
Startup Founders: What can you learn from Uber's Q1 results?

The number one reason startups fail is that they don’t solve a valuable enough problem. Yet all you need is CURIOSITY! Here's a timely example from today's news...

So what can early-stage founders and entrepreneurs learn from Uber as a now well-beyond-startup company?

It all comes down to one thing. Curiosity...
Are you curious enough to really understand the 4Us, the Unavoidable, Unworkable, Urgent, and Underserved problems that your customers face?
Let's start with just the first U, Unavoidable: Get curious and Identify unavoidable pain points or challenges for your customers, and create solutions that alleviate or eliminate them.
In Uber's case, they addressed the unavoidable challenge of transportation by providing fast and convenient rides, making it easier for customers to get from one place to another without the hassle of owning a car.
And in many cities around the world, the public transport infrastructure is also simply unavailable (underserved) or unworkable, and in many cases like Boston unreliable too!
Not all transportation is unavoidable, but here are 3 examples of where it can be:
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