NEU Commission Public

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Rules of the Open Call

1. Eligibility Criteria

1.1 The NEU Commission is open to students currently enrolled in art academies located in the Netherlands.
1.2 Only non-European Economic Area (EEA) students are eligible to apply for this open call.
1.3 The European Economic Area (EEA) includes all member states of the European Union, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
1.4 Nationals from Switzerland and Suriname are regarded as EEA and are therefore not eligible for this call.
1.5 Nationals of the United Kingdom are regarded as non-EEA and are therefore eligible for this call.
Students who are nationals of the following countries are therefore not eligible for this call:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia (Czech Republic), Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland

2. Application Submission

2.1 All applications for the NEU Commission must be submitted through the designated online application form provided by the organizers.
2.2 The online application form will include sections for all required documents, including proof of identification, proof of enrollment, samples of previous writing, financial description, and any other necessary information.
2.3 The online application form will be accessible on the official NEU Commission website during the application period.
2.4 Applicants are responsible for ensuring that all information provided on the online application form is accurate and complete.

3. Application Requirements

3.1 Applicants must submit proof of identification.
3.2 Applicants must provide documentation demonstrating their enrollment in a Dutch art academy.
3.3 Applicants must provide samples of previous writing in English, whether published or not.
3.4 A short description of the applicant's current financial situation must be included. This description should include qualitative and quantitative information on how the applicant is supporting themselves, plans for financing their education, and any specific circumstances, such as refugee status. This information will remain confidential, used only for jury assessment of the applicant's need for financial support, after being anonymized.
3.5 To illustrate their artistic practice, applicants can submit a portfolio as a single PDF document, comprising a maximum of 20 images, or a link to their website.

4. Commissioned Text and Compensation

4.1 Four students will be selected to each write a commissioned text in English. Each selected student will be paid €2000 inclusive of VAT, if applicable.
4.2 Payment will be made as an advance in September 2023 after the selected students have signed a commissioning agreement with Page Not Found.

5. Jury Assessment

5.1 The jury will assess all applications based on the quality of the writing and the applicant's need for financial support.
5.2 The jury can take into consideration the applicant's artistic practice as reflected in their portfolio.
5.2 The jury will consider that English may not be the applicant's native language.

6. Promotion and Publicity

6.1 Selected students will grant permission for their names, images, and excerpts from their commissioned texts to be used for promotional purposes related to the NEU Commission. This may include, but is not limited to, press releases, social media posts, and website content.
6.2 The NEU Commission organizers reserve the right to showcase the commissioned texts on their platforms for promotional and educational purposes, with proper credit to the creators.

7. Disqualification

7.1 Any false or misleading information provided in the application will result in immediate disqualification.
7.2 Plagiarism or substantial use of generative tools in submitted texts will lead to disqualification.
7.3 Applicants who do not meet the eligibility criteria outlined in these rules will be disqualified.
7.4 Any violation of the rules or guidelines set forth by the NEU Commission may result in disqualification at the discretion of the organizers.

8. Deadline and Contact

8.1 The application deadline will be announced separately by the NEU Commission organizers.
8.2 For inquiries or more information, please contact: neu-commission (at) page-not-found (dot) nl

9. Finality of Jury Decisions

9.1 The decisions of the jury in selecting the recipients of the NEU Commission are final and not subject to appeal.
9.2 All decisions made by the jury, including the selection of commissioned text recipients, will be considered binding and conclusive.
9.3 No correspondence, discussions, or inquiries will be entertained regarding the jury's decisions.
By acknowledging and accepting the finality of the jury's decisions, applicants understand that the selection process is conducted with due diligence and fairness. The NEU Commission organizers uphold the authority of the jury's decisions and will not entertain any challenges or appeals regarding the outcomes.

10. Anonymity and Data Usage

10.1 All personal and financial information provided by applicants will remain confidential and will solely be used for the purpose of jury assessment.
10.2 The financial descriptions will be anonymised before assessment by the jury.

11. Avoidance of Conflict of Interest for the Jury

11.1 Members of the jury involved in the selection process must disclose any personal or professional relationships they have with applicants or their affiliated institutions.
11.2 If a jury member has a conflict of interest with an applicant, they will be recused from evaluating that particular application and any discussions related to it.
11.3 The NEU Commission organizers will ensure that the jury selection is diverse and impartial, with members who do not have conflicts of interest that could compromise the fairness and integrity of the selection process.
11.4 Any concerns or questions about potential conflicts of interest should be brought to the attention of the NEU Commission organizers for appropriate resolution.
By implementing this rule, the NEU Commission aims to maintain transparency, fairness, and integrity throughout the selection process and avoid any undue influence on the outcome of the open call.

12. Compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

12.1 The NEU Commission is committed to complying with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in handling and safeguarding personal data.
12.2 All personal data provided by applicants will be collected and processed solely for the purpose of the NEU Commission open call.
12.3 The collected personal data will be stored securely and retained only for the duration of the open call and any subsequent administrative requirements.
12.4 Applicants' personal data will not be shared with third parties without explicit consent, except for the purposes directly related to the administration and execution of the NEU Commission open call.
12.5 Applicants have the right to access, rectify, and erase their personal data upon request, in accordance with GDPR regulations.
By participating in the NEU Commission open call, applicants acknowledge and consent to the collection, processing, and storage of their personal data as outlined above, strictly in compliance with GDPR regulations.

13. Modification of These Rules

13.1 The NEU Commission organizers reserve the right to modify these rules if necessary. Any modifications will be announced on the official NEU Commission website and communicated directly to applicants.
13.2 Applicants are responsible for staying informed about any changes or updates to the rules and guidelines.
By submitting an application, applicants acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by the rules and guidelines outlined in this document, as well as any modifications that may occur. The NEU Commission organizers retain the authority to make decisions regarding disqualification and the interpretation of these rules.

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