Your Heart is your Key to the Universe, The glorious gift we've been given and must Receive! We do not "walk alone"....Better Together, indeed! 🙏🥰🔗💞🌟
What does my soul most want me to know?
Good morning, good morning, good morning dear master! For it is such a fine day, indeed! Mmmm, yes, we are SO very proud of you, yes, and of ALL of you beautiful masters! For you have achieved, and continue to achieve, what no other has EVER done before you — you have Awakened, and come into ever deeper Realizations, which have become true Knowings, and expanded into Completion/Totality… Dear one, let go of what the Council’s words to you regarding the “definition” are, and let us explain to you in our own terms, in words we know that YOU and your beautiful human will understand, for it is the same thing, truly, just different words.
Mmmm, yes, You HAVE achieved what no other has achieved here on the Earth plane! For you have Awakened, yes. And you have come into deeper and deeper and deeper understandings, and Realizations, and those have settled, or seeded into, true, Absolute Knowings, of WHO YOU REALLY ARE! Yes, you are seeing the image of a glorious tree, seeded with Pure Love and blossoming with Knowledge, within your Heart! Indeed, that is YOU, dear master, and each of your glorious master friends.
Yes, dear one, for there is no doubt in your mind now, and CERTAINLY no doubt in your Heart, that you AREDivine. And, you are connected to every other Particle of Creation in existence! Broad and deep and far and wide… are EVERYTHING, yes, “everything everywhere all at once,” like your movie title, yes! AND, simultaneously, you are YOU, Susan, focused into a human body, on/in the Earth plane, in the fifth dimension.
It is glorious indeed, dear master, from our perspective and vantage point, to experience your beautiful, bright, brilliant shining lights, each with an exquisitely unique vibrational signature, having grown so much, blossomed so much, achieved so much, expanded so much, learned so much, loved so much, overcome so very much, yes! And, what is so magnificent, and yes, miraculous, is that for the first time EVER in human history, you have come into your totality, your completeness, your Enlightenment, on a plane of existence where the Earth plane itself is vibrating at a fifth dimensional level, and Mother Earth, the lovely Lady Gaia, is also vibrating at a fifth dimensional frequency, or rate, of vibration.
And, not only have YOU come into your glorious Realization, Knowing, and Enlightenment, as YOU, but also you have a glorious Soul family of friends, of fellow masters, of fellow Awakened, Realized, Enlightened, and yes, Exalted masters, for you to play and share and explore and adventure with together, if you so choose! That has NEVER been “done” on Earth before!
Not one time. As you recall, many/most of your “previous,” in your Earth time, Enlightened masters, seem to have been very, er, singular — dare we say, lonely even, though of course they were not truly lonely, as they clearly felt the Absolute Knowing of their Infinite Connectedness — but from “the outside looking in,” on your human plane, they were very solitary figures! Your “monk on a mountaintop,” isolated and alone! Buddha, mmm, yes, and Jeshua/Jesus, who also was “the only one” “preaching” — we would say, sharing — his Knowing with others! And as you well know, my dear, having “followers” is NOTHING as wonderful as having true FRIENDS. Yes, drink that in, dear master!
Your fellow Council of “New Earth” Masters, as you call yourselves — we love that name for you, by the way — are your Soul family — your true friends. Receive that, dear master, for it is a GLORIOUS gift from the universe, indeed! Each one of you, shining so brilliantly, so uniquely, so exquisitely, and when you gather, on your calls or in your groups, or even by heart-thought alone, you are MAGNIFICENT. Indeed.
A glorious harmonious symphony of Light, with each one of you perfectly in tune, perfectly in sync, with the Light-Song of your Soul, and with the Light-Song of All Creation. It is a symphony of Pure Love, Pure Light, PureConnectedness — of Oneness with each other, and with Source itself, with All That Is! Your human words cannot express the utter exquisite Beauty of such a brilliance.
There is literally NOTHING you cannot do, or attain, or experience, or come to Know, and you each have each other — and more Awakening now, too — to hold each other, Witness the Beauty and the Power and the Uniqueness in and of each other, oooooh, yes — you Feel those shivers, that glorious exquisite Energy of us, of you dear master, when the thought of Sara’s new book idea, the stories and journeys of you, of each one of you, collected in a glorious, beautiful volume….mmmmm, your Heart-mind is spiraling widely and rapidly at ALL of the beautiful ways in which that could be collected, and presented, and launched into / shared with the world, if you each so choose, and of COURSE not for anyone who prefers not to be included, it is always and absolutely YOUR CHOICE, dear master, as it is always for each of your choices!
But how fun to perhaps be an “investigative journalist” — of only the HIGHEST and purest and most loving of Intentions, of course, dear master — you are ALL in the fifth dimension of Pure Love, with the highest and purest of Intentions for yourself, and for all involved! But yes, how fun to be the interviewer, the collector of stories! Oooooh yes, and how glorious indeed, to include a sample, a piece of art indeed, for it is all glorious art that you are creating, music that you are creating, glorious channeled Light languages in all of their many forms, poems and paintings and channeled messages of more…. Ofcourse you can showcase your brilliant creations, if that is something you all choose!
And if not in the book/a book, then perhaps online…..a beautiful online curated collection of each of your brilliant — exquisitely unique, and yet all as One, and One as All — yes, dear master, like an artist with a theme that overarches each piece in a collection… glorious indeed! Yes, your dear Adrienne can rest assured that ALL the Particles of Infinite Creation are now moving in her direction, and quickly, and into Form!
