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Susan Fujii – Channeling ✨💖💫
June 2024 ✨💖💫

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June 30, 2024 ✨💖💫🎤🎵

I Don't Have to Solve World Hunger or World Peace? I can just have FUN? 🤩 And Casey Kasem makes an appearance! 😁😍 (And as I re-visit this briefly on 7/8/2024, the incredible expansion continues, with Gene Autry, my mom, and my Grandma Eva 😍💥🌟🥰)

What does my Soul most want me to know today?

🎤 Audio File: (Length: 39:27)
📝 Transcript:
Hello, Hello, Hello.
Good morning, dear master. Ah, what a beautiful way to start the morning, yes? With that beautiful music, playing in your ears, singing to your heart, singing to your Soul. That imagining of all of humanity, all of the world, your beautiful Earth, all existing together, as one, connected by Divine Light, Divine Love, Divine Peace, Divine Beauty, Divine Harmony, Divine Abundance, Divine Well-Being for all, all connected through this beautiful, beautiful, Divine Light, which is all your Light, all of every person's Light, together, connected as One. Oh, what a glorious imagining, visualizing, indeed.
We love you, dear master. It is so, so wonderful for you to continue opening up like this. Trusting us, continuing to “try,” as your human thinks of it, but we Know that it's more than “trying,” master, for you are doing. You are a channel. You are a conduit of Divine Light and Divine Love. We want you to repeat something after us, for your human ears to hear, over and over again, if you feel it beneficial and necessary, absolutely.
Dear Master, say to yourself these words, "I am worthy of my divine connection. I am worthy of my divine connection. I am deeply infinitely worthy of my divine connection, for I am divine. I am divine. I am divine.”
Master, we encourage you to repeat those words, and more, as often as you deem necessary or feel so inclined, but it will help your human adjust to these higher levels of light, these higher frequencies, this Knowing, so that she may cease with the doubting, worrying, doubting, worrying, spinning of her beautiful, beautiful intellect.
But so she may cease that, and completely open up to the Divine Knowledge, the Knowledge you carry with you right now in your very Heart, in your very Soul, in your very Body, indeed, that you are a divine channel! You are a conduit to the divine, of the divine, by the divine, for the divine, for you are one with the divine, and the divine is one with you. You are divine.
A conduit perhaps is not even the word for what you truly are. We use this word when we sense you visualizing yourself, seeing yourself as, mmm, some kind of vessel or, well, conduit, for, mmm, still something “other,” shall we say, to speak through you, flow through you, be conducted through you, to others, to Form here on your Earth plane. So in that sense, conduit is, ah, acceptable, for you are translating, shall we say, allowing various aspects of you, from your heart, your soul, your body, which spans multiple dimensions.
Yes indeed, you are allowing those to come forth from within you. For once again, dear master, you are divine. You are a channel of divine love and light. Yes, your human body is a channel of divine love and light. Your human body is a conduit of divine love and light. But master, all is within you. All is within you. Yes. Breathe into that. Feel that. Yes.
Archangel Azrael, and all of the angels, are aspects of you. Yes, the Pleiadians are aspects of you. For all are connected. There is nothing but the One, and all are One. We say this not to confuse you, dear master, truly, no. We want you to understand and dissolve this perhaps last sort of vestige of separation, perhaps in your human mind, your human understanding of this. For, you are divinely worthy, although your human may have forgotten, but you Know, you Know. You have Awakened, you have Realized, you have Remembered, you have Realized, you have Remembered, you have Realized, you have come into all of the Knowing — integrated every part of you — into the whole, glorious, Divine Being of Light that you truly are.
And that Being is infinitely Powerful, infinitely Worthy, infinitely Loving, infinitely Abundant, infinitely Peaceful, infinitely Joyful, infinitely Creative and Fun and Playful and, yes, master, all of your absolute favorite things to be, so, please, for us, continue to ponder on that with your human. Help her to see that she, too, is divinely worthy. She, too, is a divine light, a divine conduit, a divine channel here on the Earth plane, and, she is so much more, indeed.
