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1st Web Election Coverage

5th November 2024
✏️REMINISCING - If content is king, perspective has to be president. is celebrating 30 years online and that makes it my anniversary too. It was the first website to cover a presidential election.
I remember my kitchen table was "the office" and hearing the "dial-up" song meant I was going into another world. There was no awareness then that you can actually make money on the web. It was just a cool tool to connect people so they could share what they built or what they found.
That share culture morphed into freeware and the unselfish beauty of open source software.
Wired founder said back then, "there weren't that many humans on the planet who even had a computer and a modem."
I had one, because it meant I could be a better church secretary. It was expensive. But at 24 with no children and no interest in fancy clothes or cars, it was a luxury afforded. Besides, secretary was my part-time gig and why not make it easier? And wouldn't God get more glory if I were more efficient and our church bulletins and flyers were jazzed up? I thought so.
I'd never fit into the "in crowd" so "Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier” was pure nerd joy. For me, the internet really did turn out to be a warm place for slightly odd people to find new friends.

Wired thought "the web should be jazz—one big jam session."
At first nobody at Wired knew how to make money on the web, then At&T as the first advertising client setoff "the largest revolution in economics maybe since the steam engine."
Back then I was so busy making the burden of having two jobs lighter, that I completely missed the perspective of actually making money online. Boy did that notion change over the years! ...and I'm grateful. The value of innovation and creation lives on.
Happy anniversary Wired.
#beginnings #hisglory #perspective

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