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Adding Airtable

To add a sheet from Airtable, follow these steps:
1.Collect token Id from Airtable ​To collect the token ID from Airtable, follow these steps:
Log in to Airtable: Visit the Airtable website and log in to your account using your credentials.
Access Your Account Settings: Click on the account icon located in the top right corner of the screen. This is usually represented by your profile picture or initials.
Go to Developer Hub: In the dropdown menu that appears, click on the "Developer hub" tab. This will take you to the Developer Hub section.
Create a New Token: In the Developer Hub, look for the option to create a new token, and click on the "Create New Token" button.
Name Your Token: Provide a name for your token. This name can be descriptive and unique to help you identify the token's purpose or usage.
Add Scopes: Add all the necessary scopes based on the level of access you require for your application. Scopes define what actions your token can perform. If you need full access, select "Add all scope" or choose the specific scopes that match your requirements.
Add Access Permissions: Similarly, you can add access permissions based on your needs. If you need full access, select "Add all access" or choose specific permissions accordingly.
Create the Token: Once you've configured the token settings, click on the "Create Token" button to generate your token.
Copy Token ID: After the token is created, your token ID will be displayed. Copy this token ID to your clipboard.
Airtable - Token Creation.gif

2.Enter the token ID.
3.Enter the following information for the sheet:
Sheet name is required
4.Enter the column name, column ID, and column type for each column.
5.Click the Confirm button.
Note that column IDs and column types play a major role in data sources, as they are used to uniquely identify each column and specify the type of data that is stored in each column.
Airtable - Token Creation table.gif
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