52°North Spatial Information Research GmbH Innovative ideas & technologies in geoinformatics
Innovative ideas & technologies in geoinformatics
javascript, android, java, web services, ogc standards
citizen science, spatial information infrastructures, open standards, data analytics, Geoinformation
52°North is an open source initiative in the field of geoinformatics. Core topics of our activities are for example sensor web, web-based geoprocessing and earth observation.
AboutCode Scan code for origin, license and vulnerabilities
Scan code for origin, license and vulnerabilities
python, javascript, Django+PostgreSQL, C/Rust/Go
dependencies, vulnerabilities, SoftwareCompositionAnalysis, License, SBOM
AboutCode.org is a community of open source developers who are trying to make open source easier to use by providing open source tools to discover, identify and track open source components (aka. Software Composition Analysis – SCA). This includes tools, data and standards for code origin, FOSS licenses and security vulnerabilities.
AFLplusplus State of the art fuzzing for better security
State of the art fuzzing for better security
llvm, rust, fuzzing, qemu
fuzzing, ci
We are dedicated to provide the most effective fuzzing frameworks. Our work includes AFL++, the most effective and flexible fuzzer, and libafl, a library to build your own fuzzer with the most modern techniques and technologies.
AOSSIE Australian Umbrella Org for Open-Source Projects
Australian Umbrella Org for Open-Source Projects
python, javascript, machine learning, scala, Blockchain
machine learning, electronic voting, natural language processing, social science
We are an Australian not-for-profit umbrella organization for open-source projects. We believe the open-source philosophy provides a resource-efficient channel to transfer knowledge and achieve innovation and education. In 2023, we offer the following projects: Agora (Scala, Javascript): a library of vote-counting algorithms for democratic elections. Mind the Word (Javascript, HTML, CSS): a browser extension that helps users to learn new languages. Crowd Alert (React-Native, Expo, Jest): a cross-platform mobile application that allows users to post and view incidents around them Carbon Footprint (Javascript, HTML, CSS): a browser extension that raises environmental awareness regarding C02 emissions. Starcross (iOS, C++, OpenGL, Objective-C): Starcross is a hand-held planetarium for your iOS device. Can be used to identify stars, planets, nebulae and more. Social Street Smart (Chrome Extension): Social Street Smart is a Chrome Extension that makes the Internet a more productive place for users. Using algorithms and artificial intelligence, the extension hopes to face the major problems of the modern Internet. Monumento(Mobile Application): to provide users with a unique experience of exploring and learning more about the various monumental structures all around the world within the app. We have a diverse group of mentors, including GSoC students from previous years who decided to become long-term contributors as well as academics with extensive experience in supervising undergraduate, M.Sc. and PhD students on theses and projects, whose results are often published and presented in the most prestigious conferences of our research fields.
Apache Software Foundation Open source software to the public free of charge
Open source software to the public free of charge
c, java, c++
big data, cloud, libraries, other
The Foundation provides an established framework for intellectual property and financial contributions that simultaneously limits contributors potential legal exposure. Through a collaborative and meritocratic development process, Apache projects deliver enterprise-grade, freely available software products that attract large communities of users. The pragmatic Apache License makes it easy for all users, commercial and individual, to deploy Apache products.
Apertium A free/open-source machine translation platform
A free/open-source machine translation platform
python, javascript, c++, xml, bash
natural language processing, machine translation, language technology, less-resources languages
Apertium is a free/open-source machine translation platform, and the organisation focuses on primarily symbolic language technology for less-resourced languages.
ArduPilot World's most advanced autonomous vehicle software
World's most advanced autonomous vehicle software
python, lua, c++, pixhawk
robotics, Drone, autonomous vehicle, UGV, unmanned vehicle
ArduPilot is the world's most widely used open source flight code software for unmanned autonomous vehicles including planes, multicopters, helicopters, cars, boats, submarines, blimps, antenna trackers and much more. Written primarily in C++, ArduPilot supports over 70 different types of autopilot hardware including the well known Pixhawk autopilot. Our team motto, "Versatile, Trusted, Open" reflects our team's aim to provide high quality autopilot software that reliably supports a huge variety of frames, sensors and use cases. The software is open but so is the team, always welcoming of new contributors whether they be software developers, wiki documentors, testers or users.
BeagleBoard.org Open hardware computing for educators and makers
Open hardware computing for educators and makers
linux, fpga, risc-v, dsp, Zephyr RTOS
robotics, iot, ai, software defined radio, Personal Server
Enabling individuals to define the connected devices in their lives, BeagleBoard.org is the open-source, community-driven hardware precursor to Raspberry Pi, continuing to improve performance, access and openness for embedded development. The community is diverse with many professional developers utilizing the open source designs to build production solutions. Supported by a non-profit foundation, the community seeks to improve access to technology for making embedded devices using open source software and hardware. On-going developments include open designs around DSP/AI/ML accelerators, RISC-V cores, FPGA-based open hardware developement, software-defined radios, robotics/motor control, privacy-oriented personal servers, musical instruments, lighting displays, and open standards that simplify and clarify embedded systems technology.
Blender Foundation The Freedom to Create
The Freedom to Create
c, python, opengl, c++, vulkan
games, graphics, 3d, rendering, animation
Blender is a free and open source 3D creation suite, providing individuals and small teams a complete pipeline for 3D graphics, modeling, animation and games. Blender is being made by 100s of active volunteers from all around the world; by studios and individual artists, professionals and hobbyists, scientists and students, vfx experts and animators, and so on. All of them are united by an interest to have access to a fully free/open source 3D creation pipeline. Blender Foundation supports and facilitates these goals - even employs a staff for that - but fully depends on the online community to achieve it.
BRL-CAD 3D CAD & other computer-aided tech (CAx)
3D CAD & other computer-aided tech (CAx)
python, c/c++, opengl, opencl, scripting
geometry, 2d/3d graphics, ray tracing, high-performance computing, conversion standards
This is the place to be if you love computer graphics. We do 2D/3D modeling, 3D printing, solid geometry, design, and more. Depending on the project, you have the opportunity to work with C/C++, Python, OpenGL, OpenCL, Qt, Javascript, and more... Help us develop open source computer-aided technologies (CAx)! We operates as an umbrella organization (The OpenCAx Association) with several CAx communities including: - KiCAD is an electronics design automation (EDA) suite - OpenSCAD is a solid 3D modeler with a rich syntax for programmable geometry. - LibreCAD is a 2D modeling system specializing in blueprint-style drawings and draftings. - FreeCAD provides parametric 3D modeling with engineering functionality like FEM and CAM. - IfcOpenShell is a library for working with standard IFC building model data. - BRL-CAD is a solid modeling suite with conversion and advanced solid ray tracing features. We want to select at least one student for each, so feel free to ask us where to start.
caMicroscope Toolkit for cancer imaging research
Toolkit for cancer imaging research
python, javascript, mongodb, tensorflow
data visualization, cancer, medical research, AI Pathology
caMicroscope is a digital pathology data management, visualization and analysis platform. It consists of a set of web services to manage digital pathology images, associated clinical and imaging metadata, and human/machine generated annotations and markups. The image visualization client consists of HTML5 based web clients that support interactive rendering of the digitized image, and the creation and display of annotations and markups. In addition to the core caMicroscope digital pathology management framework, caMicroscope organization also consists of several other open source tools, in the domains of healthcare and big data. caMicroscope is used by several medical research organizations.
Carbon Language An experimental successor to C++
An experimental successor to C++
llvm, c++, clang, Bison
programming languages, c++
Carbon is a successor language approach designed around interoperability with C++ as well as large-scale adoption and migration for existing C++ codebases and developers.
cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics Aid discovery in complex cancer genomics data
Aid discovery in complex cancer genomics data
mysql, javascript, java, react, typescript
genomics, cancer, bioinformatics, big data, precision medicine
The cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics is a resource designed to provide broad community access to cancer genomic data. It provides a unique user?-friendly and "biology?-centric computational user interface", with the goal of making genomic data more easily accessible to translational scientists, biologists, and clinicians. The interface was explicitly built and continues to evolve with careful usability studies involving multiple biological and clinical users, and an active and engaged user base. The public instance of cBioPortal (https://cbioportal.org/) is now one of the most popular online resources for cancer genomics data and attracts more than 4,000 unique visitors (cancer researchers and clinicians) per day. The two papers documenting the cBioPortal Cerami et al. Cancer Discov. 2012 & Gao et al. Sci. Signal. 2013 have been cited more than 5,600 and 5,100 times, respectively, since their publication. There are more than 30 actively used cBioPortal instances in hospitals, universities, pharmaceutical companies, and other institutes all over the globe. We are a group of software engineers, bioinformaticians, and cancer biologists building software solutions for precision medicine for cancer patients. Our overall goal is to build infrastructure to support clinical decisions for personalized cancer treatment by utilizing “big data” of cancer genomics and patient clinical profiles. Our multi-institutional team currently has more than 30 active members, primarily from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and The Hyve, a bioinformatics company from the Netherlands.
CCExtractor Development TV, Rust, Flutter, Linux, VR and C. In any order.
TV, Rust, Flutter, Linux, VR and C. In any order.
c, linux, rust, flutter
vr, linux, video, subtitles, mobile
CCExtractor Development is the creator of the de-facto captions extraction tool - CCExtractor. It is the one tool that is free, portable, open source and community managed that can take a recording from a TV show and generate an external subtitle file for it. If you regularly watch content with subtitles you download from fan sites - you should know that the source file is most likely generated by CCExtractor. If you are a student in a university that uses subtitles for natural language study, you should know that most likely we are involved somehow. While we already support subtitles from North America, Europe, Australia and more, our world map is not yet complete. We are actively looking for students that want to help us fill the gaps. We also want to automate many of the processes that are currently done manually, such as achieving perfect sync, our media file management. In addition to continuously evolve our core tool, we have a growing number of new projects: support, AI, rclone, cloud, flutter, peer-to-peer and a few more that are starting to take shape. The best part is - students have flexibility of choosing projects from a wide range of topics & technologies and even propose their own. We provide exceptional resources for students. Read more about the perks on our website. We’re very excited to take part in GSoC for the 9th time. Most of our past students are still involved and are active in the community, which simply goes on to show how friendly and approachable is the environment. If you want to be a part of such community and help achieve our goals, come join our Slack group or mailing list!
Ceph The Future of Storage
The Future of Storage
python, javascript, c++
distributed systems, Software-Defined-Storage
An open-source storage platform that implements storage on a single distributed computer cluster and provides a 3-in-1 interface for object-, block- and file-level storage.
