Determine the space that you’d like to solve. This usually comes from a market insight that you’d like to uniquely build for.
Within that space, find a group of people who are trying to do something, but currently can’t. Either a solution doesn’t exist at all or there’s a large barrier in the way.
Make a list of people to interview in that target market.
Reach out to them ー make sure there’s a give and an ask.
Create a discussion guide.
Hold the call.
Synthesize the call notes and pull themes.
Bring insights to relevant groups. Rinse and repeat internally.
Keep the interested interviewees informed on progress.
Finding the space
Where is their a current problem
What industry do you currently have knowledge, skills, and abilities in.
Who are your target customers / users?
What to they care about?
What are they trying to do?
What would make them successful?
Contact List
Put together a group of people who you can talk with, better understand, share your concepts, and get feedback from.