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Text Widget:

The Text Widget is a versatile component within the Proxy Dashboard framework. By utilizing a simple drag-and-drop action, users can seamlessly incorporate textual content into their dashboard interfaces. This empowers users to display informative messages, contextual information, or any desired text-based content within their dashboard layout.
You can choose and customize your Font Style, Alignment ,Font Size,Font Color and Text input.
Predefined Keywords: Within these text widgets, there is a feature that allows you to include a set of predefined keywords. These are specific words or phrases that are already available for you to add to your text.
Custom Text Input: In addition to the predefined keywords, you have the freedom to type and input any text of your choice into the text widget. This custom text can be used to complement or expand upon the predefined keywords.
This combination of predefined keywords and custom text input provides you with a flexible way to create content that meets your needs. You can incorporate the predefined keywords where required for consistency or specific purposes, while also having the option to include your own unique text to convey your message effectively.
Actions within your text : you can perform by using the text widget by clicking on Define Action.
Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.