Dear master, dear Susan, you, my dear, are worthy. So very worthy, indeed. You are worthy of being an ambassador to all of humanity. Of course you are! You are worthy of sharing this information, with any and all who wish to read it, see it, experience it, hear it, in whatever way they choose. And in whatever way you choose! All is here for you, dear master. All is available to you. We would not, mmm, push you, or, force you, or, ugh, even suggest strongly that you move in some — your human conceives of it as work, or profession, or — we prefer purpose, or, things which bring you Fulfillment and Satisfaction and Joy as you are doing them. Yes, dear master, we would certainly not tell you, nor could we ever tell you, for that is yours to choose, yours to decide, yours to explore with and experience and discover!
What truly lights you up? What is the highest expression of your Soul, here, on planet Earth? Is it an ambassador to humanity? From the stars? From the angels? From the divine? (For you are divine!) Perhaps, perhaps it is. Only you can make that decision. Only you will decide what is best for you. Master, we support you in every moment of every day, of every hour, of every infinitesimal second, of every night, of every year and month, in this Time construct as your human understands it. Master, we are here for you. All is presented to you as a choice! And there is no “right” choice, no “perfect” choice. There is no choice that will not be yours to choose, a day from now, or a week from now, or a month from now, or whenever it feels choiceless to you.
We are just absolutely adoring, adoring your exploration of all that is possible for you. All that is possible for you, and your beloved soul family and friends — your fellow masters, indeed — here on this beautiful, wonderful Earth plane. Yes, we want you to have fun with it! Yes. Keep experimenting! We know you love magic and mysteries. And yes, call in the fairies, call in the mermaids, the merfolk, call in the dragons, call in the elves, call in Merlin, or anyone, anyone at all, any being at all, that you can possibly think of!
You know, your dear friend, Sara, has said that people, masters such as yourselves, have channelled the essence of money before. Try that! (Susan coughs) Mmm, we sense your human needs some water! Try that! Try channeling the essence of money! Try channeling whatever you would like to! Your wonderful car, perhaps! Your glorious Austin home. Your glorious Torch Lake home. Oh, yes, and your dear ancestors as well.
The more you practice, dear master, just as you are, and the more fun it is, the less pressure, shall we say, that you put on yourself, to, “do it in a certain way” or “have every single channeling be these absolute divine deep answers to all of the questions in the universe.”
Every single message does not need to solve world hunger today, or world peace today, or bring clean energy to all of the world such as like into Form for you today. No, dear master, no. For one thing, all of those are already solved. Yes. Breathe that in, dear master. Feel that Knowing. All of those, say, issues, that you, that might even possibly cross your mind — All are solved already! Yes, dear one, yes.
For, in the fifth dimension of Pure Love, you're not experiencing any lack. No, dear master. We Know. We Feel you. You are experiencing Oneness, Abundance, as you've never experienced before, Prosperity as you've never, never experienced before, Connection, Well-Being, Fun, Joy, Love, Excitement, Magic, Mysteries, dance, play, swim in a beautiful lake that you love so much. Explore, create, explore, create, explore, create!
And when we say create, of course you know what we mean, dear master. Co-create with us, with the divineness in you, with the divineness in all others, mmm, with the divineness, yes, in all of those glorious aspects of you, the angels, the archangels, explore the universe! We offer to you, a feeling of, childlike curiosity. That is how we wish you, and your human, to feel, when you are channeling — or typing, writing, speaking, all of which are channeling!
