Marketing Start Date
Google: 28 March 2023
LinkedIn: 6 April 2023
Facebook: 30 March 2023
End of Run Update
Overall metric:
Summarizing below the movement in metrics post-price revision (i.e. 4 July when marketing was resumed)
Period: 4 July - 25 Aug
Leads: 364
Apps: 75
Paid Apps: 29 (31 including conversions from old leads generated before price revision)
Spend: $29,346
Revenue from incremental PAs: ~ $71K
CAC since price revision: ~41%
21 off 34 overall enrolments (61%) have come from Texas, US. At the application level 61/116 are from Texas
6 off 13 enrolments from SEM NonBrand (46%) are from Texas. At the application level 22/40 are from Texas
4 off 5 SEM Brand enrolments are from Texas. At the application level 10/11 are from Texas
(this is from IC level report created this year)
25th Aug 2023 Update
Overall metric:
We continued to spend only on google search given the good traction.
The program intro video was taken live on the LP on 8 Aug.
At an overall level, we see that 26 off the 32 PAs have an IC created date after 4 July when the marketing was resumed. We were at 4 PAs before price revision, meaning we saw only 2 PAs from the older leads. Rest are all new leads generated at the revised price point.
Summarizing below the movement in metrics post price revision (i.e. 4 July when marketing was resumed)
Period: 4 July - 25 Aug
Leads: 309
Apps: 60
Paid Apps: 26 (28 including conversions from old leads generated before price revision)
Spend: $24,829
Revenue from incremental PAs: ~ $64K
CAC since price revision: ~39%
28th July 2023 Update
Overall metric:
MDR 1 was concluded on 27th July (this is in addition to an MDR in June on the higher price point)
Summarizing below the movement in metrics post price revision (i.e. 4 July when marketing was resumed)
Period: 4 July - 27 July
Leads: 159
Apps: 32
Paid Apps: 10
Pipeline Paid Apps: 12
Spend: $12,208
Revenue from incremental PAs: ~ $23,000
*Note - the metrics above reflect the incremental numbers since marketing was resumed on 4 July, and not necessarily the funnel of the said leads.
14th July 2023 Update
Overall metric:
Marketing was resumed on 4th July post price revision to $2,600
(marketing was paused between 8 June to 3 July owing to poor performance/CAC)
For SEM NonBrand post price revision, C2L improved by +21%
The CPLs (for SEM NonBrand) have started to drop by ~$15 post price revision
No significant rise/fall seen in L2A post price revision yet
1st June 2023 Update
Overall metric:
Previously as on 19th May:
Paid app profiles:
2 PAs — one from facebook and one from google discovery.
Looking at the IC created date, it is seen that one PA was created before price revision and one after. Both though, have converted post price revision.
The PA from social is from the PCHRM campaign as per IC level report, but no such conversions shown in the portfolio report (screenshot below). The channel is currently paused.
1 pipeline PA from ‘school’ has no revenue attributed (not sure why)
Non_brand: $1.5K additional spends, CPL reduction from $180 to $160
Brand CPL improved from 78 to 72 aggregate
LinkedIn — paused due to high CPLs ($215) and low L2A (4.76%)
"rice university hr certification"
"rice professional certificate human resources"
"rice human resources management"
"rice professional certificate human resources management"
"rice university hr bootcamp"
"rice hr bootcamp"
"rice human resources bootcamp"
"rice hr certification"
"rice university human resources certification"
"rice university hrm"
"rice university hr management"
"rice professional certificate in hr management"
"rice hr management certification"
"rice hrm bootcamp"
"rice human resources certification"
Ad Previews:
Non Brand
See that the campaigns are seeing poor conversion rates leading to higher CPLs, for both Texas and RoUS targeting (unlike ‘Rice healthcare’ where Texas is seeing ~$130 avg. CPLs).
The average C2L for bootcamps (Q4) is currently ~7.15%, vs ~4% for this program.
While the CTRs for the campaign are showing good initial numbers (as expected from a Brand campaign), the conversion rate is very poor.
The average C2L for bootcamps for brand campaigns (Q4) is currently ~9.15%, vs ~3.6% for this program.
Leading metrics like CTR, CPL and L2A are currently trending at an average level of what is observed on Facebook (for bootcamps).
Texas standalone is showing poor traction compared to RoUS, and hence has been merged into a single campaign.
Ad Previews:
See that the top/mid funnel metrics viz. CPL and L2A are trending poorer compared to bootcamp programs on average. The metrics in this case are low compared to Facebook as well which is seeing a C2L of 6.14% and L2A of 5.26%.
The channel has currently been paused.
Plausible reasons for things not moving down the funnel:
The program is currently trending at an L2A of 6.05% vs a bootcamp category avg. of 13.5% (Q3+Q4).
This could be on account of Rice not being as popular a brand when compared with our other partner universities.
The program was initially priced at $8,450 - this could be perceived to be high by the audience with many lower priced alternatives available.
The fee has now been reduced by 30% (current price $5,915).
Rice has their own HRM certification product (SHRM) of 3 months duration, priced at ~$1500.
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