CERN-HSF Umbrella for Particle Physics-related projects
Umbrella for Particle Physics-related projects
python, c/c++, data analysis, artificial intelligence, container orchestration
machine learning, big data, algorithmics, particle physics, Performance Optimisation
CERN-HSF (High-Energy Physics Software Foundation) is the umbrella organization for high-energy physics-related projects in GSoC. The HEP Software Foundation (http://hepsoftwarefoundation.org/) facilitates the coordination of common international efforts in high-energy physics software and computing. CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research, https://home.cern) has participated in GSoC since 2011 as the CERN-SFT group, which provides common software for CERN's experiments. In 2017, the program expanded to include many software projects from the whole field of high-energy physics. The vast majority of our GSoC projects do not require any physics knowledge. The experiments at CERN, such as the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator (http://home.cern/topics/large-hadron-collider) try to answer fundamental questions about the Universe. For example, what is the nature of mass? What are the elementary building blocks of the Universe? What was the early Universe like? What is the nature of dark matter and dark energy? Why is there an asymmetry between matter and antimatter? In 2012, LHC experiments announced the discovery of a new particle, the Higgs Boson, that helps explain how particles obtain mass. Also, CERN is the birthplace of the World Wide Web. Today, particle physicists are working on analyzing the data from the experiments to study the properties of the newly discovered particle and to search for new physics, such as dark matter or extra dimensions. This requires a lot of sophisticated software. The open-source high-energy physics projects to which students can contribute during GSoC span many high-energy physics software projects: data analysis, detector and accelerator simulation, event reconstruction, data management and many others. We look forward to your contributions!
CGAL Project C++ library of computational geometry
C++ library of computational geometry
c++, qt
geometry, mesh processing, computation geometry, geometry processing
CGAL is a software library that offers a number of reliable geometric data structures and algorithms. CGAL components operate in 2D and 3D, and sometime in arbitrary dimensions. Examples of components include convex hulls, convex decomposition, Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi diagrams, polygonal surface mesh data-structures, mesh generation, Boolean operations, envelope computations, intersection detection, surface reconstruction, and subdivision surfaces. CGAL is used in a variety of application domains such as CAD/CAM (computer aided design and modeling), GIS (geographic information systems), geophysics, image processing, molecular biology, robotics, motion planning, and graphics. CGAL is written in C++ and rigorously adheres to the generic-programming paradigm. CGAL became an Open Source project in 2003. Most of CGAL is under the GPL v3+ license, and some core parts are under the LGPL v3+. The semi-annual releases have currently about 10,000 downloads. CGAL is commercially supported by the spin-off company GeometryFactory.
CircuitVerse.org Build and learn logic circuits in the cloud!
Build and learn logic circuits in the cloud!
javascript, rails, canvas
education, web, simulation, pedagogy, digital logic design
CircuitVerse is an easy to use digital logic circuit simulator which aims at providing a platform to create, share and learn digital circuits. It can run on almost any device without the need for installing any software. The platform has been designed for use by students, professionals and hobbyists alike. The vision is to develop a community around the platform that will aid students to self-learn digital logic design. The platform is currently used by several universities worldwide. Apart from the simulator, users can create, learn, collaborate and share their work. Teachers can create groups and host assignments on the platform. The platform’s impact has been more evident than ever in the Covid 19 pandemic as CircuitVerse enabled schools and colleges to move their courses online.
CloudCV Building platforms for reproducible AI Research
Building platforms for reproducible AI Research
python, django, docker, angularjs, aws
machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision, deep learning, AI/ML
CloudCV is a young open source cloud platform started in 2013 by students and faculty from Machine Learning and Perception Lab at Virginia Tech (now at Georgia Tech) with the aim to make AI research more reproducible. At CloudCV, we are building tools that enable researchers to build, compare and share state-of-the-art algorithms. We believe that one shouldn't have to be an AI expert to have access to cutting edge vision algorithms. Likewise, researchers shouldn't have to worry about building a service around their deep learning models to showcase and share it with others.
CNCF Building sustainable ecosystems for cloud native
Building sustainable ecosystems for cloud native
prometheus, kubernetes, OpenTelemetry, envoy
cloud, cloud native, observability
Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) serves as the vendor-neutral home for many of the fastest-growing open source projects, including Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Envoy.
Cockpit Project Cockpit is an interactive server admin interface
Cockpit is an interactive server admin interface
python, javascript, react
operating systems, web, linux
Cockpit is an interactive server admin interface. It is easy to use and very lightweight. Cockpit interacts directly with the operating system from a real Linux session in a browser. Cockpit makes Linux discoverable, allowing sysadmins to easily perform tasks such as starting containers, storage administration, network configuration, inspecting logs and so on. Jumping between the terminal and the web tool is no problem. A service started via Cockpit can be stopped via the terminal. Likewise, if an error occurs in the terminal, it can be seen in the Cockpit journal interface. You can also easily add other machines that have Cockpit installed and are accessible via SSH and jump between these hosts. Read more about cockpit in https://cockpit-project.org.
coreboot Fast, secure and flexible BIOS firmware
Fast, secure and flexible BIOS firmware
c, assembly, arm, x86
hardware, drivers, firmware, boot loader, BIOS
coreboot provides a fast, reliable, secure, and predictable boot-firmware solution for numerous modern and legacy chipsets. There are millions of devices running coreboot, including Google Chromebooks and Chromeboxes, and it runs in many datacenters. In 2021, coreboot.org had over 300 active developers, and over 6000 commits. The coreboot project believes in the principles of Open Source software. It borrows many well known concepts from other Open Source projects: Kconfig, Linux kernel coding style, git repository, and Gerrit for code reviews. coreboot has numerous advantages over other firmware projects. It comes with SoC support available to all developers. The codebase is shared with developers and companies which are helping to improve the SoC and driver-specific implementations. ** Extremely fast ** - coreboot is designed to do the minimum amount necessary and get out of the way. - Desktop and Notebooks boot up in 400ms - 2.5s. - Server boot time can be as low as a quarter of the OEM BIOS boot time. ** Flexible and customizable ** - Because coreboot only does hardware init, then jumps to a payload to continue, it is very flexible. - GPLv2 licensed core. Payloads can be proprietary and we offer a BSD licensed support library. coreboot provides ready-to-build payloads like UEFI, SeaBIOS, U-Boot, Grub2 and many more. - Recovery Mode based on multiple copies of the firmware which can be updated independently. - Integrity of stages and binaries in coreboot can be easily verified. - Designed for security by default. - Uses a minimal trusted computing base for each platform which is easily auditable, helping to guarantee security. As coreboot is Open Source, anyone can check the codebase. ** Debugging ** - There are multiple ways to extract the boot log, from classic serial to EHCI debug, even over the pc-speaker. - GDB Stub support via serial. - In memory console log support. - Tracing functions and other exotic features are supported.
Creative Commons Nonprofit building a global digital commons.
Nonprofit building a global digital commons.
python, javascript, php, css, wordpress
web, nonprofit, copyleft, creative commons, legal
Creative Commons (CC) is a United States-based nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that provides open content copyright licenses, public domain tools, and resources on copyright and information literacy in the digital age. Our free, easy-to-use copyright licenses provide a simple, standardized way for all creators, authors, and producers of knowledge assets and cultural works to give the public permission to share and use their works on conditions of their choice. CC licenses work in tandem with copyright, allowing creators to easily and legally change copyright terms from the default of “all rights reserved” to “some rights reserved” to best suit their needs. In addition to the ongoing development and improvement of legal and technical tools for sharing, CC runs programs to put these tools into use in the world, and to mainstream open access, broad sharing, and reuse of creative works and knowledge assets. CC’s programmatic work encompasses outreach, trainings, partnerships, and much more, targeted to achieve measurable impact in improving affordable access to and enhancing reuse of content by anyone, anywhere, towards a more informed, culturally enriched, and productive society. All of CC’s work is amplified by a diverse and global network of volunteer affiliate groups.
CRIU Chekpoint/Restore for Linux tasks and containers
Chekpoint/Restore for Linux tasks and containers
c, python, linux, go
cloud, containers, Checkpoint/Restore
CRIU (stands for Checkpoint/Restore In Userspace), is a Linux software. It can freeze a running container (or an individual application) and checkpoint its state to disk. The data saved can be used to restore the application and run it exactly as it was during the time of the freeze. Using this functionality, application or container live migration, snapshots, remote debugging, and many other things are now possible. CRIU is packaged for all leading Linux distributions and it is integrated wit lots of popular projects such as Docker, Podman, LXC/LXD, OpenVZ, runc, open-mpi and others
Dart Dart is a client language for apps on any platform
Dart is a client language for apps on any platform
flutter, dart
programming languages, mobile apps
The Dart language gives you a fast developer experience and works on any platform. Dart powers hot reload enabling you to make a code change and instantly see results in your running app, and compiles to ARM and x64 machine code enabling quick app startup times for mobile, desktop and the web. Dart powers Flutter, Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
DBpedia Global and Unified Access to Knowledge Graphs.
Global and Unified Access to Knowledge Graphs.
python, javascript, java, scala, rdf
natural language processing, semantic web, linked data, knowledge graph, data extraction
DBpedia is a crowd-sourced community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and make this information available on the Web. It allows for a global and unified access to Knowledge Graphs.
Department of Biomedical Informatics, Emory University Biomedical research to advance healthcare
Biomedical research to advance healthcare
python, javascript, java, workflows, dicom
science and medicine, data integration, workflows, radiology, distributed system
Biomedical Informatics is a multidisciplinary field that is motivated by our desire to improve diagnosis, clinical care, and human health, through novel computational approaches to use (and learn from) biomedical and clinical data. We use our expertise in computer science and informatics by developing various enabling tools, technologies, and algorithms to solve specific biomedical and clinical applications. And in doing so help advance our understanding of disease and treatment, and also develop useful software and applications. Members of the department work in a variety of areas that range from machine learning, healthcare middleware that leverages cloud computing, clinical information systems, clinically oriented image analysis, and biomedical knowledge modeling. The driving applications for the various ongoing projects include cancer research, organ transplant, HIV, medical imaging, radiation therapy, and clinical data analytics. All development work that is undertaken is free and open-source. We have had a diverse set of successful GSoC projects in the past. In previous years, GSoC contributors have worked on diverse projects such as: geospatial systems for exploring microscopy environments that leveraged Hadoop; GPU accelerated pipelines for computational analysis of digitized biopsies; interactive visualization platforms for viewing massive images (>1GB); systems for data agnostic sharing of biomedical research datasets; Apache Drill based data integration and de-duplication platform for SQL and NoSQL databases; CNN based high throughput analysis of digitized biopsies; A GUI for Tensorflow; integrated architectures for biomedical data integration and federation; and information visualization of heterogeneous medical data. Many of these projects have been published in reputable journals and presented at major conferences. Some of the projects proved to be so successful that they were adopted in major national/international biomedical research initiatives.
