(archived) Finance

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Finance FAQs

GST Explained Swinburne Student Life is subject to a standard 10% GST, which in turn affects affiliated Clubs and their finances. When a Club generates income (e.g. memberships, member or sponsor payments), GST will be included in the total amount. If a Club deposits $110 into their club account, $100 will be shown in the account. The remaining $10 is the GST component, which goes into a separate Swinburne account. If we pay an invoice on your behalf totalling $110 for payment from a GST registered source, only $100 will be deducted from the Club account. The additional $10 will be taken out of the Swinburne GST account.

Prohibited methods of accepting payment/funds/compensation: o Gift cards (Prepaid or reloadable) o Store credit o PayPal® or similar o Digital currencies or currency analogues, including cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin
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