Out-of-work full time job seekers
Everyone agrees to follow the 3 JSC Principles:
Agree to attend first 10 meetings Shuhari is a Japanese philosophy that describes the stages of learning.
Show respect & take responsibility This community is volunteer-run. Be respectful and take responsibility for creating a positive experience for yourself and your fellow members.
To emphasize this, we ask that all members commit to attending the first 10 meetings. This means that even if a member gets a job before all 10 are complete, they will commit to continue attendance through meeting #10
Weekly meetings for 10 weeks at 10am on Thursday
Importance of asking for help
Asking for help is the core value that drives the benefit of mutual support groups like this. This isn’t just about giving help, which is easy, but the much harder, and important task of “asking”.
What is said and shared here stays here.
Members agree to stay together until everyone has accepted a new offer OR mutually agreed exits.
We also commit ourselves to do the work.
It is essential that everyone is honest. Openness about challenges creates trust, motivation, and accountability.
Zoom for meetings
WhatsApp for asynchronous communication
People who show up regardless of gender, orientation, or job interest Open