Django Software Foundation Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines
Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines
python, django
web, python
Django is a high-level Python Web framework originally developed at the Lawrence-Journal World. Django was designed to handle two challenges: the intensive deadlines of a newsroom and the stringent requirements of the experienced Web developers who wrote it. It lets you build high-performing, elegant Web applications quickly.
Drupal Association The best open source digital experience platform
The best open source digital experience platform
mysql, javascript, html, php, symfony
web, cloud, DXP, Massive community, Inclusive
The Drupal Association is the non-profit organization focused on accelerating Drupal, fostering the growth of the Drupal community, and supporting the project’s vision to create a safe, secure, and open web for everyone.
Eclipse Foundation The Global Open Source Foundation
The Global Open Source Foundation
java, che, deeplearning, eclipsejavaide, jakartaee
robotics, automotive, tools, cloud native java, iot & edge
The Eclipse Foundation provides our global community of individuals & organizations with a mature, scalable, and business-friendly environment for OSS collaboration and innovation. Eclipse is an open source community that's focused around key principles of transparency, openness, and vendor neutrality: the work that we do is done in a manner that can be observed by anybody with an interest; project teams welcome new ideas, and invites others to participate; and vendor neutrality ensures that no single vendor can dominate a project and that everybody plays by the same set of rules (a so-called "level playing field"). Naturally, Eclipse projects are also all about the code. With over three hundred and sixty (https://projects.eclipse.org/) open source projects covering a diverse set of of technologies, there's something here for everybody. Eclipse projects build technology in areas such as Internet of Things (https://projects.eclipse.org/technology-type/internet-things), Programming Languages and IDE (https://projects.eclipse.org/technology-type/language), and Runtimes (https://projects.eclipse.org/technology-type/runtime) like Jetty and EE4J (http://www.eclipse.org/ee4j) (currently known as Java EE). For those students interested in research, we have an entire working group focused on Science (https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/science) where researches from some of the world's most prestigious labs do open source development to support their research areas.
FFmpeg Record, convert and stream audio & video
Record, convert and stream audio & video
c, git, asm
audio, video, subtitles, multimedia
FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. No matter if they were designed by some standards committee, the community or a corporation. It is also highly portable: FFmpeg compiles, runs, and passes our testing infrastructure FATE across Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft.
FLARE Industry leading malware analysis
Industry leading malware analysis
python, ida-pro, Ghidra
emulation, disassembly, decompilation, malware-analysis, reverse-engineering
The Mandiant FLARE team is a collection of about 40 reverse engineers that analyze malware in support of threat intel, incident response, and computer forensic investigations. We spend our days using disassemblers, debuggers, decompilers, and emulators to figure out what malware does and how we can contain it. We’re known for delivering training sessions that share our experience and releasing open source software that automates the boring things. If you have even a passing interest in reverse engineering or malware analysis, reach out so that we can chat!
Fortran-lang High-performance parallel programming language
High-performance parallel programming language
python, c++, fortran
compilers, programming languages, build systems, libraries, Fortran
Fortran-lang is an open-source community that develops tools and libraries for modern Fortran development. Our flagship projects include the standard library, Fortran build system and package manager, as well as the interactive compiler, LFortran. Fortran-lang also provides an inclusive and welcoming space for all Fortran enthusiasts around the world to collaborate.
FOSSology Open Source License Compliance by OSS
Open Source License Compliance by OSS
python, postgresql, c/c++, go, php
automation, spdx, license compliance, nlp, compliance automation
FOSSology is an open source license compliance software system and toolkit. As a toolkit you can run license, copyright and export control scans from the command line. As a system, a database and web UI are provided to give you a compliance workflow. License, copyright and export scanners are tools used in the workflow.
Free and Open Source Silicon Foundation Working together for Free and Open Source Silicon
Working together for Free and Open Source Silicon
verilog, risc-v, compiler, web development
hardware, debug, web services, simulation, electronic design tools
The FOSSi (Free and Open Source Silicon) Foundation is a not-for-profit organization with the support the growing community of open source silicon hardware. We do this with a variety of activities and through Google Summer of Code we bring together enthusiastic mentees and outstanding projects. Under our umbrella are open source silicon hardware projects, operating systems and compilers for such projects, tools for electronic design automation and the related ecosystem.
FreeCAD Cross-platform 3D parametric modeler
Cross-platform 3D parametric modeler
python, c++, qt, OpenCASCADE, OpenInventor
engineering, graphics, cad, architecture, CAM
FreeCAD is a general-purpose parametric 3D computer-aided design (CAD) modeler and a building information modeling (BIM) software application with finite element method (FEM) support. It is intended for mechanical engineering product design but also expands to a wider range of uses around engineering, such as architecture or electrical engineering. FreeCAD is free and open-source, under the LGPL-2.0-or-later license, and available for Linux, macOS, and Windows operating systems. Users can extend the functionality of the software using the Python programming language.
FreeType FreeType is a software library to render fonts.
FreeType is a software library to render fonts.
c, autotools, meson
library, rendering, fonts, opentype, truetype
FreeType is a freely available software library to render fonts. It is written in C, designed to be small, efficient, highly customizable, and portable while capable of producing high-quality output (glyph images) of most vector and bitmap font formats. Some products that use FreeType for rendering fonts on screen or on paper, either exclusively or partially: • GNU/Linux and other free Unix operating system derivates like FreeBSD or NetBSD; • iOS, Apple's mobile operating system for iPhones and iPads; • Android, Google's operating system for smartphones and tablet computers; • ChromeOS, Google's operating system for laptop computers; • ReactOS, a free open source operating system based on the best design principles found in the Windows NT architecture; • Ghostscript, a PostScript interpreter used in many printers. Counting the above products only, you get more than a *billion* devices that contain FreeType.
freifunk Free and open wireless networks
Free and open wireless networks
c, python, javascript, openwrt, gnu/linux
embedded systems, open hardware, routing, wireless networks, federation
Freifunk unites wireless communities like Ninux, qaul.net, Guifi.net, and Evernet e.G. Our communities extensively rely on OpenWRT Linux, OLSR, BATMAN, libremesh, or retroshare. Our communities build decentralized wireless network architectures based on embedded networking hardware such as WiFi routers. The contributions are made by individuals and local groups which are highly motivated to build open and free wireless networks providing Internet access to everybody. Moreover, we also create solutions that allow anonymous and secure communication. Most wireless routers in our networks are based on affordable, off-the-shelf devices such as WiFi routers. The Freifunk operating system extends the OpenWrt Linux OS by additional software packages that enable multi-hop wireless mesh networking and new P2P communication features.
GCP Scanner Security scanning tool for Google Cloud
Security scanning tool for Google Cloud
python, google cloud
security, automation, scanning, google cloud
GCP scanner is a tool that can help determine what level of access certain credentials possess on GCP. The scanner is designed to help security engineers with evaluating the impact of a certain VM/container compromise, GCP service account or OAuth2 token key leak by enumerating accessible GCP services. This can help to understand what an actual attacker had access to by compromising a certain identity.
Genome Assembly and Annotation Providing freely accessible genomic data
Providing freely accessible genomic data
python, mysql, docker, pytorch, nextflow
machine learning, genomics, big data, cloud, hpc
The Genome Assembly and Annotation section of EMBL-EBI brings together key reference resources in the field of genomics: - Ensembl (http://www.ensembl.org) was created in 1999 in preparation for the publication of the first draft of the human genome, to allow researchers and clinicians to start translating the secrets hidden within the human genome into real world applications. Ensembl has grown into a champion of biodiversity, providing data for tens of thousands of species across our vertebrate, metazoa, plant, fungi and bacterial divisions. - MGnify (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/metagenomics) provides a free to use platform for the assembly, analysis and archiving of microbiome data derived from sequencing microbial populations that are present in particular environments. Over the past 2 years, MGnify has more than doubled the number of publicly available analysed datasets held within the resource. - WormBase (https://wormbase.org/) is one of the World's oldest active bioinformatic resources, more than 20 years old. We scan all published literature and datasets on the model organism C. elegans, to create a very comprehensive resouce of genomics, strains, experiments, paper and people, aimed towards accelerating research and discoveries in fundamental biology as well as human health. - The Hugo Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) and its sibling project the Vertebrate Gene Nomenclature Committee (VGNC) are jointly responsible for defining the official names of genes in human and key vertebrate species. This official nomenclature ensures that studies and results on the same gene can easily be aggregated. Given the rapid pace of generation of genomics and sequencing data, we support a fast-evolving software stack, and are constantly investigating new solutions for data storage, processing, distribution and display. Please visit our projects page for ideas on potential GSoC projects: https://www.ensembl.info/about/projects/
Gentoo Foundation A flexible, source-based Linux distribution.
A flexible, source-based Linux distribution.
c, python, shell, linux, bash
operating systems, security, embedded, init, package
Every user has work they need to do. The goal of Gentoo is to design tools and systems that allow a user to do that work as pleasantly and efficiently as possible, as they see fit. Our tools should be a joy to use, and should help the user to appreciate the richness of the Linux and free software community, and the flexibility of free software. This is only possible when the tool is designed to reflect and transmit the will of the user, and leave the possibilities open as to the final form of the raw materials (the source code.) If the tool forces the user to do things a particular way, then the tool is working against, rather than for, the user. We have all experienced situations where tools seem to be imposing their respective wills on us. This is backwards, and contrary to the Gentoo philosophy. Put another way, the Gentoo philosophy is to create better tools. When a tool is doing its job perfectly, you might not even be very aware of its presence, because it does not interfere and make its presence known, nor does it force you to interact with it when you don’t want it to. The tool serves the user rather than the user serving the tool. The goal of Gentoo is to strive to create near-ideal tools. Tools that can accommodate the needs of many different users all with divergent goals. Don’t you love it when you find a tool that does exactly what you want to do? Doesn’t it feel great? Our mission is to give that sensation to as many people as possible.
