Michael presented the RISE overview, proposal and intended 20-year plan in two phases, triggered by a MacArthur Foundation grant process for $100m, issued every 3 years.
Michael provided context on the ForvisMazars relationship
Michael provided brief details on the Bioregional Funding Facilities program backed by the UK Dark Matters Lab
A spirited discussion ensued. Key feedback included:
Slide deck is too “stock photo heavy” - include more images from the valley
Include case studies of successful projects
While the presentation is “grand,” smaller, more specific deliverables might be more appropriate
John recommended the book, The Metamorphosis of the World: How Climate Change is Transforming our Concept of the World by Ulrich Beck (2017):
, the woman behind the initiative, for about 2 years and can vouch for her. She has a history with the World Bank and various UN agencies. Her heart is in the same space we find ourselves in. Her book, Bioregional Financing Facilities: Reimagining Finance to Regenerate Our Planet, is a worthwhile read, particularly as regards defining a strategy relevant to the $100m grant we are ultimately working towards. PDF download at
Call with the core team, including Samantha, to take place on Thursday, 5 September at 17:15.
Ranyaka Overview Videos
There was some concern expressed that it is difficult to understand/summarize the effort underway with Ranyaka. Perhaps these videos help. Specifically see the second video that highlights key moments in the Genadendal/Ranyaka relationship.