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Journey builds

Use case #1: Encouraging comment engagement and converting commenters into leads

marketing team can create a low-cost offer and a VIP offer to provide people in exchange of their email or phone info and to get them registered on the platform.
Then, we’ll create a journey which will be triggered when people comment on any post. Here’s what the journey will be able to do:
Send them a DM saying we appreciate them commenting and showing love.
Check if they’ve provided their email address or not. If not, give them the offer for their email or phone info.
Check if they comment frequently (5 times in the last 30 days). If so, acknowledge that and give them some kind of VIP offer.
Brand safety settings will make sure commenters enter this journey once per 30 days so that we don’t end up spamming their DMs.
Brand safety will also make sure negative sentiment comments don’t get the DMs.
We now have HubSpot, Klaviyo, and Zendesk integrations. If uses any of these, we can have the emails collected be sent directly to these tools. Alternatively, we can just export the email list from the Audience tab in Scrollmark.

Use case #2: Automating engagement with Mentions and converting them

There are a lot of posts that have tagged and mentioned you. We can ask them if they’d be interested in:
Affiliate or ambassador program (in case is looking to collaborate with influencers)
Listing their watch collection
Buying watches
According to what they select, we can send them a DM sequence to funnel them appropriately.
We can use the same offer as created in first use case to get people to list their collection or start buying watches from the marketplace.

Use case #3: For the younger audience

The 18 to 34 is a younger audience that don't really have watches, or maybe some of them do, but they're really interested in watches.
comment on post to DM - 2.png
Image: Interactive carousel featuring a mix of popular and entry-level luxury watches and infographics on watch market data.
Caption: Swipe through to explore the pulse of luxury watch trends ⌚📊. Are you new to the world of horology or looking to start your collection? Dive into our platform for real-time market insights and curate your future heirlooms.
Start your journey with today. Drop “Start” in the comments below to access premium analytics and start your collection on our platform today.
#StartYourCollection #WatchMarketData
Automated DM: Hey @username! Thank you for your interest in the world of luxury watches. We've got all the insights you need to begin your collection. Mind dropping your email below to get exclusive access to our market analytics tool?
We should send people from this journey directly to the sign up page but since its a popup modal, we cannot do that. Recommendation is to convert the sign up popup into a page with an embedded form.

Use case #4: For the older audience

But the older ones, or maybe even like 27, 28 and above would be basically our target audience to come and buy a watch.
Image: A sophisticated showcase of high-value watches.
Caption: Precision, Prestige, Perfection. Our marketplace is the place to be for enthusiasts seeking to curate, trade, and elevate their watch collection. For the connoisseur within, access our exceptional selection and manage your portfolio with the expertise it deserves.
Are you ready to elevate your collection? DM us “Trade” to start.
#LuxuryWatchTrading #ElevateYourCollection #WatchesIo
Automated DM: Hey @username! We appreciate your taste in horology. is where collectors like you can expand their repertoire. Let’s get you your next extraordinary piece. Mind sharing your email address below to get started?
We should send people from this journey directly to the sign up page but since its a popup modal, we cannot do that. Recommendation is to convert the sign up popup into a page with an embedded form.

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