GeomScale Scalable geometric and statistical software
Scalable geometric and statistical software
python, c++, r, jupyter, github-actions
mathematics, data science, computational biology, computational geometry, statistics
GeomScale is a research and development project that delivers open source code for state-of-the-art algorithms at the intersection of data science, optimization, geometric, and statistical computing. The current focus of GeomScale is on scalable algorithms for sampling from high-dimensional distributions, integration, convex optimization, and their applications. One of our ambitions is to fill the gap between theory and practice by turning state-of-the-art theoretical tools in geometry and optimization to state-of-the-art implementations. Towards this goal, we will deliver various innovative solutions in a variety of application fields, like finance, computational biology, and statistics that will extend the limits of contemporary computational tools. GeomScale aims in serving as a building block for an international, interdisciplinary, and open community in high dimensional geometrical and statistical computing. The main development is currently performed in volesti, a generic open source C++ library, with R and python interfaces (the latter is hosted in package dingo), for high-dimensional sampling, volume approximation, and copula estimation for financial modelling. In particular, the current implementation scales up to hundred or thousand dimensions, depending on the problem. To our knowledge it is the most efficient software package for sampling and volume computation to date. It is, in several cases, orders of magnitude faster compared to packages that solve the same problems. It can be used to compute challenging multivariate integrals and to approximate optimal solutions in optimization problems. It has already found important applications in systems biology by analyzing large metabolic networks (e.g., the latest human network) and in FinTech by detecting shock events and by evaluating portfolios performance in stock markets with thousands of assets. Other application areas include AI and in particular approximate weighted model integration.
Git Fast,Scalable,Distributed revision control system
Fast,Scalable,Distributed revision control system
shell script, git, c language
version control, dvcs
Git is the most widely-used revision control system in Open Source. It is a distributed system with an emphasis on speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows. Many large and successful projects use Git, including the Linux Kernel, Perl, Eclipse, Gnome, KDE, Qt, Ruby on Rails, Android, PostgreSQL, Debian, and X.org. This organization covers projects for Git itself. Other git-based software or services are not covered by this organization.
GitLab Everyone can contribute
Everyone can contribute
javascript, ruby on rails, go, ruby, vue
cloud, devops
GitLab is The DevOps Platform that empowers organizations to maximize the overall return on software development by delivering software faster and efficiently, while strengthening security and compliance. With GitLab, every team in your organization can collaboratively plan, build, secure, and deploy software to drive business outcomes faster with complete transparency, consistency and traceability.
Global Alliance for Genomics and Health We develop genomics tools to benefit human health
We develop genomics tools to benefit human health
python, postgresql, java, react, rust
web, genomics, bioinformatics, genetics, standards
The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) was formed to help accelerate the potential of genomic medicine to advance human health. It brings together over 400 leading genome institutes and centers with IT industry leaders to create global standards and tools for the secure, privacy respecting and interoperable sharing of Genomic data.
GNOME Foundation A diverse and sustainable free software desktop.
A diverse and sustainable free software desktop.
c, linux, rust, gtk, Flatpak
operating systems, desktop, graphics, open source, apps
The GNOME Foundation is a non-profit organization that believes in a world where everyone is empowered by technology they can trust. We do this by building a diverse and sustainable free software personal computing ecosystem.
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) GNU compilers
GNU compilers
c/c++, gnu make, gnu autotools
compilers, developer tools, toolchain, openmp, link time optimization
The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is an optimizing compiler produced by the GNU Project supporting various programming languages, hardware architectures and operating systems. It includes front-ends for C, C++, D, Objective-C, Fortran, Ada, and Go, as well as libraries for these languages (such as libgcc and libstdc++). Modula-2, Cobol and Rust front-ends are under development too. GCC includes support for OpenMP, OpenACC and Static Analysis.
GNU Image Manipulation Program GIMP is a cross-platform image editor
GIMP is a cross-platform image editor
graphics, design, photography, illustration
GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, macOS, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software, you can change its source code and distribute your changes. Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or scientist, GIMP provides you with sophisticated tools to get your job done. You can further enhance your productivity with GIMP thanks to many customization options and 3rd party plugins.
GNU Octave Free Your Numbers
Free Your Numbers
c++, hg
mathematics, scientific computing, numerical computation, numerical methods, matlab
GNU Octave is a high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides capabilities for the numerical solution of linear and nonlinear problems and for performing other numerical experiments. It also provides extensive graphics capabilities for data visualization and manipulation. Octave is normally used through its interactive command line interface, but it can also be used to write non-interactive programs. The Octave language is quite similar to Matlab so that most programs are easily portable. Octave is continually being upgraded. Student projects may also involve developing or upgrading Octave Forge packages, which can be loaded to provide additional specialized functions that supplement those provided in Core Octave.
GNU Project Development of the GNU Operating System
Development of the GNU Operating System
c, c++, gcc, autotools
tools, toolchain, command line, OS, binary tools
GNU is an operating system that is free software—that is, it respects users' freedom. The GNU operating system consists of GNU packages (programs specifically released by the GNU Project) as well as free software released by third parties. The development of GNU made it possible to use a computer without software that would trample your freedom. The GNU Project is the organization of maintainers and developers, webmasters, translators, and other contributors, that develop the more than 400 programs conforming the GNU OS.
GNU Radio The free & open software radio ecosystem
The free & open software radio ecosystem
python, c++, qt, simd
real-time, dsp, communications engineering, cybersecurity, Software-Defined Radio
GNU Radio is a free & open-source software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios. It can be used with readily-available low-cost external RF hardware to create software-defined radios, or without hardware in a simulation-like environment. It is widely used in research, industry, academia, government, and hobbyist environments to support both wireless communications research and real-world radio systems. In brief, a software radio is a radio system which performs the required signal processing in software instead of using dedicated integrated circuits in hardware. The benefit is that since software can be easily replaced in the radio system, the same hardware can be used to create many kinds of radios for many different communications standards; thus, one software radio can be used for a variety of applications! You can use GNU Radio to write applications to receive and transmit data with radio hardware, or to create entirely simulation-based applications. GNU Radio has filters, channel codes, synchronization elements, equalizers, demodulators, vocoders, decoders, and many other types of blocks which are typically found in signal processing systems. More importantly, it includes a method of connecting these blocks and then manages how data is passed from one block to another. Extending GNU Radio is also quite easy; if you find a specific block that is missing, you can quickly create and add it. GNU Radio applications can be written in either C++ or Python, while the performance-critical signal processing path is implemented in C++ using processor floating-point extensions where available. This enables the developer to implement real-time, high-throughput radio systems in a simple-to-use, rapid-application-development environment.
GnuTLS C library implementing TLS and DTLS
C library implementing TLS and DTLS
c, Cryptography, TLS
security, cryptography, TLS, DTLS
GnuTLS is a secure communications library implementing the SSL, TLS and DTLS protocols and technologies around them. It provides a simple C language API to access the secure communications protocols.
gprMax Simulating electromagnetic wave propagation
Simulating electromagnetic wave propagation
python, cuda, openmp, mpi, opencl
science, engineering, geophysics, electromagnetics, ground penetrating radar
gprMax is open source software that simulates electromagnetic wave propagation. It uses Yee's algorithm to solve Maxwell’s equations in 3D using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method. It is designed for simulating Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and is used to model electromagnetic wave propagation in fields such as engineering, geophysics, archaeology, and medicine. There are a wide range of applications from assessing infrastructure such as bridges and roads, locating buried utilities, mapping glaciers, finding anti-personnel landmines, to detecting tumours in the human body, and exploring the sub-surface of Mars and the Moon. gprMax is command-line-driven software written in Python with performance-critical parts written in Cython. It does not currently feature a graphical user interface (GUI) which allows it to be very flexible and scriptable software that can run in high-performance computing (HPC) environments, i.e. on supercomputers. gprMax can be run on either CPU or GPU. The CPU solver has been parallelised using OpenMP which enables it to run on multi-core CPUs. The GPU solver has been developed using the NVIDIA CUDA programming model. gprMax also features a Messaging Passing Interface (MPI) task farm, which can operate with CPU nodes or multiple GPUs.
GRAME Domain specific language for audio
Domain specific language for audio
c, python, javascript, c++, typescript
audio, compiler, digital signal processing, function programming language
We develop Faust (Functional Audio Stream), a functional programming language for sound synthesis and audio processing with a strong focus on the design of synthesizers, musical instruments, audio effects, etc. Faust targets high-performance signal processing applications and audio plug-ins for a variety of platforms and standards.
Haiku Operating system that targets personal computing.
Operating system that targets personal computing.
c++, posix, unix
desktop, kernel, network, media, gui
Haiku is a fast, efficient, easy to use and lean open source operating system inspired by the BeOS that specifically targets personal computing. Haiku is not a Linux distribution, nor does it use the Linux kernel. Haiku is the spiritual successor to BeOS and it is derived from the NewOS kernel, which was authored by Travis Geiselbrecht (geist), who was formerly employed by Be Inc. — the developers of BeOS. Linux-based distributions stack up software – the Linux kernel, the X Window System, and various DEs with disparate toolkits such as GTK+ and Qt – that do not necessarily share the same guidelines and/or goals. This lack of consistency and overall vision manifests itself in increased complexity, insufficient integration, and inefficient solutions, making the use of your computer more complicated than it should actually be. Instead, Haiku has a single focus on personal computing and is driven by a unified vision for the whole OS. That, we believe, enables Haiku to provide a leaner, cleaner and more efficient system capable of providing a better user experience that is simple and uniform throughout.
checkstyle Helps to adheres of Java coding standard
Helps to adheres of Java coding standard
java, antlr
static code analysis, code review tool, coding standards, coding conventions
Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that is easy to read and adheres to a coding standard. Our utility automates the process of checking Java code to spare humans of this boring (but important) task. This makes it ideal for projects that want to enforce a coding standard. Each and every check also forces our users who are not familiar with these standards to read them and makes them think about why these standards exist.
CHIPS Alliance Open source IP, tools & standards for ASIC/FPGA
Open source IP, tools & standards for ASIC/FPGA
fpga, chisel, risc-v, systemverilog, ASIC
soc, IP cores, ASIC design, HDL, chiplets
CHIPS Alliance develops high-quality, open source hardware components and tooling for silicon devices and FPGAs. By creating an open and collaborative environment, shared infrastructure, processes, legal support and governance, CHIPS Alliance shares resources to lower the cost of development and increase confidence in high-quality open source building blocks it helps manage. Within CHIPS Alliance's workgroups covering areas such as Analog, FPGA, ASIC design tools, Chisel, Interconnects and Cores, companies and individuals can work together to develop open source IP, tools and standards. CHIPS Alliance is open to all organizations who are interested in collaborating on open source hardware or software tools to accelerate the creation of more efficient and innovative chip designs.
Chromium Fast, seamless, safe, and reliable web for all
Fast, seamless, safe, and reliable web for all
python, javascript, java, c++, git
web, browser, operating-system
The Chromium projects include Chromium and Chromium OS, the open-source projects behind the Google Chrome browser and Google Chrome OS, respectively. Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all users to experience the web. Chromium OS is an open-source project that aims to provide a fast, simple, and more secure computing experience for people who spend most of their time on the web.
