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Child Labour in Bangladesh

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Demographics have a considerable impact on the existence of child labor in Bangladesh. As stated by the World Bank (2018), almost 63% of Bangladesh’s population lives in rural areas. People of Bangladesh historically and traditionally have been working in agriculture, growing crops like rice and jute, looking after livestock and fisheries. Agriculture is the most important economic sector of Bangladesh that provides workplaces for more than 70% of Bangladesh’s population (World Bank, 2016). It is a custom in Bangladesh to assist parents in agricultural activities, thus, children are a substantial part of labor in rural areas. Due to the fact that the vast majority of rural households depend on income derived from agriculture, the concentration of child workers in rural areas is greater than in urban areas, which means that the demographic situation of Bangladesh impels the child labor.

As stated by the World Bank (2018), almost 63% of Bangladesh’s population lives in rural areas. Agriculture is the most important economic sector of Bangladesh that provides workplaces for more than 70% of Bangladesh’s population (World Bank, 2016). It is a custom in Bangladesh to assist parents in agricultural activities, thus, children are a substantial part of labor in rural areas. Due to the fact that the vast majority of rural households depend on income derived from agriculture, the concentration of child workers in rural areas is greater than in urban areas, which means that the demographic situation of Bangladesh impels the child labor.

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