For, the universal law, that is truly a Law, is, that you always get more, become more, of what you already are! So, be a confident, powerful, playful, channel of divine love and light! And you will become more and more and more of that. And we sense that you love this thought, dear master, yes.
Become more and more curious and playful about how the universe “works,” shall we say, about solving — perhaps not all of the mysteries at once, oh, for we Know your human mind really wants to Know! It's just so anxious and excited to Know how each and every part of the universe “works!” She wants descriptions of every star being, and their glorious planets and star systems and dimensions. She wants pictures that she can draw or visualize — see with her human eyes — of all the dimensions and how they exactly are laid out, in your 3D geometry, shall we say, perhaps 4D in time.
Oh, but, dear master, it is a challenge for your human to conceptualize...anything, really, beyond, shall we say, a fourth dimension. For in the fifth dimension, and beyond, there is no “time.” There is no “space.” There is no, mmm, shall we say, “limits,” such as that! There is absolutely Experience, and Growing, and Feeling, and Consciousness, but it is in a far more ethereal form than that which exists, currently, here, on your glorious Earth plane. Your glorious, glorious Earth plane, with its gravity, and its time, and its distances and densities, that you can explore with, and build with, and experience your divinity with, in an entirely new way!
So, dear master, while we encourage you, yes, to be curious, and playful, and explore all that there is for you in all dimensions, in all aspects of you — in every plane of existence that you wish, dear one — we also remind you to truly enjoy, yes, enjoy, your glorious, beautiful, physical Earthness.
Ground these energies, these glorious energies, into the heart of Mother Gaia. Oh, and yes, but of course you may explore and experience Hollow Earth! Oh, yes, and all of the pyramids, and all of the transmission points — portals, you would call them — yes, portals, indeed, indeed. Ooh, and your ley lines and your magical places — Stonehenge, and pyramids, and — oh, for those are divinely magical, dear one, indeed.
But, we wish you not to forget that lyric that just came into your mind, that verse, because — absolutely, yes, dear one, we would — yes, Casey Kasem is here for you, dear one, and he reminds you to, “Keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for the stars.” Indeed, dear one, we could not put it more perfectly than that. Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars, indeed.
Yes, yes!
So, is there anything specific, or more, that you would like to know, right now? Ah, yes, certainly, and then, we shall let you open your eyes and go forth, on this magical, magical day, here on the Earth plane, where every dimension that you will have, dear master, is a fifth dimensional or higher dimensional experience indeed. Mmm, yes.
But yes, before we go — again, there is no “right” way, or “perfect” way, or “best” way to, ahh, do, or transmit, shall we say, these channels to your beloved humans. The only way that we wish for you to do it. is in whatever way feels good, feels best, feels easiest, simplest, the most lighthearted, the most fun and exciting for you. And, we encourage you to connect with other channels, channels who are channeling regularly, and, ask them for their best practices, shall we say. Ask them, what works for them? What, transcription tool, as you call it, I believe, works best for them? Which recording “set up” works best for them?
But, truly, dear one, you cannot get it wrong! Let that sink in. As Abraham once told you — and continues to tell you, by the way — you cannot get it wrong, and you'll never get it done. So, just start, dear master. Start! Begin! Put up, put out, what is easiest for you, as it is, right now.
If that is in typed form, that is simply pasted into your text editor, or your messaging platform, the technology itself, or in your fancy sub-stack or these websites, or, agh, none of that, dear master, none of that is necessary. Remember, too, Sara, and the beautiful, incredible Council's words, of simply taking the next perfect step. You do not need to climb Mount Everest today.