INCF An open & FAIR neuroscience standards organization
An open & FAIR neuroscience standards organization
python, javascript, java, c++, gpu
machine learning, data visualization, neuroscience, brain modelling, neuroimage processing
The International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF; www.incf.org) is an international organization launched in 2005, following a proposal from the Global Science Forum of the OECD. INCF was established to facilitate and promote the sharing of data and computing resources in the international neuroscience community. A larger objective of INCF is to help develop scalable, portable, and extensible applications that can be used by neuroscience laboratories worldwide. The mission of INCF is to make neuroscience FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) by sharing and integrating neuroscience data and knowledge worldwide. We foster scientific community collaboration to develop standards for data sharing, analysis modeling and simulation in order to catalyze insights into brain function in health and disease. INCF activities are open to all who can contribute to neuroinformatics at the international level. We have a global community of neuroscience researchers working on new and improved tools for all of neuroscience – enabling other researchers to make more and faster discoveries, and improving our understanding of the brain.
Inkscape Draw freely!
Draw freely!
python, c++, svg
web, graphics, design
Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor used to create vector images, primarily in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format
International Catrobat Association Free visual coding apps for computational thinking
Free visual coding apps for computational thinking
javascript, android, swift, kotlin, php
education, visual programming, mobile programming, game engines, creativity tools
Computational thinking for all with free visual coding apps The Catrobat project develops useful frameworks to create games, animations, or apps easily within a short time. This set of mobile creativity tools for smartphones is inspired by the well-known Scratch framework by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. The motivation behind the project is that programming is an important cultural technique on the same level as mathematics and physics, from a practical as well as from a philosophical point of view. Our aim thus is to popularize the skills needed to program from an early age in a fun and engaging way that will facilitate the spread of its adoption among young people all over the world. Our awarded Android app “Pocket Code” is currently the most famous outcome of the project. Without the need for any further devices, users have the possibility to create their first program directly on their mobile device in just a few steps using visual "Bricks". Pocket Code supports all common device sensors, provides special "Bricks" for different robotic devices (Lego Mindstorms, Robotix Phiro, etc.) as well as for hardware devices such as the Arduino board or the Raspberry Pi, and of course offers elements of programming languages such as variables, if-statements, concurrency, etc. We also work on "Pocket Code" for iOS and on a large number of extensions. That’s why developers of different fields help us to keep our products up-to-date to meet the current needs of our users. Motivated by prizes (such as the Lovie Award, the Austrian National Innovation Award or the Re-Imagine Education Award) and being featured by different programs (like Google Play for Education or code.org), our team is working on many different subprojects and extensions. Over 500 developers already contributed to our project on different topics such as app development, web technologies, graphics, usability, internationalization, or design.
Internet Archive Universal Access to All Knowledge
Universal Access to All Knowledge
python, javascript, go, elasticsearch, hadoop
library, media, archiving
The Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library. We are the home of the Wayback Machine.
Internet Health Report Monitoring the Internet
Monitoring the Internet
python, javascript, apache kafka, VueJS
networking, routing, communication, internet, data analytics
The Internet Health Report monitors the conditions of networks that compose the Internet. It aims to provide network operators, policymakers, and other stakeholders, with a better understanding of the Internet's infrastructure and its evolution.
Invesalius 3D Medical visualization and neuronavigation tool
3D Medical visualization and neuronavigation tool
python, cython, numpy, dicom, Vtk
ehealth, medical imaging, 3D Reconstruction, 3d printing, Neuronavigation
InVesalius is an Open Source organization that works developing free software for reconstruction of computed tomography and magnetic resonance images. The software is mainly used for rapid prototyping, teaching, forensics, and in the medical field. It is possible to use it on the Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux and Apple Mac OS X platforms. InVesalius main software started began their development on 2001 by Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer (CTI), in Brazil, later it was released under GNU license and more practitioners joins the organization to improve their development. At that time, there was no medical image software in Portuguese that fulfilled the Brazilian hospitals and clinics needs. Therefore, InVesalius came as a proposal of development with the aim to be a medical software image analysis with null acquisition cost, capability of execution on low-cost personal computers and the capability of execution on different operating systems and act as a platform to encourage the use and development of medical images in Brazil.
Ivy (lets-unify.ai) All of AI, at your Fingertips.
All of AI, at your Fingertips.
python, cython, tensorflow, pytorch, Jax
machine learning, artificial intelligence, computation graph, code conversion, unified API
At Ivy, we are on a mission to unify all ML Frameworks. Ivy makes it possible to add any function, library or model from any framework directly into any other framework, with one line of code. This opens a new era of ML, where all frameworks are totally interoperable, once and for all. We currently support for PyTorch, TensorFlow, Numpy and JAX.
JdeRobot Toolkit for developing Robotics applications
Toolkit for developing Robotics applications
python, ros, gazebo, opencv, tensorflow
education, artificial intelligence, robotics, computer vision, developer tools
Robotics applications are typically distributed, made up of a collection of concurrent asynchronous components which communicate using some middleware (ROS messages, DDS...). Building robotics applications is a complex task. Integrating existing nodes or libraries that provide already solved functionality, and using several tools may increase the software robustness and shorten the development time. JdeRobot provides several tools, libraries and reusable nodes. They have been written in C++, Python or JavaScript. Our community mainly works on four development areas: 1.- Education in Robotics * RoboticsAcademy (https://jderobot.github.io/RoboticsAcademy/): a ROS-based framework to learn robotics and computer vision with drones, autonomous cars.... It is a collection of Python programmed exercises for engineering students. * Unibotics: a web based framework for teaching robotics. 2.- Robot Programming Tools * VisualCircuit (https://jderobot.github.io/VisualCircuit/) for robot programming with connected blocks, as in electronic circuits, in a visual way * VisualStates for robot programming with Finite State Machines in a visual way * WebSim2D robot simulator with web technologies 3.- MachineLearning in Robotics * DeepLearningSuite: neural networks for robot control. It includes the BehaviorMetrics tool for assessment of neural networks for autonomous driving * RL-Studio: Robotic library for the training of Reinforcement Learning algorithms * DetectionMetrics tool for evaluation of visual detection neural networks and algorithms 4.- FPGAs in Robotics * FPGA-robotics (https://github.com/JdeRobot/FPGA-robotics): programming robots with reconfigurable computing (FPGAs) using open tools as IceStudio and Symbiflow. Verilog-based reusable blocks for robotics applications. * NeuralFPGA: running deeplearning networks on FPGAs
Jenkins Jenkins, build great things at any scale
Jenkins, build great things at any scale
javascript, java, go, docker, kubernetes
developer tools, automation, continuous integration, continuous delivery, devops
Short description: Jenkins is a popular open source automation server which is used for building, testing, CI/CD, deployment and many other use-cases. Our motto is "Build great things at any scale". Long description: Jenkins, originally founded in 2006 as "Hudson", is one of the leading automation servers. Jenkins' motto is "Build great things at any scale". Using an extensible, plugin-based architecture, developers have created hundreds of plugins to adapt Jenkins to a multitude of build, test, and deployment automation workloads. As Jenkins is open-source, MIT License is used for most of the components. This year we invite potential GSoC contributors to join the Jenkins community and to work together to improve Jenkins. We have many strategic project ideas which are important to potentially hundreds of thousands of Jenkins users. The project has over 600 active contributors working on Jenkins core, plugins, website, project infrastructure, localization activities, etc. In total we have more than 2,000 components including plugins, libraries, and various utilities. The main languages in the project are Java, Groovy and JavaScript, but we also have components written in other languages (Go, C/C++, C#, etc.). Jenkins project includes multiple sub-projects (including Configuration-as-Code, Infrastructure and Remoting) and special interest groups. These entities participate in GSoC as a part of the Jenkins project. The Jenkins project is a part of Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF).
Jina AI The most advanced MLOps platform for Multimodal AI
The most advanced MLOps platform for Multimodal AI
python, machine learning, microservices, data science, Multimodel AI
cloud native, neural search, generative AI, Python MLOps Framework, Mulitmodel Data
Jina AI is an open-source software company building an MLOps platform for multimodal AI, neural search, and generative AI. We are the creators of DocArray, an open-source library for handling nested, unstructured, multimodal data. This innovative project is sponsored by the Linux Foundation's "Open Source Innovation in Artificial Intelligence and Data" initiative, further emphasizing our commitment to open-source values. By working with the Linux Foundation, we are ensuring that our technology remains accessible and available to developers and researchers worldwide. Whether you're a seasoned AI professional or just starting out, Jina AI and DocArray are here to help you achieve your goals. Check out our project on GitHub (github.com/jina-ai) and learn more about the Linux Foundation's AI & Data Foundation initiative (https://lfaidata.foundation).
KDE Community International team developing Open Source software
International team developing Open Source software
c++, qt, qml, data structures
education, science, applications, desktop environment
Community of technologists, designers, writers and advocates who work to ensure freedom for all people through our software.
Keploy E2E testing and mocking toolkit for developers
E2E testing and mocking toolkit for developers
java, react, golang, graphql, api testing
API Testing, No code platform, Dev Tool, Functional Testing, Mock and Stubs Generation
An open-source simple e2e testing toolkit for developers. Keploy creates test cases, data mocks, stubs from API calls, DB queries, etc.
Kiwix Internet content available offline.
Internet content available offline.
python, perl, c++, nodejs, kotlin
offline, browser, compression
Kiwix provides copies of websites that can be browsed offline. We run scrapers that will crawl a given website and compress it into a single .zim archive (based on the openZIM format). The zim files can then be stored locally and read on the fly by Kiwix in such a way that the user experience is similar to being online. We can fit the entirety of Wikipedia on a regular Android phone, but there are more than 7,000 zim files available in 100+ languages, mostly focused on educational content (e.g. Wikipedia, StackOverflow, Khan Academy, etc.). Kiwix runs on all platforms (Linux, Windows, Android, etc.) and has around 8 million users worldwide, in pretty much any place you can think of that has limited or no connectivity: prisons, rural schools, refugee camps, even Antarctic bases! Our big challenge is to make it as easy as possible to access or share offline content.
