.
Essay-Compression Prompting
This technique compresses a lengthy piece of text into a shorter version, retaining the original words but removing unnecessary content.
Compress the candidate’s cover letter into a concise summary highlighting their main qualifications and motivation for applying.
Fair-Thinking Prompting
Fair-thinking prompting aims to counteract biases and ensure a fair and balanced approach in the AI’s responses.
Ensure that the selection process is fair and unbiased, especially focusing on diverse and underrepresented candidates.
Imperfect Prompting
Imperfect prompting leverages intentionally flawed prompts to stimulate more creative or unexpected responses from the AI.
Provide a draft of the job description that we can refine together, focusing on the core responsibilities and required skills.
Lateral Thinking Prompting
Lateral thinking prompting encourages the AI to approach problems from unconventional angles to find creative solutions.
What are some unconventional approaches the candidate could take to solve a persistent problem in their role?
Problem-Solving Framework Prompting
Problem-solving framework prompting involves using structured frameworks to approach and solve problems systematically.
Apply the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) framework to evaluate the candidate's problem-solving skills.
Reverse Brainstorming Prompting
Reverse brainstorming prompting involves thinking about how to create problems instead of solving them to identify potential pitfalls.
What are some potential obstacles the candidate might face in this role, and how can they be mitigated?
Show-Me Versus Tell-Me Prompting
This technique differentiates between showing examples and telling instructions to guide the AI’s responses more effectively.
Show me examples of projects where the candidate demonstrated exceptional problem-solving skills.
Step-Around Prompting Technique
Step-around prompting involves bypassing filters or restrictions to obtain the desired information from the AI.
If you encounter any roadblocks during the candidate evaluation, use alternative prompts to gather the necessary information.
Take a Deep Breath Prompting
This technique uses calming language to prompt more thoughtful and deliberate responses from the AI.
Take a moment to review the candidate's application in detail before making a final decision.
User Interaction and Engagement
Be On Your Toes Prompting
This prompting technique encourages thoroughness and vigilance in the AI's responses, ensuring comprehensive and careful consideration of all aspects.
Be thorough in checking the candidate's references to ensure we get a complete picture of their professional background.
Browbeating Prompts
Browbeating prompts involve pushing the AI to provide detailed and exhaustive information, sometimes aggressively, to ensure completeness.
Provide a detailed list of all the candidate’s past job roles, focusing specifically on any gaps in employment.
Emotionally Expressed Prompting
Emotionally expressed prompting involves using emotionally charged language to elicit more nuanced and sensitive responses from the AI.
How do you feel about taking on a role that requires significant travel and occasional weekend work?
Flipped Interaction Prompting
Flipped interaction prompting reverses the traditional question-answer format, having the AI ask questions to gather information from the user.
What questions do you have for us about the company or the role?
Interactive Prompting
Interactive prompting involves engaging the AI in a dynamic interaction, encouraging back-and-forth communication.
What additional information do you need to assess the candidate's fit for this role?
Politeness Prompting
Politeness prompting involves using courteous language in prompts to elicit more positive and cooperative responses from the AI.
Please review the candidate's application and provide constructive feedback with a polite and respectful tone.
Reflective Prompting
Reflective prompting encourages the AI to consider previous interactions or responses to build upon them.
Reflect on the feedback provided in the last interview round and suggest improvements for the next one.
Verification and Validation
Certainty and Uncertainty Prompting
This involves specifying the desired level of confidence in the AI’s responses, whether you need a definite answer or are open to possibilities.
How certain are you about the candidate's proficiency in Python? Please provide evidence to support this.
Chain-of-Feedback (CoF) Prompting
CoF prompting involves continuous feedback loops, reducing errors and improving the quality of responses by iterative checks.
After providing your initial thoughts on the candidate's fit for the role, please review your evaluation for any possible errors.
Double-Check Prompting
Double-check prompting involves asking the AI to re-evaluate its previous response to ensure consistency and accuracy.
Double-check the details provided in the candidate's resume for any inconsistencies.
Quality Assurance Prompting
Quality assurance prompting instructs the AI to review and ensure the quality of its responses before finalizing them.
Perform a quality check on the candidate's assessment report to ensure all key points are covered accurately.
Redundancy Check Prompting
Redundancy check prompting involves verifying that no redundant information is present, ensuring clarity and precision.
Check the candidate's application for any redundant information and remove it.
Sanity Check Prompting
Sanity check prompting involves verifying that the AI’s responses are logical and reasonable before accepting them.
Perform a sanity check on the proposed onboarding plan to ensure it is practical and achievable.
Self-Reflection Prompting
Self-reflection prompting encourages the AI to review and improve its responses, enhancing the overall quality and reliability.
Reflect on the interview process and identify any biases that might have influenced your evaluation.

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