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Child Labour in Bangladesh

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Lack of Access to Education

Another cause of child labor in Bangladesh is the lack of access to education for many children. Many children in Bangladesh, particularly those from poor and rural families, do not have the opportunity to attend school due to financial constraints or a lack of nearby schools. As a result, they are forced to work in order to support their families.

Main Barriers to Education:

Studies show that children are physically abused by their teachers and that girls are often sexually harassed at school or on their way to school.
Children who have difficulty learning may not receive necessary prioritization and support in classrooms, as the education system continues to be heavily reliant on tests and rote learning.
Lack of schools in the urban slums: Children in slums are at higher risk of not enrolling in primary and secondary school, and when they do, are at a higher risk of dropping out.
The lack of separate sanitary facilities for girls, the lack of ventilation and lighting, etc. Inadequate infrastructure, poor nutrition, and food security all affect learning.
The quality of education is not very good because a third of professors teach without a diploma. Teacher supervision, monitoring, and accountability lack strength.

Education is free in Bangladesh and children between 6 and 10 must attend school. However, out of the 60 million children, half of them grow up in poverty. According to UNICEF, 40% of Bangladesh’s population is children. Statistics indicate that 600,000 are out of school.

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