Kotlin Foundation Advance the Kotlin programming language
Advance the Kotlin programming language
gradle, kotlin, jvm, Parsers & Compilers, Multiplatform
compilers, programming languages, software development, libraries, Programming & Build Tools
Kotlin is a modern programming language that makes developers happier. JetBrains and Google are the current and founding members of the Kotlin Foundation. They work together to promote and advance the Kotlin language for many platforms, including Android, servers, iOS, and other targets. Today, 100+ people work on the core Kotlin project team at JetBrains & Google. There are an additional 350+ independent contributors to the core language and thousands contributing to the broader Kotlin ecosystem. The Kotlin Foundation's responsibilities include: - Preservation the Kotlin trademarks - Appoint the Lead Language Designer - Control incompatible changes to the language
KubeVirt Building a virtualization API for Kubernetes
Building a virtualization API for Kubernetes
golang, grpc
virtualization, containers, kubernetes
KubeVirt is a virtual machine management extension for Kubenetes. It does this by adding virtualization resources through the Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition API. KubeVirt is a Cloud Native Computing Project (CNCF) incubating project.
Learning Equality Equity in education to transform lives
Equity in education to transform lives
python, javascript, django, vue.js
education, distributed databases, offline, learning
Learning Equality is an education technology nonprofit that develops and maintains Kolibri, an adaptable set of open solutions specially designed to support teaching and learning with technology but without the Internet for the half of the world that still lacks access to connectivity. Kolibri is centered around an offline-first learning platform that runs on a variety of low-cost and legacy devices. It is complemented by a curricular tool, a library of open educational materials, and a toolkit of resources to support training and implementation. These tools are open and available in a variety of languages, to better support learners and educators globally. As a community-driven nonprofit, Learning Equality works closely to co-design Kolibri with a core network of collaborators, including national NGOs, UN agencies, government, and corporate partners. We also adopt a needs-based approach, constantly gathering insights from our community to inform the development of our tools. Through its do-it-yourself adoption model and strategic collaborations, Kolibri has reached learners and educators in more than 220 countries and territories since its launch in 2017.
libcamera Provide an open source camera stack for linux
Provide an open source camera stack for linux
c/c++, linux kernel, qt5, gstreamer, v4l2
camera, image prcessing
Cameras are complex devices that need heavy hardware image processing operations. Control of the processing is based on advanced algorithms that must run on a programmable processor. This has traditionally been implemented in a dedicated MCU in the camera, but in embedded devices, algorithms have been moved to the main CPU to save cost. Blurring the boundary between camera devices and Linux often left the user with no other option than a vendor-specific closed-source solution. To address this problem the Linux media community is collaborating with the industry to develop a camera stack that is open-source-friendly while still protecting vendor core IP. libcamera was born out of that collaboration and offers modern camera support to Linux-based systems, including traditional Linux distributions, ChromeOS and Android.
LibreHealth Healthcare for Humanity
Healthcare for Humanity
python, javascript, android, java, dart/flutter
web, deep learning, hfoss, radiology, mobile apps
LibreHealth is the foundation of a worldwide ecosystem of open source Health IT innovation and is a place where people can come together to build tools that enhance the quality of healthcare around the world. We currently have under our umbrella the following projects: - LibreHealth Toolkit (http://librehealth.io/projects/lh-toolkit/), a foundational base for - building Health IT tools - LibreHealth EHR (http://librehealth.io/projects/lh-ehr/), an electronic health record derived from best practices and technology from leading open source systems. - LibreHealth Radiology (https://librehealth.io/projects/lh-radiology), a specialized distribution of LibreHealth Toolkit customized for radiology healthcare professionals Our GSoC student projects will address the real-life needs of our projects to help improve the delivery of health care around the world. We have a team of expert mentors with decades of experience to help you in your work. They will be continually adding project ideas to our forum (https://forums.librehealth.io), and we encourage you to suggest ideas too as you learn more about our projects. Check out project ideas (this will change from year to year): https://forums.librehealth.io/ideas
LibreOffice LibreOffice is a free and open source office suite
LibreOffice is a free and open source office suite
python, java, c++
office suite, desktop application, end user application
LibreOffice is a modern Free & Open Source Office suite, one of the largest open source projects, and used by millions of users worldwide. LibreOffice is compatible with many file formats like Microsoft® Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher. At its heart though, LibreOffice is built around an open standard, the OpenDocument Format, as its native file format. LibreOffice is developed by users who, just like you, believe in the principles of Free Software and in sharing their work with the world in non-restrictive ways. The development of LibreOffice is supported by The Document Foundation which provides the infrastructure for the project. We believe that users should have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software that we distribute. While we do offer no-cost downloads of the LibreOffice suite of programs, Free Software is first and foremost a matter of liberty, not price. We campaign for these freedoms because we believe that everyone deserves them. Though the members of our community hail from many different backgrounds, we all value personal choice and transparency, which translates practically into wider compatibility, more utility, and no end-user lock-in to a single product. We believe that Free Software can provide better-quality, higher-reliability, increased-security, and greater-flexibility than proprietary alternatives. LibreOffice is a large project (approx. 6MLOC), which makes it interestingly complex, but at the same time, provides a place for all sorts of contribution & skills. The community behind LibreOffice is the heart of the project, without which we would not have the resources to continue developing our software. The passion and drive that every individual brings to the community results in collaborative development that often exceeds our own expectations. With tons of different roles in the project, we invite everyone to join us in our work and help us to make LibreOffice known, prosper, and accessible to all.
libssh The SSH library
The SSH library
c, ssh
security, cryptography
This project is for programmers needing a working SSH implementation by the mean of a library. The complete control of the client is made by the programmer. With libssh, you can remotely execute programs, transfer files, use a secure and transparent tunnel for your remote programs. With its Secure FTP implementation, you can play with remote files easily, without third-party programs others than libcrypto (from openssl).
libvirt Virtualization abstraction library
Virtualization abstraction library
kvm, hypervisor, qemu, lxc
virtualization, library
Libvirt is a library and toolkit providing abstraction for various hypervisors. It can be used from a number of languages.
Liquid Galaxy project We code immersive and interactive aps with G Earth
We code immersive and interactive aps with G Earth
python, linux, android, flutter, Google Earth
visualization, networking, maps, cluster, ux
Liquid Galaxy is a remarkable panoramic system that is tremendously compelling. It started off as a Google 20% project to run Google Earth across a small cluster of PC's and it has grown from there! Open source applications such as the MPlayer video player have been extended to run on Liquid Galaxy. Liquid Galaxy hardware consists of one or more computers driving multiple displays. Liquid Galaxy applications have been developed using a master/slave architecture. The view orientation of each slave display is configured in reference to the view of the master display. Navigation on the system is done from the master instance and the location on the master is broadcast to the slaves over UDP. The slave instances, knowing their own locations in reference to the master, then change their views accordingly. The Liquid Galaxy Project, while making use of Google Earth software, does not develop the Google Earth code-base itself. Google Earth is not open source software, although it is free (as in beer). Instead, the Liquid Galaxy Project works on extending the Liquid Galaxy system with open source software both improving its administration and enabling open source applications, so that content of various types can be displayed in the immersive panoramic environment.
LLVM Compiler Infrastructure LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
llvm, c++, clang, mlir
compilers, development tools, libraries
The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. Despite its name, LLVM has little to do with traditional virtual machines. The name "LLVM" itself is not an acronym; it is the full name of the project. LLVM began as a research project at the University of Illinois, with the goal of providing a modern, SSA-based compilation strategy capable of supporting both static and dynamic compilation of arbitrary programming languages. Since then, LLVM has grown to be an umbrella project consisting of a number of subprojects, many of which are being used in production by a wide variety of commercial and open source projects as well as being widely used in academic research. In addition to official subprojects of LLVM, there are a broad variety of other projects that use components of LLVM for various tasks. Through these external projects you can use LLVM to compile Ruby, Python, Haskell, Rust, D, PHP, Pure, Lua, Julia, and a number of other languages. A major strength of LLVM is its versatility, flexibility, and reusability, which is why it is being used for such a wide variety of different tasks: everything from doing light-weight JIT compiles of embedded languages like Lua to compiling Fortran code for massive super computers.
Machine Learning for Science (ML4SCI) Machine learning applications in science
Machine learning applications in science
python, machine learning, c++, data analysis, artificial intelligence
machine learning, science and medicine, algorithms, physics, astronomy
Machine Learning for Science (ML4SCI) is an umbrella organization for machine learning-related projects in science. ML4SCI brings together researchers from universities and scientific laboratories with motivated students to join existing scientific collaborations and contribute to cutting edge science projects across a wide variety of disciplines. Students work on existing problems to develop new machine learning-based approaches and produce open source code that directly contributes to solving these scientific challenges. ML4SCI currently includes projects from a variety of fields. For example, some of them explore the uses of machine learning for particle reconstruction and classification in high-energy physics, deep learning-based searches for dark matter in astrophysics, applications of machine learning techniques to data returned from planetary science missions, applications of quantum machine learning to science, and others. Machine learning ideas and approaches can be broadly applicable and transferable across the scientific domains. The goals of ML4SCI projects are to grow the open-source community in machine learning for science by addressing important scientific challenges and transferring the knowledge and tools of machine learning across the disciplines. We look forward to your applications!
Mantis Stream Processing Platform for Operational Analytics
Stream Processing Platform for Operational Analytics
java, Rxjava, Akka, Netty
cloud, distributed systems, Operational Analytics
Mantis is a platform to build an ecosystem of realtime stream processing applications. Mantis provides a robust, scalable platform ideally suited for high volume, low latency use cases like anomaly detection and alerting. Mantis has been in production at Netflix since 2014. It processes trillions of events and petabytes of data every day.
MariaDB The fastest growing Open Source Database
The fastest growing Open Source Database
python, javascript, c/c++, perl, databases
Database Engines, SQL Features
MariaDB Foundation is the non-profit organization behind MariaDB Server, the fastest growing open source databases. MariaDB Foundation's mission is to ensure the continuity of the MariaDB Server code as well as foster and facilitated collaboration within the MariaDB ecosystem. As part of GSoC, MariaDB Foundation seeks to bring more developers into the MariaDB Server (and related projects) code base.
Mathesar Webapp providing a UX-first interface to databases
Webapp providing a UX-first interface to databases
python, postgresql, javascript, django, svelte
databases, web, data, nonprofit, self-hosted
Mathesar is a straightforward open source tool that provides a spreadsheet-like interface to a PostgreSQL database. Our web-based interface helps you and your collaborators work with data more independently and comfortably – no technical skills needed. You can use Mathesar to build data models, enter data, and even build reports. You host your own Mathesar installation, which gives you ownership, privacy, and control of your data.
Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics Exploring new approaches to civic life.
Exploring new approaches to civic life.
python, javascript, ruby, tensorflow
web, machine learning, gis, civic tech, analytics
Formed in 2010, the Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics serves as the City of Boston's innovation incubator, building partnerships between internal agencies and outside entrepreneurs to pilot projects that address resident needs. We design and implement experiments and prototypes that address a range of urban issues. From community green spaces to the future of mobility to Accessory Dwelling Units, our approach to innovation is human-centered, nimble and responsive to the changing needs of our growing City.
