My hand kept getting stuck in places. It was confusing. I felt a disconnect between my real life hand and my virtual hand.
turn off object collision Open
Instructional Design
Why does Coach’s voice breathe heavily at the end of every line? It sounds emotionally disaffected or misaligned to me. Now I’m distracted from the learning material.
Re-record audio with human actor and edit/mix audio appropriately. Open
Instructional Design
When I look at a particular area, a blue barrier shows up and I can’t see what I’m trying to look at.
Progress indicator does not occlude object in question during gaze trigger. Open
Instructional Design
I can’t read the text on the virtual tablet.
adhere to Strivr’s fonts for VR guidelines Open
I hear a distracting sound at times when my hand is placed too close to my body.
Conditional triggers - don’t allow tablet to be interacted with when it’s kept in idle state against my body. Open
When I grab for my tablet, it doesn’t enter my hand.
Expand object hitbox: all objects should have a much larger selection volume or hitbox so that so that if I’m not wuite in front of an object I don’t have to reach too far to grab it virtually. I should not be penalized for not quite reaching or aligning with an object. Open
My hand got stuck behind my tablet and I couldn’t reach for something in the cabin
turn off object collision Open
Interaction/Navigation + Instructional Design
I don’t know what I was supposed to be looking for, and I wasn’t told why my answer was incorrect.
leverage immediate, tailored feedback globally Open
I am not oriented correctly in relation to the virtual dashboard/desk (eg I am above it and looking to the side)
Simple, single-button re-orientation: I can push a single button down for 1 second and it re-orients me directly in front of the table. I can do this as many times as I like. Expand object hitbox: all objects should have a much larger selection volume or hitbox so that so that if I’m not wuite in front of an object I don’t have to reach too far to grab it virtually. I should not be penalized for not quite reaching or aligning with an object. Open
I was not super sure when exactly I should press the start button
mark button “start” / add instruction to hit start button... can be implemented with timer so that if learner takes too long, instructions/guidance is provided
I dropped the cartridge and I can’t reach it.
Object respawns: respawns if it is dropped and isn’t picked up after 1-2 seconds. Object snap-to-hand: if I’m close enough when grabbing an object, it snaps to my hand. This way I don’t have to bend too far to use the object. Open
I am at my desk and the desk is in the way of where I need to put my hand/controller to hit the start button.
Redesign with minimal movement requirements Simple, single-button re-orientation: I can push a single button down for 1 second and it re-orients me directly in front of the table. I can do this as many times as I like. (Tutorial should cover this) Open
I am grabbing at the cartridge but I can’t seem to pick it up.
Expand object hitbox: all objects should have a much larger selection volume or hitbox so that so that if I’m not wuite in front of an object I don’t have to reach too far to grab it virtually. I should not be penalized for not quite reaching or aligning with an object. Open
When I attempt to exit the experience, I can’t get the lever to fully pull down.
simple physical interactions: when manipulating objects like levers and switches, pulling the grab button and moving in a short and planar direction (1-3 inches, straight line) is enough to trigger the desired animation or object state. Open
Instructional Design
I don’t have a clear conceptual framework of what I’m going to be learning and/or assessed on. I don’t know how it ties more broadly to my work as a trucker.
Add LOs: explain verbally and via graphics the structure of the experience and what I should be taking away from it cconceptually. Open
Interaction/Navigation + Instructional Design
I couldn’t get the brake valves to pull. (I didn’t know I had to pull further than I was and my arm kept bumping into my chair)
simple physical interactions: when manipulating objects like levers and switches, pulling the grab button and moving in a short and planar direction (1-3 inches, straight line) is enough to trigger the desired animation or object state. Open
Interaction/Navigation + Instructional Design
I didn’t know what I was learning when I was asked to place the chock and I couldn’t reach the tire to place it properly because I was sitting.
If we are TRAINING proper placement, decouple gross motor movement from spatial mental modeling and visual object recognition, ie require the learner to select the tire, then bring the tire to the learner’s eye level and have them place the chock freely beneath the tire. Provide tailored and immediate corrective feedback if they place it incorrectly. If it is an ASSSSMENT, do not show learners outline of how chock should be placed.
Instructional Design
I can’t read the words “wheel chock placement” in the chock diagram
adhere to Strivr’s fonts for VR guidelines Open
Instructional Design
I don’t know what I’m supposed to be looking for when I look undercarriage. In fact I can’t even really see under the carriage because I am sitting.
Bring undercarriage view to learner’s eye level. Open
Instructional Design
I don’t know why my answer to marking the headlight as failed was wrong. I was just told it was wrong.
Incorporate tailored corrective feedback: tell me all the ways the headlight could have been but was not broken. Open
Instructional Design
To me it looked like the headlight might be busted, but it wasn’t.
Refine graphic texture on headlight to be clearer when it is in a working (unbroken) state. Open
Interaction/Navigation + Instructional Design
Why did I have to grab the headlight? Did I grab it the way I was supposed to?
Contextual feedback/instruction: either before or after the assessment, explain to me why the action was necessary, even if it wasn’t shown or demonstrated. Open
Interaction/Navigation + Instructional Design
Why did I have to grab the license plate? Did I grab it the way I was supposed to?
Contextual feedback/instruction: either before or after the assessment, explain to me why the action was necessary, even if it wasn’t shown or demonstrated. Open
Interaction/Navigation + Instructional Design
Why did I have to grab the bumper? Did I grab it the way I was supposed to?
Contextual feedback/instruction: either before or after the assessment, explain to me why the action was necessary, even if it wasn’t shown or demonstrated. Open
I can’t get the hood of the truck to open
simple physical interactions: when manipulating objects like levers and switches, pulling the grab button and moving in a short and planar direction (1-3 inches, straight line) is enough to trigger the desired animation or object state. OR
remove interaction altogether: we are not testing learners on gross motor movements Open
I can’t hit ok on the placard when I’m inspecting the engine.
turn off object collision Open
I can’t hit ok on the placard when I’m inspecting the cabin.
turn off object collision Open
Interaction/Navigation + Instructional Design
I can’t read the gauges on the dashboard.
Bring gauges closer to learner: decouple gross motor function and spatial awareness from visual object recognition and comprehension. These are separate skills. In other words, have the learner select the gauges to come to you the learner so they can inspect them without requiring too much movement. Open
Interaction/Navigation + Instructional Design
I couldn’t buckle my seat belt
simple physical interactions: when manipulating objects like levers and switches, pulling the grab button and moving in a short and planar direction (1-3 inches, straight line) is enough to trigger the desired animation or object state. Open