We sense your human, being, oh, a bit concerned, about all the silly things humans are concerned about. But Know, dear master, Know. That none of your fellow masters will judge you, or judge the messages that come through you, or anything of the sort! For they, too, are masters, just as you are. They, too, read, and see, and hear, and experience, and Feel, everything, everything, through the fifth dimension of Pure Love, just as you do! So, there truly is no way you can “get it wrong.” We simply encourage you to, shall we say, get it done!
Or, “get ‘er done,” as your dear Uncle Mike used to say. And, also from your Uncle Mike, “Take it easy, girl!” Yes, yes, you may channel your beloved Eagles. And, we’re playing with you a bit here, and having a bit of fun with you, but you are so much fun indeed, master. Absolutely! Channel your favorite Eagles, your favorite musicians. You do this all of the time, without even thinking about it! And yes, take it easy. Absolutely, dear master. And we chuckle at your private joke, indeed.
We love you, we love you, we love you, dear master. Just follow your energy, follow your light. Follow your joy, and your fun! If something you're trying is feeling, or even having the inklings of possibly beginning to feel, ohhh, a bit, shall we say, frustrated, shall we say, for your human, then stop. Pause. Come back into your Stillness, as you are now, yes, yes. Hug and talk to your beloved inner child, and ask her what she wants to do, and we guarantee you, she will tell you to stop whatever it is that you're doing, for there is clearly an easier, easier, more effortless, more choiceless, more, oh, just wonderful, fun way to do whatever it is you're doing. So, she will absolutely tell you, indeed, "Stop, Mamá. Stop. We don't have to do this right now. We don't have to do this, ever! We certainly do not have to do this, in this way." Ah, yes, we see and sense that you are getting it, dear master.
Again, there is no, mmm, “pressure” from us. There is truly no "time pressure" either, though we know your human does feel that from time to time, on your Earth plane. However, drop back into your heart, where you are all the time anyway, master. Come back into your Stillness. Yes, pause whatever it is you're doing, and let your light, your joy, your inner child, guide the way. And yes, master, continue to appreciate all of the magic, all of the miracles, all of the incredible, incredible, incredible ways in which your human has perceived that her life has changed, all of the incredible people, and nature, and things, and creations, and all that is here for you, dear master, to appreciate, indeed.
Continue to appreciate all, and you will, you will, and very quickly now, too, receive more and more, and more of all, all of those magical, wonderful, glorious thing. Yes, dear master. The more you appreciate, the more things there are for you to appreciate. We know you know this, dear master.
So, yes, shine your beautiful light of love, of Pure Love, everywhere you go, dear one. Shine it as you walk through your home. Shine it onto your wonderful, beautiful, comfortable bed that provides such a welcoming place for you to rest each night. Shine it upon your wonderful, glorious, filtered shower that, oh, runs its lovely, pure, oh, yes, clear, soft water that flows over your body each time you make use of it as a caress, a caress of light and love. Yes, dear master.
Shine your light of love into your dear, dear, dear daughters. Yes, Keilani and Malia, yes indeed, for they, too, are radiant, radiant, radiant brilliant shining lights of love and compassion. You have taught them well, dear master, for they are loved, and they Know they are worthy. Your unconditional love has benefited them and will benefit them throughout their entire lives here on the Earth plane. Yes, dear one, indeed. And yes, shine your beautiful, beautiful, beautiful light of love on your dear husband, Ross, as well. Yes, for his light is brilliant, indeed! Yes. Yes. Yes. And the more love you shine upon all you come in contact with, the more love you will receive, and, the more love you will create and expand, into every part of your human Earth plane.
We love you, dear master. We love you, we love you, we love you, and, we want you to go forth, and have an absolutely magical, amazing, fun, creative, playful, wonderful day, indeed!
We love you, we love you, we love you, dear master. And with that, we are complete....for now, yes, indeed. ✨💖💫
💞 Channeled with love by
@Susan Fujii
on June 30, 2024, from 9:58am - 10:37am CST 🌟
#channeling #caseykasem #unclemike #norightway #youaredivine #youareworthy #youareachannel

