All files contain the information associated with the last day, starting the day on the market open time in New York. In summer time the day starts at 21:00 UTC, so the file for the 2022-09-06 included the data between 2022-09-05 21:00:00 UTC and 2022-09-06 21:00:00 UTC. This time changes to 22:00 UTC in winter time.
This report have 7 files and one optional file.
Contains orders executed in the day by Asset.
Contains the positions by asset at EOD.
Money movements charged to the account: Performance Fees, Management Fees or Rebates.
Swaps and Dividends charged for open positions.
Money difference in the account between Start of Day and End of Day. This file just included closed charges, so it doesn't include open positions.
Contains all orders over Darwins executed in Day. For Close Orders (Sell Orders) the Profit it’s included.
This file is optional, only with previous request.
Contains an estimation of PerformanceFees that will be charge if all position would be closed in the day.
With this file we can check the position by Darwin with Volume + FifoPnlUnrealized.
This file contains the account balance for all days.