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Yoga Vasistham
Book 1 - Vairagya Prakaranam

Chapter 18 — Denunciation of the Body

1. श्रीराम उवाच ।
आर्द्रान्त्रतन्त्रीगहनो विकारी परिपातवान् ।
देहः स्फुरति संसारे सोऽपि दुःखाय केवलम् ॥ १ ॥
This body of ours that struts about on earth, is but a mass of humid entrails and tendons, tending to decay and disease, and to our torment alone.
2. अज्ञोऽपि तज्ज्ञसदृशो वलितात्मचमत्कृतिः ।
युक्त्या भव्योऽप्यभव्योऽपि न जडो नापि चेतनः ॥ २ ॥
It is neither quiescent nor wholly sentient, neither ignorant nor quite intelligent. Its inherent soul is a wonder, and it is reason (and its absence) that makes it graceful or otherwise.
3. जडाजडदृशोर्मध्ये दोलायितदुराशयः ।
अविवेकी विमूढात्मा मोहमेव प्रयच्छति ॥ ३ ॥
The sceptic is doubtful of its inertness and intellection: and the unreasonable and ignorant people are ever subject to error and illusion.
4. स्तोकेनानन्दमायाति स्तोकेनायाति खेदिताम् ।
नास्ति देहसमः शोच्यो नीचो गुणबहिष्कृतः ॥ ४ ॥
The body is as easily gratified with a little, as it is exhausted in an instant, hence there is nothing so pitiable, abject and worthless as our bodies.
5. आगमापायिना नित्यं दन्तकेसरशालिना ।
विकासस्मितपुष्पेण प्रतिक्षणमलंकृतः ॥ ५ ॥
The face is as frail as a fading flower: now it shoots forth its teeth like filaments, and now it dresses itself with blooming and blushing smiles as blossoms.
6. भुजशाखो घनस्कन्धो द्विजस्तम्भशुभस्थितिः ।
लोचनालिविलाक्रान्तः शिरःपीठबृहत्फलः ॥ ६ ॥
The body is as a tree, having its arms resembling the branches, the shoulder-blades like stems, the teeth as rows of birds, the eye-holes like its hollows, and the head as a big fruit.
7. श्रवदन्तरसग्रस्तो हस्तपादसुपल्लवः ।
गुल्मवान्कार्यसंघातो विहङ्गमकृतास्पदः ॥ ७ ॥
The ears are as two wood-peckers, the fingers of both hands and feet as so many leaves of the branches, the diseases as (parasite) plants, and the acts of the body are as axes felling this tree, which is the seat of the two birds the ego and the intellect.
8. सच्छायो देहवृक्षोऽयं जीवपान्थगणास्पदः ।
कस्यात्मीयः कस्य पर आस्थानास्थे किलात्र के ॥ ८ ॥
This shady arbor of the body, is but the temporary resort of the passing ego, what then whether it be akin to or apart from anybody, or whether one would rely in it or not.
9. तात संतरणार्थेन गृहीतायां पुनःपुनः ।
नावि देहलतायां च कस्य स्यादात्मभावना ॥ ९ ॥
What man is there, O venerable fathers! that would stoop to reflect within himself, that this body is repeatedly assumed only to serve him as a boat to pass over the sea of the world.
10. देहनाम्नि वने शून्ये बहुगर्तसमाकुले ।
तनूरुहासंख्यतरौ विश्वासं कोऽधिगच्छति ॥ १० ॥
Who can rely any confidence in his body, which is as a forest full of holes, and abounds in hairs resembling its trees?
11. मांसस्नाय्वस्थिवलिते शरीरपटहेऽदृढे ।
मार्जारवदहं तात तिष्ठाम्यत्र गतध्वनौ ॥ ११ ॥
The body composed of flesh, nerves and bones, resembles a drum without any musical sound, and yet I sit watching it as a cat (for the squeaking of mice).
12. संसारारण्यसंरूढो विलसच्चित्तमर्कटः ।
चिन्तामञ्जरिताकारो दीर्घदुःखघुणक्षतः ॥ १२ ॥
Our bodies are as trees growing in the forest of the world, bearing the flowers of anxiety, and perforated by the worms of woe and misery, and mounted upon by the apish mind.
13. तृष्णाभुजङ्गमीगेहं कोप काक कृतालयः ।
स्मितपुण्योद्गमः श्रीमाञ्छुभाशुभमहाफलः ॥ १३ ॥
The body with its smiling face appears a goodly plant, bearing the fruits both of good and evil; but it has become the abode of the dragon of avarice, and a rookery of the ravens of anger.
14. सुस्कन्धोघलताजालो हस्तस्तबकसुन्दरः ।
पवनस्पन्दिताशेषस्वाङ्गावयवपल्लवः ॥ १४ ॥
Our arms are as the boughs of trees, and our open palms like beautiful clusters of flowers, the other limbs are as twigs and leaves, and are continually shaken by the breath of life.
15. सर्वेन्द्रियखगाधारः सुजानुस्तम्भ उन्नतः ।
सरसच्छायया युक्तः कामपान्थनिषेवितः ॥ १५ ॥
The two legs are the erect stems (of the arbor of the body), and the organs are the seats of the birds of sense. Its youthful bloom is a shade for the passing traveller of love.
16. मूर्धसंजनिताऽऽदीर्घशिरोरुहतृणावलिः ।
अहंकारगृध्रकृतकुलायः सुषिरोदरः ॥ १६ ॥
The hanging hairs of the head resemble the long grass growing on the tree (of the body); and egoism like a vulture (in hollow), cracks the ear with its hideous shrieks.