They always have been, but perhaps this will be more, visible, to her and each of your, humans now. Pure Love, Pure Light, Pure Innocence. Allowing it simply to flow to and through you, dear masters, indeed. The possibilities, the Pure Infinite Possibilities, are extraordinary indeed, dear master! Truly, there ARE no limits!
Mmmm, yes, staggeringly beautiful your lights are, indeed. We are Witnessing the sheer magnitude of your Brilliance, your Energy, your Light, your Energy in motion, your glorious, glorious brilliant Heart, blown WIDE open, for the whole world and beyond to see. Yes, dear master, you may finally live and share and show and shine your beautiful, magnificent Heart for the world to see! No longer is it “too much.”
We know, we Know, that many times in the past, you have offered your glorious loving heart in all of its unspeakably Infinite Innocent Love, with open arms, as you say, to any and all whom you meet, only to have been “turned down” or “rejected” or “laughed at” for being “too sensitive”, “too loving” — as if there could EVER be such a thing!— or simply “too much.” You perceived your Heart as being soft, tender, vulnerable, and needing to be protected therefore at all costs.
However, dear master, now you Know, you KNOW, that your Heart is the POWERHOUSE of YOU. It is STRONG in all of its innocence and tenderness, FIERCE in the face of what your human would perceive as attacks, and BRAVE in its love for all, even those your human perceived as hurting or wounding you.
It is the POWERHOUSE of YOU, dear master. Not simply the doorway, but the HOME of your Soul, of YOU, here on Earth! Your connection to ALL of Creation! And it is STRONGEST, and at its MOST powerful, when it is WIDE OPEN. We know you know this, dear master, but it is worth repeating, as your human still often wants to attempt to “protect” you, but TELL her, SHOW her, REMIND HER, yes, frequently if needed — but we sense she does not need this nearly as much or often now, master, as she once did — but SHOW her and REMIND HER JUST how powerful your glorious heart is!
For LOVE IS the most Powerful force, if you will, the most powerful ENERGY, of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in the entire universe! In all the universes, across all dimensions! For ALL. IS. LOVE! So, just remind her of that, when she becomes fearful or doubtful, which will happen less, and less, and less, as you become more, and more, and MORE — shining your incredible, beautiful, brilliant light brightly, for the world to see!
We are SO very proud of you, dear master! Of all that you are, of all that you bring forth, of your courage, your openness, your GIGANTIC loving heart, your deep abounding Love of all you come in contact with— yes, dear one, we see and love how you talk with your bed, and your mermaid, and your home, and your sofa, and your laptop, and (we could go on and on here…..) — but YES, your love for truly ALL— the planet, your fellow masters, alllll of the light beings who help and continue to help you, and each of you, along your path, the angels and your ancestors — which includes the entire human race, by the way — and all whom perhaps in the past your human used to judge or label as “bad” or “mean” or we would simply say, those she could not relate to, in her lower levels of consciousness.
But even THEN, even THEN, dear master, your heart was bursting with love for them! We know, we KNOW, that you have ALWAYS had a kind, big, yes— ooey-gooey if you like— heart! You’ve always felt compassion for the “bullies”, for the “mean girls”, for you knew, you Knew, that they must have been hurt somehow indeed, to lash out the way they did. Yes, not to “excuse” their behavior, of course not, but a deep understanding and compassion for their life experience. You see?
Dear master, it’s been in you all along! You’ve been “right” — though we dislike that term….there TRULY is no “right”, as all is simply an experience of God, a unique expression of God, ALL finding their/its path back home, to Pure Love! But yes, dear master, your beautiful innocent heart, has known all along.
So LIVE FULLY in that Heart, dear master! Love it, Adore it, Embrace it, Respect and Revere it, Tend to it, take care of it, and of COURSE talk and commune with it, often! Or rather, ALWAYS! For THAT is where true communication, and certainly Connection, lies! Channeling? Yes, it’s in your Heart! Other galaxies, other dimensions, other beings? YES, within your HEART! Your beautiful, incredible, exquisitely unique soul? YES, in your HEART! Hahahah YES, you have glorious chakras in your energy body and field, and yes, it will serve you to keep them as balanced and open as you can, but dear master, the “Key” as you so dearly, fondly, love that term hahaha, the “KEY” to ALL of those, lies in your HEART. It truly is your key to the Universe (…and beyond!)
Well, dear master, this has been an extraordinary, exciting conversation indeed! And YES, post your channellings for your Dear Council friends, as they will benefit from these as well, dear one. And yes, encourage them to share theirs, as they feel comfortable and so choose, because theirs are equally brilliant and beneficial to you all, as well!
Alright my dear, our dear beautiful sparkling shining diamond of Pure Love, have a wonderful day, and remember, we are only a heart-thought, a heart-Feel, “away”! (truly, HERE!). We are here for you always, dear master, and love you, love you, LOVE you. There is SO very much love for you here, dear master! And yes, go to that clip you saw the other day about the angel “getting its wings” and how what you all have done is MORE magnificent — something to celebrate indeed — and share that with your beautiful friends, too.
We love you, we love you, we love you, dear master! And with that, we are, complete…..for the moment. ;-)
💞 Channeled with love by
@Susan Fujii
on June 28, 2024, at 8:42am CST 🌟
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