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VFMH 08. Coventry


9.00 Registration & Breakfast
9.30 Welcome. Paul Fairburn, Director, Innovation Ecosystem, Coventry University
9.40 Session 1: Barriers to innovation and growth
9.40 Fireside Chat
Marcos Kauffman, Director, Institute for Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering, Coventry University
Les Gill (COO, GNN)
Bhavik Shah (Business Development Manager, Unipart Manufacturing Group)
10.15 Panel session
Overcoming Barriers to Growth. Phil Peak, Deputy CEO, CW Growth Hub Group
10.50 Break
11:00 Session 2
Innovation Canvas Workshop. Rachel Cheetham, Lead Senior Business Advisor, Innovate UK Business Growth
11.50 Closing Comments. Paul Fairburn, Director, Innovation Ecosystem, Coventry University
12:00 Networking & End

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