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Child Labour in Bangladesh

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One of the main causes of child labor in Bangladesh is poverty. Many families in Bangladesh live in extreme poverty and rely on the income that their children generate through work to meet their basic needs. According to UNICEF (2020), 26.673% of all children in Bangladesh live below the poverty line and 46% of working children live below the poverty line.
Firstly, poverty is the main factor, which pushes children to work. The unemployment or low level of income of parents increase the likelihood of children being sent to work as children “have to” contribute to the family income. According to UNICEF (2010), 46% of working children in Bangladesh live below the poverty line with one quarter living in an extreme poverty. Living in poor and extremely poor households, these children are deprived of the basic needs – food, shelter, medical care, sanitation facilities, and drinking water. With the average wage less than $5 a day, parents are forced to send their children to work to have additional financial support to family income [Al Jazeera, 2020]. Children from poor families are more likely to be engaged in child labor than children from non-poor families. Thus, poor living standards and poverty stimulate the use of child labor in Bangladesh.

Children living in households with income below the national poverty line (as a % of all children): 26.673%

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