MDAnalysis Analysis of molecular simulations data with Python
Analysis of molecular simulations data with Python
python, cython, c/c++
science, computational-chemistry, high-performance-computing, molecular-simulation, soft-matter-physics
MDAnalysis is a Python library for the analysis of computer simulations of many-body systems at the molecular scale, spanning use cases from interactions of drugs with proteins to novel materials. It is written by scientists for scientists and is used for cutting edge research in biophysics, chemistry, soft-matter physics, and materials research around the world in academia and national research labs. MDAnalysis strives to be highly interoperable and hence a growing number of projects use MDAnalysis as their foundational library or integrate it. The goal of MDAnalysis is to make it easy for users to analyze data that are produced by simulations (primarily molecular dynamics simulations) that run on some of the largest supercomputers in the world. MDAnalysis accomplishes this goal by providing a toolkit of programming building blocks that provide an abstract Python interface to the simulation data — agnostic of the specific simulation package that produced it — that lends itself to interactive data exploration and rapid prototyping but is also a robust foundational library that can form the basis for new computational tools. MDAnalysis allows one to read particle-based trajectories such as the ones produced by MD simulations or individual coordinate frames (such as biomolecules in the Protein Databank format) and access the atomic coordinates through NumPy arrays. Together with a powerful selection language and many implemented analysis algorithms, MDAnalysis provides a flexible and fast framework for complex analysis tasks. Welcoming documentation such as the User Guide https://userguide.mdanalysis.org/ make it easy to get started. New releases are downloaded a few thousand times and the academic papers describing MDAnalysis are cited more than almost two thousand times, indicating the widespread use in the academic community.
MetaBrainz Foundation Inc Open music / book metadata, music recommendations
Open music / book metadata, music recommendations
python, react, perl, postgres, spark
open data, music, books, Music recommendation, music social network
The MetaBrainz Foundation is a non-profit that believes in free, open access to data. It has been set up to build community maintained databases and make them available in the public domain or under Creative Commons licenses. Our data is mostly gathered by volunteers and verified by peer review to ensure it is consistent and correct. All non-commercial use of this data is free, but commercial users are asked to support us in order to help fund the project. We encourage all data users to contribute to the data gathering process so that our data can be as comprehensive as possible. With this data we are building a music social network and bias free music recommendations.
MetaCall Simplifying the embedding of programming languages
Simplifying the embedding of programming languages
python, c++, rust, nodejs, docker
cloud, polyglot, faas, languages, ffi
When working with different technologies and developers of different programming languages, the productivity of the entire team worsens due to the lack of interoperability and communication between them. If the developers need two technologies which are written in different programming languages, for instance, a C/C++ library called from NodeJS, the team usually needs to port to one of the two languages or write a wrapper around them. Maintaining a port of a library or the plumbing code is frequently error-prone, time-consuming, and does not add any value to the final product. The main objective of MetaCall is to provide a transparent interoperability in both ways, no matter what language you are using, so you feel like you are using a library written in the same language but in fact, it may be written in C, NodeJS or any other language. MetaCall currently provides a mechanism to introspect the types and function signatures, which allows us to provide this type info to the caller language. You can have type safety and at the same time avoid boilerplate in both directions. It addresses the main shortcomings of embedding independent languages separately. Having a common implementation with a plugin architecture allows you to implement newer languages without rewriting more code. With a single solution you get C#, Ruby, Python or any other language you prefer. We can improve the core continuously and add new languages. Finally, we are using the polyglot runtime in cloud computing so we take advantage of the interoperability capabilities and allow to build complex polyglot distributed systems with ease. It is possible to build monolithic and mono-repo projects that can be distributed and scaled separately through our Function as a Service built on top of MetaCall, allowing the developer to maximize the productivity without the need of DevOps plumbing or thinking about intercommunication protocols and architectural details.
Metasploit World’s most used penetration testing framework
World’s most used penetration testing framework
c, python, postgresql, ruby, assembly
security, penetration testing, offensive security, exploitation
The Metasploit Framework is both a penetration testing system and a development platform for creating security tools and exploits. The framework is used by network security professionals to perform penetration tests, system administrators to verify patch installations, product vendors to perform regression testing, and security researchers world-wide. The framework is written in the Ruby programming language and includes components written in C, many flavors of Assembly, Python, Powershell, PHP, and other languages. The framework consists of tools, libraries, modules, and user interfaces. The basic function of the framework is a module launcher, allowing the user to configure an exploit module and launch it at a target system. If the exploit succeeds, the payload is executed on the target and the user is provided with a shell to interact with the payload. Hundreds of exploits and dozens of payload options are available.
Micro Electronics Research Lab - UITU Accelerating Engineering Innovation
Accelerating Engineering Innovation
RISCV, Processor, Hardware, systemonchip, memory
iot, embedded, Processor, System on Chip, RISC-V
A non-profit organization fostering research on IoT, AI and ML based architectures leveraging the open-source RISC-V ISA. The main purpose of this Lab is to train undergraduate students for future Silicon industry.
MIT App Inventor Anyone can build apps with global impact.
Anyone can build apps with global impact.
javascript, java, gwt, swift
education, development tools, android, ios
MIT App Inventor is a free, open source web app that anyone can use to build mobile apps. It has been used by over 8 million people worldwide who have built more than 30 million apps. It is available in twelve different languages and used by people from ages 13 and up.
Mixxx DJ Mixing App With Powerful Features For All DJs
DJ Mixing App With Powerful Features For All DJs
javascript, c++, qt
music, dj, streaming
Mixxx is a feature rich DJ mixing application. It supports many MIDI and HID DJ controllers, runs on Win Linux and MacOs. It supports effects, harmonic mixing and beatmatching. Mixxx has an unusually broad community for an open-source project, encompassing performing musicians, C++ addicts, amateur DJs, Internet radio broadcasters, and casual users.
mlpack a fast, flexible machine learning library
a fast, flexible machine learning library
c++, C++ template metaprogramming
machine learning, embedded, ai, deep learning, Neural networks
mlpack is an intuitive, fast, and flexible C++ machine learning library with bindings to other languages. It is meant to be a machine learning analog to LAPACK, and aims to implement a wide array of machine learning methods and functions as a "swiss army knife" for machine learning researchers. In addition to its powerful C++ interface, mlpack also provides command-line programs and Python bindings, as well as bindings to other languages.
MoveIt Moving robots into the future
Moving robots into the future
ros, c++
robotics, motion planning, trajectory generation, kinematics
MoveIt is the most widely used software for robotic manipulation and has been used on over 150 robots. It is released under the terms of the BSD license, and thus free for industrial, commercial, and research use. By incorporating the latest advances in motion planning, manipulation, 3D perception, kinematics, control and navigation, MoveIt is state of the art software for mobile manipulation.
MuseScore The World’s Most Popular Music Notation Software
The World’s Most Popular Music Notation Software
c++, qt, qml, cmake
music, midi, musicxml, sheet music, music notation
MuseScore's main purpose is the creation of high-quality engraved musical scores in a "What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get" environment. It supports unlimited staves, linked parts and part extraction, tablature, MIDI input and output, percussion notation, cross-staff beaming, automatic transposition, lyrics (multiple verses), fretboard diagrams, and in general everything commonly used in sheet music. Style options to change the appearance and layout are available and style sheets can be saved and applied to other scores. In January 2020, MuseScore introduced a unique engraving and notation style built by its full time designer, Martin Keary and engraver Simon Smith. MuseScore can play back scores through a sequencer and SoundFont sample library. Playback is currently being greatly expanded to include VST support. MIDI output to external devices and software synthesisers is also possible. The team organise themselves according to a general roadmap published by the product owner every six months, which sets out provisional goals for the internal team. This allows the extended developer community to comment on the roadmap and potentially offer to take ownership over aspects of it. This also allows other contributors to have visibility on aspects of the codebase that may change over the next 6-12 months. In combination with our community organiser, tasks are drawn up and published to provide a well organised collaboration focused on a specific upcoming release. All members provide bug tracking support and feedback.
MZmine and MS-DIAL Open-source software for mass spectrometry
Open-source software for mass spectrometry
java, c#, javafx
data science, graphics, cheminformatics, mass spectrometry, feature detection
Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique that measures the mass and abundance of small molecules with very high precision. However, the datasets produced by mass spectrometry instruments are complex and multi-dimensional. MZmine (https://mzmine.org; implemented in Java and JavaFX) and MS-DIAL (http://prime.psc.riken.jp/compms/msdial/main.html; implemented in C#) are popular open-source graphical software tools for mass spectrometry data processing. Both contain a library of processing algorithms and powerful visualization modules. Both MZmine and MS-DIAL are highly cited (>4500 cumulated citations in Pluskal et al., BMC Bioinformatics 2010 and Tsugawa et al., Nature Methods 2015) demonstrating the impact the software tools have in the biomedical research community. MZmine 3 is based on JavaFX for its user interface and provides support for cutting-edge techniques such as ion mobility separation. We aim to provide user-friendly, flexible, and extendable modular software covering the entire mass spectrometry data analysis workflow. MS-DIAL 5 follows the mind of MZmine, and the program is written by C# and WPF. As the unique functions, the program supports the chromatogram deconvolution for data independent acquisition. Furthermore, MS-DIAL 5 also supports the annotation function for various mass fragmentation techniques, mass spectrometry imaging, and proteomics, resulting in the environment for multiomics analysis. MZmine successfully participated in Google Summer of Code in the years 2017, 2018, and 2019 under the OpenChemistry umbrella, and in 2020 and 2022 as its own organization. Now both MZmine and MS-DIAL projects team up for GSoC 2023.
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) Developing open source tools for network biology
Developing open source tools for network biology
python, javascript, java, xml, r
web application, data science, graphics, scientific computing, network biology
The National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB, https://www.nrnb.org) organizes the development of free, open-source software technologies to enable network-based visualization, analysis, and biomedical discovery. Biomedical research is increasingly dependent on knowledge expressed in terms of networks, including gene, protein and drug interactions, cell-cell and viral-host communication, and vast social networks. Our technologies enable researchers to assemble and analyze these networks and to use them to better understand biological systems and, in particular, how they fail in disease. The NRNB mentoring organization includes projects such as Cytoscape (https://cytoscape.org/), WikiPathways (https://wikipathways.org/), SBML (https://sbml.org/), and cBioPortal (https://cbioportal.org/). This is a great opportunity to work at the intersection of biology and computing! For example, Cytoscape is downloaded over 18,000 times per month by researchers. We take mentoring seriously and are proud of our 95% success rate (https://www.nrnb.org/alumni.html#gsoc-tab) with former students and projects. But don’t take our word for it, read testimonials from prior NRNB students (https://www.nrnb.org/testimonials.html#student-tab) and (https://www.nrnb.org/testimonials.html#mentor-tab).
