23-11 was the only run that performed well in terms of Revenue and CM (Gross $34K).
This was on the back of an affiliate working well, driving ~50% paid apps that run.
The same partner isn’t able to currently drive more lead volume for us.
The affiliate also had a rub-off effect on primary channels like SEM Non-Brand, pushing the L2PA up to 6.5% in the 23-11 run, vs the avg. 1.5% - 2.5% for this program.
Conversion rates - Average L2PA for the program is ~1.5% (ex 23-11 run), vs bootcamp avg of 3.4%.
Pay % is 13% vs bootcamp avg of 26%.
SEM NonBrand - The program ARPU is less compared to our other Bootcamps, but CPLs for SEM trend at the similar level of ~$150, driving the channel CAC high (176% vs BC avg. of 80%)
SEM Brand - The search volume is very low. We only have 17 leads from Brand searches in the 3 runs combined.
Social - We tested social in 23-06, spending ~$13K generating 136 leads at a $98 CPL - which is almost 2x of Bootcamp level average CPL.
L2A was poor here at 2.2% and we saw no paid app conversions.
Non Paid channels - Lead volume is very less. Pay % is also very weak at just ~10% for non-paid channels.
High Withdrawal Rate - The program is currently seeing a 30% withdrawal rate.
Summary (1st and 2nd run)
Between the 1st and 2nd run, we see
- 122% increase in gross revenue
- Gross CM moving from negative to a healthy positive territory (+$35K).
(To be noted that the 1st run started with a higher program price which was later revised down to the current $3,500)
What is working?
SEMhas been the best performing channel for us on the paid front.
- Delivered 57% (8/14) of the overall paid apps in the 1st run
- 40% (10/25) in the 2nd run.
- Moved from -$15K to +$8K gross CM
To maximize performance we have directed spends only on high quality, high intent exact and phrase match keywords.
We saw very good traction from an affiliate channel (impact) in the 2nd run of the program.
Being a low ARPU, niche program, this makes a case for concentrating efforts on identifying similar medium for lead generation and moving away from the traditional, high CAC performance marketing channels like social/discovery/linkedin.
What has not worked, yet!
Google Discovery
Although we see an average L2A conversion rate here (~7%), the CPLs are on the higher side (considering the low ARPU of the program)
We need to generate more leads before taking a conclusive call here on the channel efficacy.
Status as on 8 June’23
We are at 6 paid apps @252% CAC;
Paid App Profiles:
We have gotten 4 PAs from Google non-brand, 1 each from direct and organic
SEM NonBrand: ~9k additional spend, CPL reduction from $175 to $160
Social and other paid remain paused
Geo Expansion:
We started targeting select non-US regions on google search given the significant price reduction in the program. We have gotten 1 PA from this campaign (from Canada) at 115% CAC.
Below is the list of regions currently being targeted:
Status as on 17 May’23
The program is seeing a poor mid/bottom funnel conversion rate
No traction seen on either paid/non-paid channels
Facebook - Targeting and Performance
Audience 1 - Interest
Audience 2 - Education Industry
Audience 3 - Job Titles
Ad previews
Campaign level performance
There are marginal differences (in leading metrics) between the 3 audiences targeted. But none has shown any tangible traction through mid-bottom funnel.
Ad previews
Targeting and Performance
Poor L2A is seen on SEM (high intent keywords) -
Currently trending at 5.3% vs Bootcamp category average of 13.22%
1.Introduction of image extensions in ads
Initial results
CTR improvement observed from 4.42% to 4.84%
CPL drop from $149 to $112
2. Introduction of dynamic keywords
3.Expansion into non-US geographies
Currently being tested in the following regions -
Canada, UK, Philippines, Nigeria, Mexico, Demark, Israel, India (Bengaluru and Pune)
Initial Results