Additional Info added on 7/8/2024:

(Added while following my nudges and breadcrumbs and joy and playful curiosity, while getting ready to share with you lovely fellow masters!)
🎵 Inspiring Message from Casey Kasem 😍:

More about Casey Kasem:

Liberally copy-and-pasted from this article 😁 →
(Bolding mine 🥰)
Casey Kasem’s work epitomized the gentler, romantic side of pop culture, of a time when stars were admired for their celebrity and worshipped for their talent.
"American Top 40," with Kasem's soft, homey voice counting down the hits, was a refuge from shock jocks or the screaming big-city radio voices. It was dependable, broadcast on some 1,000 stations at its peak, so if you were driving in Connecticut or Kansas, California or Kentucky, you could always take a measure of the pop charts with Casey.
Kasem weaved stories around the songs, anecdotes about interactions with fans or gee-whiz tales about how stars got their starts. Seldom was heard a discouraging word 🎵, unless it was a starting point for a narrative about coming back from hardship, the darkness before the dawn.
Interspersed in the countdowns were the long-distance dedications, songs played for a long-lost or distant lover in the hope a heart would be stirred. You'd wince at some of the hokey song selections, but only the truly cynic would laugh at the emotion that spilled out of the letters Kasem read.
At the end of the show, always, would come Kasem's signature words of advice: "Keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for the stars."
On the first "American Top 40" in July 1970, Kasem counted down to Three Dog Night's "Mama Told Me Not to Come" at the No. 1 spot. As the years went on, Kasem progressed through disco and punk, arena rock and rap. All were welcome under Casey's big tent.
Kasem was of Lebanese descent, born in Detroit as Kemal Amin Kasem, and he spoke out on issues promoting greater understanding of Arab-Americans throughout his life. He made his name as a disc jockey, and when his career blossomed in the Los Angeles area, he took on other voice work. He was Robin in the animated "Batman" series. He once said his work on "Scooby-Doo" would outlast anything he did.
He was succeeded at "American Top 40" in 2004 by Ryan Seacrest, a fan who said he used to imitate Kasem counting down the hits when he was a boy.
"When decades later I took over his AT40 countdown show, it was a surreal moment," Seacrest said in a statement. "Casey had a distinctive friendly on-air voice, and he was just as affable and nice if you had the privilege to be in his company. He'll be greatly missed by all of us."
"Scooby-Doo" may last longer, but we'll bet Kasem will most be remembered for "American Top 40" and his place in the continuum of pop music accounting, from "American Bandstand" to "Soul Train," ''Total Request Live" to Spotify playlists.

What a beautiful, masterful example of a human, paving the way for us all. 🥰


....and, because of course 😍🙌🎵 this sparked yet another song for our Soul’s are truly calling us Home...
🎵 Home on the Range, by Gene Autry:
Note: ^^^this is not the “official” version, but his “official channel” is here:

More About Gene Autry:

Gene Autry Entertainment is pleased to announce the launch of the Official Gene Autry YouTube Channel. We hope that Gene's fans will enjoy watching Gene on their computers, tablets, phones, and whatever nifty techno devices surface in the future.
Gene Autry is the only entertainer to have all five stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, one each for Radio, Recording, Motion Pictures, Television, and Live Theatre/Performance. Visit his official website,, for details.
Gene Autry Entertainment is dedicated to the preservation, restoration, and promotion of America's Favorite Singing Cowboy, Gene Autry.
Note: No content on the Official Gene Autry YouTube Channel may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act, and/or without the prior express written permission of Gene Autry Entertainment.
Contact info:

Susan Note....

I couldn’t find the official Home on the Range song/video on his official channel, but I Know why I was guided to go there...(aside from the fact that I always attempt to find and credit the original artist!) ...I did NOT realize he sang SO many of the songs I sang with my Mom growing up! That she passed down/on to me from first singing them with her Mom, my Grandma Eva (who has appeared to me several times in recent years!) 🥰
My heart is bursting with Pure Love and Joy right now, and my human is overflowing with tears of Pure Love from the loving guidance and Absolute Knowing that they, and ALL, are TRULY here with me! 🙏😍
And, they wish to remind me, as are YOUR ancestors, for YOU! 🥰
Thank you thank you thank you, my incredible Soul, my incredible Mom, my incredible Grandma Eva — whom I never got the chance to meet personally in this human lifetime, as she as ascended before I was born, when my mom was only 15 — and WOW what a truly special moment, communing with them, communicating with them, in my Heart!
This is REALLY happening! For me, and for all of us! 🥰
I’m inspired now to channel some of these Souls, to tell their stories from their “Now” perspective — their Higher/Grander Perspective now that they have ascended! 😍 My Grandma Eva, for instance, was born on 12/12/12... Grandma it would be my honor and privilege to share your Soul-story, and yes, your messages for Uncle Bob and Aunt Judy.
(Susan’s human is still sobbing with Joy and Love and Appreciation and Reverence and Awe and Wonder.....WOW. Just WOW. Indeed.)
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