
Matthew Becker: “Focus on what you love to do, not what you have to do”

Lead engineer and founder of PacMotor shares the story behind his Florida-based kayak fishing startup.

Matt Becker grew up on the banks of a canal in Fort Myers, Florida. Ever since he was a kid, Matt remembers fishing with his brothers and exploring the vast waterways of southwestern Florida. Over time, kayak fishing became more than just a hobby for Matt, taking up a central focus in his life.
The passion for mechanics and entrepreneurship runs in Matt’s family. His father, a professional sound engineer, gave Matt early access to the world of audio production. As a kid, Matt would visit his father’s studio and watch the engineers wire up equipment, solder, and do repairs — an experience that stuck with him for the rest of his life. When Matt got older, he became indispensable as the full-time mechanic for his father's landscaping business, Becker & Sons, repairing and maintaining company equipment for over ten years.
Pivoting in college, Matt pursued an education that led to an exciting career in software engineering.
Here’s how Matt describes the aha moment that inspired him to create PacMotor:
One day, five years ago, my closest friends and I went fishing. We were walking towards our kayaks and they each had motors in their hands. I saw them and thought, what if two motors could be synchronized to work in tandem on one kayak?
A lightbulb went on in Matt’s head and the patented idea for PacMotor's revolutionary portable dual-motor system was born.
Matt’s passion for fishing, love of mechanics, and professional background in electronics and software did the rest. He soon thought up PacMotor’s signature complementary features — a game-like joystick remote control, customizable mount, compact folding construction, and powerhouse battery — guided by the goal of making life easier for kayak-fishers and allowing them to focus on what really matters: enjoyment. The end product? A totally unique dual-thruster system that allows you to turn your kayak in 360 degrees on a dime, steering from the remote control that can be mounted right onto your fishing rod.
After several years of hard work, dozens of prototypes, and hundreds of hours of trials and testing, Matt’s invention is finally ready for production in his hometown of Fort Myers, Florida, and he could not be more thrilled.
The crowdfunding campaign for PacMotor is running right now on Kickstarter. For a limited time, you can pre-order PacMotor at an incredible discount, in addition to becoming an invaluable part of how this small-town startup went from a workshop on the banks of a canal to achieve the classic American dream.
You can support Matt and the PacMotor crowdfunding campaign

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