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Report + More Use Cases | 4.8.24


Total number of engagements


Engagements missing triggers and flows


Engagements ignored due to brand safety settings


Total journey runs
Journey runs
Journey titles
# of triggering engagements
Ignored due to brand safety settings
Journey runs
Conversion rate
Potential Influencer Outreach
VIP Flow
4 people tagged as VIPs
There are no rows in this table

Suggestion: Combining the current live journeys

These two live flows have the same triggers - user comments on a post - and might not work as expected.
When two or more journeys can be triggered by the same triggers, Scrollmark only runs one of them so that the users don't get spammed, don't get sent confusing messages, and too many automated actions aren't taken on your behalf.
As they’re cannibalizing each other, the solution would be to go for the combined journey that we’ve drafted in your account.
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Coming soon: Better ways to set policies around multiple journeys with same triggers which will solve this automatically.

Use case #1: Engagement-focused post + journey

We can create a post which gets engagement and pushes your content beyond current followers.
Something like:
"🎵 Which songs define your style? Comment with the tracks that inspire your looks and we'll feature the most mentioned song in our next exclusive W&H playlist! #SoundOfStyle #WornandHaggard"
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Send an auto-DM to thank people for participating.
We can then curate a Spotify playlist with the top mentioned artists across all comments and share the playlist in a follow-up post.
We can also tag or mention users who contributed to the most popular picks, encouraging them to share the playlist and the original post.

Use case #2: Email capture post + journey

We can create a contest that’s simple to enter and can easily get widespread participation.
Something like:
"📸 Caption This! Drop your best song-inspired caption for this pic in the comments. Let’s see your wit and soul in one line! Plus, we have a special surprise for the featured lyricists. Ready to get lyrical? #WornHaggardLyrics #CaptionContest"

comment on post to DM - 2.png
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Automatically respond to commenters with 9-12 different versions of: "Loved your lyricism! 🎵 Check your DM for a reward that hits the right note."
Send a DM asking for their email address to send a unique 15% off coupon code and a link to the website where they can apply the discount immediately.

Use case #3: Coupon distribution to drive sales

Create a giveaway with the primary goal to convert engagement into sales. Limit the offer to the first 50 commenters to create a sense of urgency, prompting quick action.
"To help you enjoy this summer Americana style, we’re giving 20% off your next W&H piece. Be one of the first 50 to comment 'AmericanaStyle' and we’ll slide into your DMs with an exclusive discount code. Ready, set, rock your style!"
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DM anyone who comments the discount code and tag them. After 50 people get tagged, update the journey to DM the commenters a complimentary 10% off in exchange for their email address.
Track code usage to measure the post's impact on sales.

Let’s jam on social strategy

Happy to go through these suggestions and use cases on a short strategy call and build out the journeys in a done-for-you manner in Scrollmark. - Ateendra

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