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The Calendar feature in helps you organize tasks and display data with a clear timeline view. To utilize this feature:
Drag and drop the Calendar widget.
Create tasks or events by clicking on specific dates and times.
Add relevant details such as task names, descriptions, and priorities.
The Calendar will display your tasks in a structured view, helping you manage your widget-related activities effectively.
choose the condition set with which your Calander is to be displayed.
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Calendar Functions:

Screenshot 2023-10-11 113249.png

Enable Timeline View: Enabling the timeline view grants you the ability to visualize tasks assigned to employees, complete with their associated dates and times. This view provides a chronological perspective of your schedule.
Screenshot 2023-10-11 111609.png

Enable To Date: Enabling the "To Date" feature allows you to allocate tasks for employees within a specified start date and end date. This feature helps you define the task duration for a particular employee.
Screenshot 2023-10-11 111154.png

In the above example the blue colored highlight from one one date to another date shows the time period allocated to a particular employee to complete a task.
Configure Resources: Configuring resource settings provides you with the tools to access comprehensive details about employees in the context of their assigned tasks. This feature offers a deeper insight into employee-specific task assignments and resource utilization.


You can set up resource settings by clicking on the configure resource settings button and you can set up on what all details to be displayed about the employees in the calendar.

Screenshot 2023-10-11 121836.png

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