
API Projects

Thesaurus App using the Miriam-Webster API (Mik)

Create a thesaurus app that will allow the user to retrieve alternative words. Use the following credentials to login and build your Alteryx App.
Password: Omega47blue!@

What’s trending on GIPHY? (Nick)

Use the GIPHY API to return the top 10 trending GIF’s at the moment.

Detect language from text (Prerana)

Use the API to detect the language from some text

Remove a background image (Daniel)

Try to decipher the insane documentation on this API page to see if you can remove the background from an image of your choosing.
Remember: On the free version you only have 50 API requests available, so don’t go crazy ;)

Donald Trump said what?! (Jay)

This is a fun problem. Make something out of THIS data.

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.