NumFOCUS NumFOCUS promotes open source scientific software.
NumFOCUS promotes open source scientific software.
python, c++, r, julia
data science, graphics, scientific computing, numerical computation
NumFOCUS supports and promotes world-class, innovative, open source scientific software. Most individual projects, even the wildly successful ones, find the overhead of a non-profit to be too large for their community to bear. NumFOCUS provides a critical service as an umbrella organization for this projects.
omegaUp Open CS Education as a catalyst for social change
Open CS Education as a catalyst for social change
python, mysql, php, typescript, vue.js
education, web, cloud, edtech, UX/UI
omegaUp is a non-profit organization (501c3) aimed to increase the number of talented Software Engineers in Latin America. Our open source platform omegaUp.com lets students immerse in a learning environment that fosters self paced learning of computer science skills with a democratic access to state-of-the-art learning tools. Teachers and tutors can create new coding challenges or use existing ones to start online programming competitions with local, national or even international reach, with automated grading of student's coding solutions. The omegaUp.com platform also enables teachers to leverage Competitive Programming tools and concepts inside the classroom to improve their educational experience.
Open Genome Informatics Open access genomics and bioinformatics projects
Open access genomics and bioinformatics projects
python, react, r-project, graph, angular
genomics, bioinformatics, cloud, biology, data discovery
The Open Genome Informatics group represents an umbrella organization consisting of several open source and open access genomics and bioinformatics projects worldwide. Our goals are to develop and maintain a collection of sustainable software tools for managing, analyzing, visualizing, storing, and disseminating genomic data.
Open Chemistry Advancing Open Source & Open Science for Chemistry
Advancing Open Source & Open Science for Chemistry
python, javascript, opengl, c++, c++14
data science, graphics, scientific visualization, cheminformatics, quantum chemistry
The Open Chemistry project is a collection of open source, cross platform libraries and applications for the exploration, analysis and generation of chemical data. The organization is an umbrella of projects developed by long-time collaborators and innovators in open chemistry such as the Avogadro, Open Babel, RDKit and cclib projects. These projects have been downloaded over 1,000,000 times and cited in over 2,000 academic papers. Our goal is to improve the state of the art, and facilitate the open exchange of chemical data and ideas while utilizing the best technologies from quantum chemistry codes, molecular dynamics, informatics, analytics, and visualization.
Open Robotics Development of open source robotics
Development of open source robotics
ros, gazebo, ignition, Open-RMF
robotics, simulation
Support the development, distribution, and adoption of open source software for use in robotics research, education, and product development.
Open Technologies Alliance - GFOSS Promote Open Standards and Open Source
Promote Open Standards and Open Source
javascript, c/c++, nodejs, python 3, Machine Learning (ML)
web, robotics, open hardware, c++, nodered
Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS) is a non-profit organization, with 37 Universities and Research Centers as its shareholders. Our main goal is to promote Openness. GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance is a platform for Open Standards, Free Software, Open Content, Open Data & Open Hardware in Greece. The major Greek Universities and Research Centers participate in GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance, while leading members of the Greek community of developers play a key role in the implementation of our policies. Through our initiatives we aspire to contribute and coordinate the efforts of groups of volunteers, public servants, university researchers and students enabling them to form the backbone of Greek FOSS development and implementation. GFOSS is one of the strategic actors for the promotion of OSS throughout Greece (see https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/inline-files/OSS%20Country%20Intelligence%20Report_GR.pdf ). Many public administrations and academic institutions collaborate with GFOSS to implement open source projects and through Google Summer of Code we give the opportunity to students to actively engage in the production and the actual implementation of an open source project. GFOSS also contributes and advises on the development of various open source projects related to e-government and digital transformation in Greece (e.g. https://howto.gov.gr/ - https://forma.gov.gr/) and actively promotes the use of Open Source software and hardware in the Greek primary and secondary education through the Open Educational Technologies Competition (https://openedtech.ellak.gr/ )
OpenAstronomy Look at the Universe with the power of open source
Look at the Universe with the power of open source
c, python, julia
image processing, astronomy, solar physics, high energy astrophysics
OpenAstronomy is a collaboration between open source astronomy and astrophysics projects that are used by researchers and engineers around the world to study our universe either by analysing the data obtained from amazing instruments like the [James Webb Space telescope](https://jwst.nasa.gov/), the [Square Kilometer Array](https://www.skatelescope.org/) or the [Solar Dynamic Observatory](http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/), developing very sophisticated numerical models (eg. [FLASH](http://flash.uchicago.edu/)) or designing interplanetary trajectories for human-made spacecraft. The analysis of such data helps multiple types of research, from being able to forecast solar storms to detect planets in other stars, to understanding how galaxies are formed to explain the expansion and the origin of the universe. OpenAstronomy is currently formed by [16 organisations](http://openastronomy.org/members/) that develop tools for different aspects of astronomy. The range of topics covered by these projects is wide, for example: - [Astropy](http://astropy.org) is a general Python library for astronomy, providing common tools such as celestial coordinates, image processing, tabular data reading and writing, units and support for astronomy-specific file formats; - [SunPy](http://sunpy.org) provides utilities for obtaining and representing solar physics data, with clients for some of the largest online solar physics data archives and solar specific analysis and visualisation code; - [Glue](http://www.glueviz.org/) is a data visualization application and library to explore relationships within and among related datasets. - [Julia Astro](http://juliaastro.github.io/) is a set of packages for general astronomy and astrophysics analysis using Julia; - And more! As a single organisation, we aim to strengthen collaborations between the different sub-organisations, and at the same time increase the awareness among our users on the capabilities of our "sister" projects.
OpenCV ++ beneficial uses of computer vision in society
python, c++, deep learning, ai
robotics, computer vision, ai, deep learning
OpenCV promotes the beneficial uses of computer vision in society primarily through maintaining a state-of-the-art open and free code base and via courseware, contests, workshops and conferences. OpenCV, the Open Source Computer Vision Library includes state of the art computer vision and deep learning algorithms (including running deep networks) and apps. It is professionally coded and optimized. It can be used in C++, Python, javascipt, Julia, Cuda, OpenCL and Matlab. It runs on: Android, iOS, Windows, Linux and MacOS and many embedded implementations such as Raspberry Pi, Movidius, and RISC-V.
OpenMRS Write Code, Save Lives.
Write Code, Save Lives.
mysql, javascript, java, fhir, Cypress
platform, frontend, Electronic Medical Record System, QA automation
OpenMRS provides the foundational, electronic medical record technology for more than 6,500 health facilities in over 40 countries, touching and helping millions of patients throughout the world. The OpenMRS Community’s mission is to improve healthcare delivery in resource-constrained environments. We coordinate a global community that creates and sustains a robust, scalable, user-driven and open-source medical record platform and reference frontend application. We maintain a platform that countries and implementers use to create a customized EMR system in response to actual needs on the ground.
OpenStreetMap Create and distribute free geodata for the world
Create and distribute free geodata for the world
python, javascript, java, c++, sql
databases, routing, gis, ui, geocoding
OpenStreetMap is a crowdsourcing project that creates and distributes free geographic data for the world. Our data is collected by hundreds of thousands of contributors around the globe and released with an open-content license. We allow free access not only to our map products, but all the underlying map data, which powers websites and apps used by billions of people worldwide. OSM data can be freely used in both open and closed source software, and has attracted many commercial users. Still, the success of OSM wouldn't be possible without open source software and volunteer developers. The database, website and api running on our own servers, the editing tools used by contributors to improve the map, and many of the most popular libraries and end-user applications within the OSM software ecosystem are all open source software, and developed through a community-driven process. As our Google Summer of Code participation spans this diverse set of software projects, most of which are maintained as independent efforts under the OSM umbrella, contributors will encounter a wide range of programming languages, paradigms and use cases. We hope that we have interesting challenges to offer for any developer, no matter their background!
openSUSE Project Makers' choice for sysadmins, developers & users
Makers' choice for sysadmins, developers & users
python, ruby, perl, rust, reactjs javascript
AIML, operating system developer tools, containers kubernetes, Security Cryptography, licensing & software quality QA
The openSUSE Project is a worldwide effort that promotes the use of Linux, tools around it, and open source. The openSUSE community is made up of multiple contributing communities that collaborate as part of a global open-source network. The openSUSE community develops, builds and maintains many of the packages, tools and infrastructure for the distribution. The community works together in an open, transparent and friendly manner as part of the global Free and Open Source Software community. openSUSE creates one of the world's best Linux distributions, as well as a variety of tools, such as OBS, OpenQA, Kiwi, YaST, OSEM and Uyuni. Distributions include a rolling release (Tumbleweed), a stable annual release (Leap) and operating systems for edge, embedded, cloud and containers through MicroOS and ALP. The project is controlled by its community and relies on the contributions of individuals, working as testers, writers, translators, usability experts, artists and ambassadors or developers. The project embraces a wide variety of technology, people with different levels of expertise, speaking different languages and having different cultural backgrounds.
OpenVINO Toolkit Make AI inference faster and easier to deploy!
Make AI inference faster and easier to deploy!
python, c++, x86
machine learning, ai, deep learning, neural network, inference
Learning and practicing AI is not easy. Deploying AI in real applications is challenging and complex. We realized that and created OpenVINO – an open-source toolkit for bringing AI models to life on the most widespread and available platforms like x86 CPUs and integrated Intel GPUs. One can use OpenVINO to optimize own model for high performance with the most advanced model optimization capabilities and run those through OpenVINO runtime on various devices. We are driven by the idea of making it easy for a regular person to learn and use AI with minimal investments and unlock innovation with AI to a broad audience. We allow AI inference on the most widespread and popular platforms and provide pre-trained models, educational and visual demos, image annotation tools, and model training templates to get you up to speed. With good use-case coverage and simple/educational API, OpenVINO is also a toolkit of choice for AI in production by plenty of companies. It is a fully production-ready software solution.
OpenWISP The Hackable Network Management System
The Hackable Network Management System
python, javascript, django, lua, openwrt
networking, network management system, wifi, vpn, sdn
OpenWISP is an open source network management system which runs on low cost hardware and can be used to manage networks: from public wifi, university wifi, to mesh networks and IoT.
Oppia Foundation Free platform for interactive, tutor-like lessons