17. विच्छिन्नवासनाजालमूलत्वाद्दुर्लवाकृतिः ।
व्यायामविरसः कायप्लक्षोऽयं न सुखाय मे ॥ १७ ॥
Our various desires like the pendant roots and fibres of the fig tree, seem to support its trunk of the body, though it is worn out by labour to unpleasantness.
18. कलेवरमहंकारगृहस्थस्य महागृहम् ।
लुठत्वभ्येतु वा स्थैर्यं किमनेन मुने मम ॥ १८ ॥
The body is the big abode of its owner’s egoism, and therefore it is of no interest to me whether it lasts or falls (for egoism is the bane of happiness).
19. पङ्क्तिबद्धेन्द्रियपशुं वलत्तृष्णागृहाङ्गनम् ।
रागरञ्जितसर्वाङ्गं नेष्टं देहगृहं मम ॥ १९ ॥
This body which is linked with its limbs like beasts of burden labour, and is the abode of its mistress Avarice—painted over by her taints of passions, affords me no delight whatever.
20. पृष्ठास्थिकाष्ठसंघट्टपरिसंकटकोटरम् ।
आन्त्ररज्जुभिराबद्धं नेष्टं देहगृहं मम ॥ २० ॥
This abode of the body which is built by the frame-work of the back-bone and ribs, and composed of cellular vessels, tied together by ropes of the entrails, is no way desirable to me.
21. प्रसृतस्नायुतन्त्रीकं रक्ताम्बुकृतकर्दमम् ।
जरामङ्कोलधवलं नेष्टं देहगृहं मम ॥ २१ ॥
This mansion of the body, which is tied with strings of the tendons, and built with the clay of blood and moisture, and plastered white with old age, is no way suited to my liking.
22. चित्तभृत्यकृतानन्तचेष्टावष्टब्धसंस्थिति ।
मिथ्यामोहमहास्थूणं नेष्टं देहगृहं मम ॥ २२ ॥
The mind is the architect and master of this bodily dwelling, and our activities are its supports and servants; it is filled with errors and delusions which I do not like.
23. दुःखार्भककृताक्रन्दं सुखशय्यामनोरमम् ।
दुरीहादग्धदासीकं नेष्टं देहगृहं मम ॥ २३ ॥
I do not like this dwelling of the body with its bed of pleasure on one side, and the cries of pain as those of its children on the other, and where our evil desires are at work like its bawling hand-maids.
24. मलाढ्यविषयव्यूहभाण्डोपस्करसंकटम् ।
अज्ञानक्षारवलितं नेष्टं देहगृहं मम ॥ २४ ॥
I cannot like this body, which like a pot of filth, is full of the foulness of worldly affairs, and mouldering under the rust of our ignorance.
25. गुल्फगुग्गुलुविश्रान्तजानूर्ध्वस्तम्भमस्तकम् ।
दीघदोर्दारुसुदृढं नेष्टं देहगृहं मम ॥ २५ ॥
It is a hovel standing on the two props of our heels, and supported by the two posts of our legs.
26. प्रकटाक्षगवाक्षान्तः क्रीडत्प्रज्ञागृहाङ्गनम् ।
चिन्तादुहितृकं ब्रह्मन्नेष्टं देहगृहं मम ॥ २६ ॥
It is no lovely house where the external organs are playing their parts, while its mistress the understanding sits inside with her brood of anxieties.
27. मूर्धजाच्छादनच्छन्नकर्णश्रीचन्द्रशालिकम् ।
आदीर्घाङ्गुलिनिर्व्यूहं नेष्टं देहगृहं मम ॥ २७ ॥
It is a hut which is thatched over with the hairs on the head, decorated with the turrets of the ears, and adorned with jewels on the crest, which I do not like.
28. सर्वाङ्गकुड्यसंघातघनरोमयवाङ्कुरम् ।
संशून्यपेटविवरं नेष्टं देहगृहं मम ॥ २८ ॥
This house of the body is walled about by all its members, and beset by hairs growing like ears of corn on it. It has an empty space of the belly within (which is never full), and which I do not like.
29. नखोर्णनाभिनिलयं सरमारणितान्तरम् ।
भाङ्कारकारिपवनं नेष्टं देहगृहं मम ॥ २९ ॥
This body with its nails as those of spiders, and its entrails growling within like barking dogs, and the internal winds emitting fearful sounds, is never delightsome to me.
30. प्रवेशनिर्गमव्यग्रवातवेगमनारतम् ।
वितताक्षगवाक्षं तन्नेष्टं देहगृहं मम ॥ ३० ॥
What is this body but a passage for the ceaseless inhaling and exhaling of the vital air? Its eyes are as two windows which are continually opened and closed by the eyelids. I do not like such a mansion as this.
31. जिह्वामर्कटिकाक्रान्तवदनद्वारभीषणम् ।
दृष्टदन्तास्थिशकलं नेष्टं देहगृह मम ॥ ३१ ॥
This mansion of the body with its formidable (wide-open) door of the mouth, and (ever-moving) bolt of the tongue and bars of the teeth, is not pleasant to me.
32. त्वक्सुधालेपमसृणं यन्त्रसंचारचञ्चलम् ।
मनः सदाखुनोत्खातं नेष्टं देहगृहं मम ॥ ३२ ॥
This house of the body, having the white-wash of ointments on the outer skin, and the machinery of the limbs in continued motion, and the restless mind burrowing its base like the mischievous mouse, is not liked by me.
33. स्मितदीपप्रभोद्भासि क्षणमानन्दसुन्दरम् ।
क्षणं व्याप्तं तमःपूरैर्नेष्टं देहगृहं मम ॥ ३३ ॥
Sweet smiles like shining lamps, serve to lighten this house of the body for a moment, but it is soon darkened by a cloud of melancholy, wherefore I cannot be pleased with it.
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